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September 29, 2023
April 13, 2015


What is Intellectual Property?

Watch — Everything is a Remix 4 part series, reboot in 2021
Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix | Talk Video |
Copy, transform and combine

Against Intellectual Property - N. Stephan Kinsella - Google Books

Turning a Resource into an Open Educational Resource.webm - Wikimedia Commons

YouTube's Copyright System Isn't Broken. The World's Is. - YouTube copyright law did not catch up
老高陷抄襲爭議,到底該不該道歉?法律怎麼規定呢?【時事評判】 - YouTube

Public Domain

Copyrighted works shall go to Public Domain after a period of time
Not recognized by all jurisdiction

Public domain - Wikiwand
Public domain in the United States - Wikiwand 28 years in 1790 to 95 years in 1998
Public domain
2.3 The Public Domain | Creative Commons Certificate for Educators, Academic Librarians and GLAM

How Disney routinely exerted influence on the US copyright law to keep its greatest asset — Mickey Mouse - Opinions & Blogs News
Will the Disney Copyright for Mickey Mouse Ever End? - art journal

Fair Use

Fair Use copyrighted materials needs to be contented in court upon an infringement claim.
As such its use is catered on a case-by-case basis.

Fair use - Wikiwand
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index
Fair Use | Columbia University Libraries
What is "Fair Use"? - Legal Help
Measuring Fair Use: The Four Factors - Copyright Overview by Rich Stim - Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center

The four factors judges would consider are:

Some recognized fair use: scholarship, education, criticism, review, news reporting, parody, sarcasm.
An other exception is sampling, but the use of copyrighted work shall be de minimus and transformative.

Toward a Fair Use Standard - Wikiwand

Non-human creator

The Latest Challenge to Copyleft » Linux Magazine

Monkey selfie: warring parties reach settlement over court case | Animals | The Guardian
Monkey loses selfie copyright case. Maybe monkey should sue PETA, appeals court suggests. - The Washington Post
Has the Cat Got Your Copyright? The dilemma of animal-created works - The IPKat

吳淡如「電腦繪圖」爭議,人人都是 AI 畫家?著作權如何解?【時事評判】 - YouTube


Moon Channel - YouTube

A Lawyer Explains the PointCrow Takedowns and the Legality of Mods - YouTube
The True Story of Gary Bowser and Nintendo's $14,000,000 Pirate Hunt - YouTube
Why is Nintendo so Overprotective of its Intellectual Property? - YouTube
Why Isn't SEGA Overprotective of its Intellectual Property? - YouTube

Creative Commons

When we share, everyone wins - Creative Commons

Creative Commons license - Wikiwand
Creative Commons Certificate for Educators, Academic Librarians and GLAM

About The Licenses - Creative Commons
About CC Licenses - Creative Commons

Retired Legal Tools - Creative Commons CC licenses without attribution are retired
Retiring standalone DevNations and one Sampling license - Creative Commons

Why Fedora Decided To Give CC0 Licensed Code The Boot | Hackaday

licensing - Why is CC BY-SA discouraged for code? - Open Source Stack Exchange

Open Data Commons

Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 — Open Data Commons: legal tools for open data
Copyright Data, But Do It Right | Hackaday

Open Licenses |

Fine Bros Incident

The Fine Bros Cancel React World, Rescind All 'React' Trademarks - Digg
ReactWorld Reupload - Announcement and Apology (TheFineBros) - YouTube
STICK FIGURES AROUND THE WORLD?!?! (Special Announcement) - YouTube
Update. - YouTube

Oracle v Google

Oracle v. Google | Series | Ars Technica
Oracle’s IP war against Google finally going to trial: What’s at stake – Ars Technica
Google’s copyright win against Oracle is in danger on appeal – Ars Technica

Google and Oracle’s $9 Billion ‘Copyright Case of the Decade’ Could be Headed for the Supreme Court


Statements of Interest
iterating toward openness — pragmatism over zeal – aut inveniam viam aut faciam

The IPKat

Digital Ownership

Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rights

Copyright vs First Sale Doctrine
The IPKat: Nintendo ruling confirmed lex specialis nature of Software Directive:does this have implications for UsedSoft exhaustion?
Digital resale rights in the EU: the state of play | Gamer/Law

Digital Ownership with Chris Groskopf | Software Engineering Daily
Contract law fills the gap where property law couldn't explain things.
mandatory arbitration course

What happens to your Steam account when you die? •
What will happen to my Steam games when I die? - Quora in fact Valve is willing to pass the account of deceased to family member
Microsoft kills game ownership and expects us to smile •

Deadly Arnold Ep. 19: "Age of Ownership - P1 - some thoughts on ownership in the digital era." —
DIGITAL ARNOLD Ep. 20: "Ownership in the Digital Era" part 2 - with visual artist JimmyMIA8 —


Terms of Service; Didn't Read
TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English

Terms of service agreements are destroying the concept of ownership for digital goods — Quartz

Copy Protection

Macrovision: The Copy Protection in VHS - YouTube

Programmers generate every possible melody in MIDI to prevent lawsuits - MusicTech


Intel may have just avoided a costly legal battle - by losing one 30 years ago | TechRadar Alpha-numeric model number cannot be trademarked


Two Bits


The Power of Open


Public Knowledge

Free Culture Foundation

Open Source Initiative

Free Software Foundation


Kirby Ferguson

Creator of Everything is a Remix series

Lawrence Lessig

Copyright activist

remix - Google Search

Writer of