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Generative AI

December 1, 2023
May 8, 2023

Generative Adversarial Network
Generator and Discriminator

What developers need to know about generative AI | The GitHub Blog
How generative AI is changing the way developers work | The GitHub Blog

苹果 M2 Ultra:干翻英伟达!决战 AI 之巅 - YouTube The unified memory on Apple SoC fits transformer models very well

Hung-yi Lee - YouTube

PyTorch Deep Learning Nanodegree: Generative Adversarial Networks

Futurepedia - The Largest AI Tools Directory | Home
有好多好多 AI 工具在這裡,超級 AI 資料庫 Futurepedia 是你想找聊天機器人、繪圖 AI 與生產力 AI 的好去處 - 電腦王阿達

Slide into the Latest Deep Learning Research in the NVIDIA AI Playground | The Official NVIDIA Blog
Generative Adversarial Networks, an overview
The Rise of Generative Adversarial Networks

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - Computerphile - YouTube
Generative adversarial networks: What GANs are and how they've evolved | VentureBeat
“GANs” vs “ODEs”: the end of mathematical modeling?
Generative Adversarial Networks - YouTube
Generative Adversarial Networks - Towards Data Science
Overview of GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) - Part I
Generative Adversarial Networks — Part II - Towards Data Science
InfoGAN — Generative Adversarial Networks Part III - Towards Data Science

A Gentle Introduction to the Progressive Growing GAN

GauGAN Turns Doodles into Stunning, Realistic Landscapes | NVIDIA Blog
Nvidia AI turns sketches into photorealistic landscapes in seconds – TechCrunch
Generative Adversarial Networks – Key Milestones and State of the Art
Reproducing Japanese Anime Styles With CartoonGAN AI
A Gentle Introduction to StyleGAN the Style Generative Adversarial Network

ImagetoCartoon | Cartoonizer & Cartoon Avatar Maker Online Free
Ready to live all your cartoon dreams at a time?

Computer evolves to generate baroque music! - YouTube
How I generated 1000 random faces for my game in Python

naver-ai/c3-gan: Official Pytorch implementation of C3-GAN

AnimeGANv2 - a Hugging Face Space by akhaliq

Google Courses

Google Cloud Skills Boost
Master Gen AI For Free From Google
Google 釋出 7 堂完全免費生成式 AI 課程!也有提供給 AI 小白的入門課 - INSIDE

Introduction to Generative AI | Google Cloud Skills Boost
Attention Mechanism | Google Cloud Skills Boost
Encoder-Decoder Architecture | Google Cloud Skills Boost
Introduction to Responsible AI | Google Cloud Skills Boost

Introduction to Large Language Models | Google Cloud Skills Boost
Transformer Models and BERT Model | Google Cloud Skills Boost

Introduction to Image Generation | Google Cloud Skills Boost
Create Image Captioning Models | Google Cloud Skills Boost


OpenAI is pursuing a new way to fight AI 'hallucinations' process supervision as opposed to outcome supervision

新研究:大模型是「有意識地」一本正經胡說八道嗎? | TechNews 科技新報
[2305.18153] Do Large Language Models Know What They Don't Know?
GPT 總愛「一本正經的胡說八道」怎麼辦?OpenAI 稱找到解決 AI「幻覺」方法 | T 客邦
為什麼 ChatGPT 總是會「一本正經的胡說八道」?瞭解 GPT 語言模型的 6 個缺點與問題 | T 客邦

美律師使用 ChatGPT 寫摘要,被法院揭穿內容全是假 | TechNews 科技新報

3D Photograph

3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting
This AI Creates Beautiful 3D Photographs! - YouTube


MONAI - Home

[2307.15208] Generative AI for Medical Imaging: extending the MONAI Framework
A New AI Research Introduces MONAI Generative Models: An Open-Source Platform that Allows Researchers and Developers to Easily Train, Evaluate, and Deploy Generative Models - MarkTechPost

Text to Image

using Diffusion Models

barcode#Photo QR Code

NovelAI - The AI Storyteller

The best AI art tutorials: how to use text-to-image generators | Creative Bloq
Here's how AI art generators compare | Creative Bloq

【生成式AI】淺談圖像生成模型 Diffusion Model 原理 - YouTube
【生成式AI】Stable Diffusion、DALL-E、Imagen 背後共同的套路 - YouTube

bycloud - YouTube
How AI Image Generators Work (Stable Diffusion / Dall-E) - Computerphile - YouTube
AI Generated Images Are Getting Too Real - YouTube Model mixing, LoRA

Stable Diffusion in Code (AI Image Generation) - Computerphile - YouTube
The Current Absurd State of Generating AI Images - YouTube 2023-09
开源AI社区有多爱苹果电脑? - YouTube Lora LCM improvement on SDXL

AI 召喚師 - YouTube

演算法鬼斧神工,AI 畫作的神來之筆 | TechNews 科技新報
打幾個關鍵字 AI 人工智慧就能幫你畫好,而且還是大師級的作品? | Disco Diffusion 快速上手 - YouTube
「AI 繪畫元年」來了!3 款 AI 繪圖工具:Disco Diffusion、Midjourney、DALL·E 2 有什麼不同? | T 客邦

Meet 'VALHALLA', a Machine Learning Method That can Hallucinate an Image of Written Words, and Then Use It to Help Translate The Text into Another Language - MarkTechPost

NVIDIA's new AI eats words, spits out photos and feels borderline magical - SlashGear nVidia

Disco Diffusion

打三個表情就能畫出世界名畫?大家都在玩的 Disco Diffusion 是什麼


DALL·E mini - a Hugging Face Space by dalle-mini
How DALL-E could power a creative revolution - The Verge
Why The Internet Is Raving About DALL-E Mini, A Free AI Tool That Converts Any Text To Art


Midjourney Quick Start Guide

Midjourney 輸入關鍵字,讓 AI 自動產生出超美圖片(最新 Midjourney V5 效果更好了!) - 電腦王阿達
開箱 Midjourney AI 算圖工具!想讓 AI 畫出習大大、志祺,有可能嗎?《 好奇七七探索日記 》EP 029 |志祺七七 - YouTube
The Ultimate Guide to MidJourney V5 | by Henrique Centieiro | Apr, 2023 | Level Up Coding

Midjourney 玩家進階攻略!專家公開 1200 張以上神奇圖片以及參數大全免費開放取用 | T 客邦
Midjourney 技巧教學-第一課:入門|方格子 vocus

Stable Diffusion

Better than DALL-E, also open source
CompVis/stable-diffusion: A latent text-to-image diffusion model
Stable Diffusion - a Hugging Face Space by stabilityai
Stable Diffusion with 🧨 diffusers - Colaboratory
Stable Diffusion: DALL-E 2 For Free, For Everyone! - YouTube
Google's AI: Stable Diffusion On Steroids! 💪 - YouTube

Stable Diffusion Art - tutorials, prompts, resources
子不語|方格子 vocus
AI 紀行 - 文章列表|方格子 vocus

AI 繪圖「Stable Diffusion」快速上手,Midjourney 的神級勁敵、開箱即用 | T 客邦
Stable Diffusion AI 算圖使用手冊(1-1):這是什麼黑魔術? | T 客邦

Imagen: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models using Stable Diffusion
Google 公開最新圖像生成 AI,輸出結果比 OpenAI DALL-E 2 更好 | iThome
lucidrains/imagen-pytorch: Implementation of Imagen, Google's Text-to-Image Neural Network, in Pytorch
Google’s Imagen AI: Outrageously Good! 🤖 - YouTube

Consistency Models

OpenAI 發表的生成圖片模型 Consistency Models 開源了!比 Diffusion 更快更強 | T 客邦


ControlNet Revolutionized How We Use AI To Generate Images - YouTube use another image as input for pose
How ControlNet v1.1 Is Revolutionizing AI Art Even Further - YouTube

Super resolution/Frame interpolation

Google AI Blog: High Fidelity Image Generation Using Diffusion Models
baowenbo/DAIN: Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation (CVPR 2019)
Boosting Stop-Motion to 60 fps using AI - YouTube
用 AI 把 24 帧动画重制到超清 60 帧,突破次元壁!丝滑流畅…… - YouTube
We Remastered My First Video in 4K! - YouTube

Deep Fake

Deepfake - Wikiwand
'Deep fakes': How to know what's true in the fake-Obama video era - Science News - ABC News
3 startups commercializing Deepfakes media manipulation tech

DeepFakes Explained - YouTube
AI 如何炮制假新闻、假脸、假裸照?万物皆可造假的世界有多危险?How does AI concoct fake news, fake faces, and fake nude photos? - YouTube

Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral) - YouTube

Exploring DeepFakes – Hacker Noon
deepfakes/faceswap: Non official project based on original /r/Deepfakes thread. Many thanks to him!
Inside the world of AI that forges beautiful art and terrifying deepfakes - MIT Technology Review
Topic: deepfakes
宅男福音 deepfakes 开源了 - AI 前线

VoCo. Adobe MAX 2016 (Sneak Peeks) | Adobe Creative Cloud - YouTube
VoCo: Text-based Insertion and Replacement in Audio Narration - YouTube

Episode 67 GAN and Deep Fakes, Part 1 | Malicious Life
Episode 68 Deep Fakes, Part 2: Man Vs. Machine | Malicious Life

Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA)

Overview - C2PA
The future of "truth" on the Internet - YouTube

Lossless Compression

A Deep Learning Approach to Data Compression – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog
Talk on Bit-Swap (Recursive Bits-Back Coding) at ICML 2019 - YouTube

Large Language Model/LLM

Large language model - Wikiwand
"Catching up on the weird world of LLMs" - Simon Willison (North Bay Python 2023) - YouTube
LLM Foundations (LLM Bootcamp) - YouTube

Open LLM Leaderboard - a Hugging Face Space by HuggingFaceH4
Understanding the impact of open-source language models - TechTalks

80分鐘快速了解大型語言模型 (5:30 有咒術迴戰雷) - YouTube

Awesome LLM - Awesome 软件 - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区
Hannibal046/Awesome-LLM: Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
KennethanCeyer/awesome-llm: Awesome series for Large Language Model(LLM)s
awesome-llm: 可能是最全的开源 LLM (大语言模型)整理

Machine Learning Observability Course - Arize AI

Introduction to Large Language Models and the Transformer Architecture | by Pradeep Menon | Medium
How To Chose Perfect LLM For The Problem Statement Before Finetuning

Aviary Explorer compares responses from LLMs
A New Tool for the Open Source LLM Developer Stack: Aviary - The New Stack

The Large Language Model (LLM) Index | Sapling ❗!important
List of Open Sourced Fine-Tuned Large Language Models (LLM) | by Sung Kim | Geek Culture | Medium

Language Models For Software Developers in 17 Minutes - YouTube
Large language models and the rise of the AI code generators | InfoWorld

Jurassic-1 vs GPT-3 vs Everyone Else
AI21's Jurassic-1 is the largest network (178 billion parameters)
Turing NLG, GPT-3 & Wu Dao 2.0: The Who’s Who Of Language Models

Announcing GPT-NeoX-20B | EleutherAI Blog 20 billion parameters

AI Language Models & Transformers - Computerphile - YouTube
GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model - Computerphile - YouTube
ChatGPT with Rob Miles - Computerphile - YouTube
Ch(e)at GPT? - Computerphile - YouTube
Glitch Tokens - Computerphile - YouTube
Bing Chat Behaving Badly - Computerphile - YouTube

Better Language Models and Their Implications
效果惊人的 GPT 2.0 模型:它告诉了我们什么 - 知乎
An AI Wizard of Words | Linux Journal


Sage - Poe integrates multiple LLMs
Phind: AI search engine
Free AI Writing, PDF, Image, and other Online Tools - TinyWow


Transformer (machine learning model) - Wikiwand
Transformers — transformers documentation
Write With Transformer
[1706.03762] Attention Is All You Need Google paper in 2017
Transformer Neural Networks, ChatGPT's foundation, Clearly Explained!!! - YouTube
Deriving the Ultimate Neural Network Architecture from Scratch #SoME3 - YouTube

How do Transformers work?. A bit of Transformer history | by DhanushKumar_idk | Sep, 2023 | Medium
Illustrated Guide to Transformers- Step by Step Explanation | by Michael Phi | Towards Data Science
How to Use Transformer-based NLP Models | Towards Data Science
Machine Learning’s Obsession with Kids’ TV Show Characters | by Catherine Yeo | Towards Data Science
Understanding Transformers in NLP: State-of-the-Art Models
A Complete Learning Path To Transformers (Guide To 23 Architectures)
NLP with Transformers: Introduction | C. B. Ozer | Medium
Navigating Transformers: A Comprehensive Exploration of Encoder-Only and Decoder-Only Models, Right Shift, and Beyond | by Amirhossein Abaskohi | Medium

The Illustrated Transformer – Jay Alammar – Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time.❗!important
The Narrated Transformer Language Model - YouTube

What are Transformer Neural Networks? - YouTube
Attention is all you need (Transformer) - Model explanation (including math), Inference and Training - YouTube

Introduction - Hugging Face NLP Course
🤗 Transformers
huggingface/transformers: 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Language Models For Software Developers in 17 Minutes - YouTube

T5 Text-to-Text Transformer: A Brief Paper Analysis | by Parth Chokhra | Medium

OpenAI Introduces Sparse Transformers for Deep Learning of Longer Sequences
Transformers (formerly known as pytorch-transformers and pytorch-pretrained-bert) provides general-purpose architectures (BERT, GPT-2, RoBERTa, XLM, DistilBert, XLNet…) for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG) with over 32+ pretrained models in 100+ languages and deep interoperability between TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch.

Transformer - YouTube

youtube/Transformers at main · Me163/youtube

Vector Embeddings

database#Vector Database

Vectoring Words (Word Embeddings) - Computerphile - YouTube

Vector Similarity Search: From Basics to Production
Three Pitfalls To Avoid With Embeddings

How vector similarity search works
Leveraging Vector Embeddings and Similarity Search to Supplement ChatGPT’s Training Data - DEV Community

Getting Started With Embeddings Is Easier Than You Think - Arize AI


Hyena 可達到與 GPT-4 同等的準確性,但使用的算力少 100 倍 | T 客邦


LangChain: The Trendiest Web Framework of 2023, Thanks to AI - The New Stack
Unlocking the potential of large language models: Elastic's first code contribution to LangChain | Elastic Blog
LangChain: The Trendiest Web Framework of 2023, Thanks to AI - The New Stack

LangChain tutorial #1: Build an LLM-powered app in 18 lines of code
Understanding the Langchain Framework | by Mehul Gupta | Data Science in your pocket | Sep, 2023 | Medium
LangChain 101 Course (updated). LangChain 101 course sessions. All code… | by Ivan Reznikov | Oct, 2023 | Medium
Breaking the Language Model Barriers with LangChain 🦜️🔗 | by Jayita Bhattacharyya | May, 2023 | Medium

LangChain + Vectara: better together
One-Stop Framework Building Applications with LLMs
LangChain is the Android to OpenAI’s iOS
Unleashing the Power of LLM for Enterprise Applications with LangChain

Hugging Face + Langchain in 5 mins | Access 200k+ FREE AI models for your AI apps - YouTube
Integration Tutorial: How to use LangChain with Apify scrapers - YouTube


How Large Language Models Mimic the Human Translation Process - Slator
Google Explores How Large Language Models Actually Translate - Slator


BERT Explained: State of the art language model for NLP
The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning) – Jay Alammar – Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time.
An In-Depth Tutorial to AllenNLP (From Basics to ELMo and BERT) | Machine Learning Explained
Paper Dissected: "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding" Explained | Machine Learning Explained
从 Word Embedding 到 Bert 模型—自然语言处理中的预训练技术发展史 - 知乎
Demystifying BERT: The Groundbreaking NLP Framework
google-research/bert: TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
Simple BERT using TensorFlow 2.0 - Towards Data Science
Facebook Open-Sources RoBERTa: an Improved Natural Language Processing Model
Google Open-Sources ALBERT Natural Language Model
Rust Artificial Intelligence (The Simple Way) - YouTube rust-bert
BERT: one NLP model to rule them all (Practical AI #22) |> Changelog


Open-Source Bard API is Here
Google Bard AI 聊天機器人全球開放, 9 種案例應用的測試筆記


Anthropic \ Claude 2
free, accept larger amounts of tokens (100k vs 8k for GPT4)

ChatGPT 最大競爭對手 Claude 2 全面升級!功能強大且完全免費,值得一試的三個理由 - 第 1 頁 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網


Google’s Generative AI Platform Is Now Available To Everyone
I built a fullstack PaLM AI app in just 2 minutes - YouTube


全球首個完全開源的大語言模型 Dolly,性能堪比 GPT3.5! | T 客邦


Stability AI Launches the First of its StableLM Suite of Language Models — Stability AI
來自 Stable Diffusion 背後公司的「開源版 ChatGPT」, StableLM 想讓人人都能做自己的 GPT | T 客邦

Mistral AI

The best 7B, Apache 2.0

Mistral AI | Open source models


facebookresearch/llama: Inference code for LLaMA models
Introducing LLaMA: A foundational, 65-billion-parameter language model

Is AI really getting dumber? Llama2 vs GPT-4 - YouTube

Meta’s LLaMA Leaked to the Public, Thanks To 4chan
Leaked LLaMA Unveils the Power of Open Source


Llama Hub

jerryjliu/llama_index: LlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a data framework for your LLM applications

ggerganov/llama.cpp: Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++
LLaMA CPP Gets a Power-up With CUDA Acceleration

sahil280114/codealpaca for code generation like GitHub CoPilot
lxe/simple-llm-finetuner: Simple UI for LLM Model Finetuning



fine tuned LLaMa by Stanford with training and inference cost of only $600

Stanford CRFM
tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca: Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.


Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90%* ChatGPT Quality | LMSYS Org

開源才是未來!300 美元打造的「平價版 ChatGPT」小羊駝真厲害,功力逼近 GPT 3.5 還單卡、手機都能跑 | T 客邦


OpenAI 和 Google 都怕這張「開源笑臉」!作為 AI 界 Github 的 Hugging Face 推進了 AI 的「民主化」 | T 客邦
The Falcon has landed in the Hugging Face ecosystem

An introduction to Hugging Face transformers and pipelines


State of GPT | BRK216HFS - YouTube
State of GPT: OpenAI 大神 Andrej Karpathy 揭秘大模型原理和训练全过程 - 华尔街见闻

OpenAI's GPT-3 was the largest network (175 billion parameters)
OpenAI is bought by Microsoft in 2019
OpenAI's new "dangerous" GPT-2 language model (Practical AI #32) |> Changelog
GPT-3: the gigantic artificial intelligence - Je suis un dev

Unicorn AI - Computerphile - YouTube
More GPT-2, the 'writer' of Unicorn AI - Computerphile - YouTube

I taught an AI to make pasta - YouTube
Demo – InferKit
Train a GPT-2 Text-Generating Model w/ GPU - Colaboratory


xx025/carrot: Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的 ChatGPT 镜像站点,当前 100+站点
ChatGPT 歷史溯源:從 1950 年代講起,談聊天機器人的前世今生 | T 客邦

ChatGPT was based on GPT4
【震撼】chatGPT,一切才剛剛開始,我們要做好準備了 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
一口气搞清楚 ChatGPT - YouTube
ChatGPT 参加北京高考,能考上哪个大学?你能比它分数更高吗? - YouTube
ChatGPT 诞生记:先捞钱,再谈理想| OpenAI 翻身史 - YouTube
詳解 ChatGPT 是怎麼變「聰明」? AI 其實跟你打字預測輸入一樣,這是真智慧還是假智慧?Google 在 AI 戰中大翻車! - YouTube
ChatGPT 如何一本正经地胡说八道?它是怎么变身“懂王”的?【柴司 Chaico】How does ChatGPT talk nonsense seriously? - YouTube

深度体验 GPT-4 加持的 ChatGPT,两个字:逆天-36 氪
人工智能 | ChatGPT & AIGC - YouTube

阿里版 ChatGPT 来了,这次我们让 GPT4 当了裁判!【差评君】 - YouTube
InstructGPT 论文精读【论文精读】 - YouTube


[2205.11916] Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners prompts like "Let's think step by step" (chain of thought prompts) is useful

【必看】解放實力!ChatGPT 全能方法=全知的神 詠唱技巧 論文 功課 報告 文案 - YouTube
lencx/ChatGPT: 🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts: This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
All ChatGPT Prompts in 1 Article. Create Your Perfect ChatGPT Prompt | by Arslan Mirza | Medium | Level Up Coding
不知道怎麼獲得 ChatGPT 更精準、更詳細的回答嗎?35 個萬用公式整理給你 - 電腦王阿達

prompt-engineering-note — 提示工程笔记
Prompt engineering for AI: what is prompt engineering and how to get good results from AI engines - DEV Community
微軟官方親自出教學指南,介紹 Prompt 工程中的一些進階玩法 | T 客邦
我的 ChatGPT 怎麼用總是比別人笨?11 個 GPT 提示詞技巧,最佳化你的問題 | T 客邦
Prompt engineering techniques with Azure OpenAI - Azure OpenAI Service | Microsoft Learn
如何讓 ChatGPT 產出更精確的答案 — 淺談 Prompt Engineering (一)|方格子 vocus
如何讓 ChatGPT 產出更精確的答案 — 淺談 Prompt Engineering (二)|方格子 vocus

Glitch Prompt
GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model - Computerphile - YouTube
ChatGPT with Rob Miles - Computerphile - YouTube
Glitch Tokens - Computerphile - YouTube


Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT: An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.

What is Auto-GPT? Everything to know about the next powerful AI tool | ZDNET

AGI 新纪元:微软 JARVIS 与 Auto-GPT 揭秘,未来智能之门已开 | 回到 Axton - YouTube


ColossalAI/applications/ChatGPT at main · hpcaitech/ColossalAI
Replicate ChatGPT Training Quickly and Affordable with Open Source Colossal-AI



AI Summary

ChatPDF - Chat with any PDF!
ChatPDF 是什麼?免費 ChatGPT 學習神器!無需註冊登記即可試用

【ChatGPT 教學】一鍵秒殺冗長 YouTube 影片、文章 Perplexity AI 配合 Copilot 速效生成摘要 - - 教學評測 - 應用秘技 - D230605

For Coding


StarCoder: A State-of-the-Art LLM for Code