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JavaScript Pipeline (Archives)

September 29, 2023
February 26, 2021

Archived JavaScript Pipeline notes


these are usually embedded in pipelines and we don't use it directly

JavaScript Transpilers: What They Are & Why We Need Them | Scotch

Overview - Editions Editions are the best way to produce and consume the JavaScript packages you care about. With Editions you can produce packages beautifully, and consume packages perfectly.


Babel · The compiler for next generation JavaScript
6.0.0 Released · Babel
Setting up Babel 6 · Babel
The Complete Guide to ES6 with Babel 6
Setting up ES6 | Leanpub
Hail, Babel! The Transpiling Overlord -Telerik Developer Network
A Smart(er) Transpilation Strategy | getiblog

jamiebuilds/babel-handbook: A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
babel-handbook/ at master · jamiebuilds/babel-handbook
Understanding ASTs by Building Your Own Babel Plugin
Writing custom Babel and ESLint plugins with ASTs - Kent C. Dodds

Zero-config code transformation with babel-plugin-macros · Babel
All about macros with babel-plugin-macros 🎣 - Kent C. Dodds

results for babel-plugin
tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver: Custom module resolver plugin for Babel
zloirock/core-js es6 shim used in Babel

  "name": "wsi-viewer",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "bundle.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "browserify src/index.js --debug | exorcist public/ | uglifyjs -cm > public/bundle.js",
    "watch": "watchify src/index.js -d -o public/bundle.js -v",
    "test": "tape test/*.js",
    "coverage": "covert test/*.js"
  "author": "KY LEE <>",
  "browserify": {
    "transform": ["browserify-shim", "babelify"]
  "browserify-shim": {
    "openseadragon": "global:OpenSeadragon"
  "babel": {
    "presets": ["es2015", "react"]
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.1.18",
    "babel-preset-react": "^6.1.18",
    "babelify": "^7.2.0",
    "browserify": "^12.0.1",
    "browserify-shim": "^3.8.11",
    "covert": "^1.1.0",
    "exorcist": "^0.4.0",
    "tape": "^4.2.2",
    "uglify-js": "^2.6.1",
    "watchify": "^3.6.1"
  "dependencies": {}

Closure Compiler

Closure Compiler | Google Developers

Installing the Right Version

JavaScript needs the compile step (on install) | Better world by better software
Precompiled JavaScript | Better world by better software
bahmutov/compiled: Compiles the ES* bundle to your NodeJS version on install


babel/minify: An ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain (beta)
estools/esmangle: esmangle is mangler / minifier for Mozilla Parser API AST
bholloway/esmangleify: A minifier browserify transform using esmangle
UglifyJS — JavaScript parser, compressor, minifier written in JS

terser · JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
terser/terser: 🗜 JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+

Browserify VS Webpack - JS Drama
Webpack and Rollup: the same but different – webpack – Medium
Comparing bundlers: Webpack, Rollup & Parcel – js@imaginea – Medium


From Pika team, no longer maintained

Snowpack - The faster frontend build tool
A Future Without Webpack Pika -> SnowPack
Snowpack vs. webpack - LogRocket Blog 2020-03
Vite vs. Snowpack: A comparison of frontend build tools - LogRocket Blog

Introducing: @pika/pack multiple formats

Starting a New Project
I'm going to give Snowpack a try now ❄️📦 - DEV Community

Snowpack v3.0
Snowpack 3 Build Tool Further Streamlines Modern Front-End Development
Snowpack | CSS-Tricks
Snowpack: An Alternative Build Tool to Webpack | by Nathan Sebhastian | Mar, 2021 | Bits and Pieces
Why and how to use Snowpack instead of webpack - LogRocket Blog

Skypack: search millions of open source JavaScript packages
Streaming Imports use browser package from CDN (Skypack)
Introducing: Pika CDN + Deno - DEV Community

mrkldshv/snowpack-react-tailwind: React + Snowpack + Tailwindcss
Up and running with Snowpack and Svelte in seconds

The Snowpack Plugin Catalog
snowpack-plugin-wasm-pack - npm
build-info like untael/vue-cli-plugin-build-info: A plugin that allows you to see information about the current build.
Creating Your Own Plugin

snowpack lazy loading - Google Search

Pika Dependency Management with Fred Schott - Software Engineering Daily


Webpack does too much magic behind the scene.
The config file syntax has been simplified and docs improved in v2 release. v4 updated API and hence new recommended sets of plugins.
Beware of articles for old version.


Webpack your bags - madewithlove from the first principle
Get to Know Webpack |
Learn Webpack - Best Webpack Tutorials (2020) | gitconnected
webpack for browserify users

Lessons Learned From a Year of Fighting With Webpack and Babel
A Complete Webpack Setup for React - The Startup - Medium

3 ways webpack surprises web developers -
Learn Using Webpack for the First Time – Webpack 4 Fundamentals
The Core Concepts | webpack learning academy
Lessons Learned From a Year of Fighting With Webpack and Babel
Learn Webpack - Best Webpack Tutorials (2019) | gitconnected
Webpack 4: Universal Code Splitting in React… The inventors are back baby!
Setting up webpack 4 for a project - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
An in-depth perspective on webpack's bundling process - JavaScript inDepth 2021-09

GoogleChromeLabs/webpack-libs-optimizations: Using a library in your webpack project? Here’s how to optimize it

SurviveJS - Webpack
Webpack - From Apprentice to Journeyman
Webpack - From Journeyman to Master
Re-imagining Webpack
Webpack your bags - madewithlove 2015

How to boost the speed of your webpack build? - DEV Community

Backend Apps with Webpack (Part I)
Backend Apps with Webpack: Driving with Gulp (Part II)
Live Editing JavaScript with Webpack (Part III)

OSCON 2014: How Works; Pete Hunt - YouTube

Using ES6 and ES7 in the Browser, with Babel 6 and Webpack
Webpack Made Simple - Building ES6 & LESS w/ autorefresh
liady/webpack-node-externals: Easily exclude node modules in Webpack

Webpack — The Confusing Parts — Medium

Minimal webpack.config.js:

var webpack = require("webpack");
var path = require("path");

var BUILD_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, "src/client/public");
var APP_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, "src/client/app");

var config = {
  entry: APP_DIR + "/index.jsx",
  output: {
    path: BUILD_DIR,
    filename: "bundle.js",

module.exports = config;

Adding loader:

var config = {
  // Existing Code ....
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.jsx?/,
        include: APP_DIR,
        loader: "babel",


webpack-contrib/awesome-webpack: A curated list of awesome Webpack resources, libraries and tools

Webpack Visualizer
webpack-contrib/webpack-bundle-analyzer: Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap


this is kept for archival purposes as there are now better tools

substack/browserify-handbook (builtins)

# export `require()` in browser and the module 'slugger'
browserify -r ./lib/slugger:slugger > static/bundle.js

UMD builds
Forbes Lindesay — Standalone Browserify Builds

# can now use require.js/<script> to load `bundle.js`
browserify -s ./index.js > dist/bundle.js

Build for Node

browserify --node ./index.js > dist/bundle.js

Getting Started with Browserify | Scotch
Cross platform JavaScript with Browserify - Sharing Code Between Node.js and the Browser - codecentric Blog : codecentric Blog
How to work with Browserify?

browserify for webpack users



How Browserify Works
Introduction to Browserify • Blake Embrey
substack/browserify-handbook (how browserify works)
substack/browserify-handbook (bundling)
Browserify V2 and You (nix) on Vimeo

option passing

substack/node-browserify browser-field in pacakge.json
substack/browserify-handbook (package.json)
substack/subarg: parse arguments with recursive contexts


browserify -t [ foo -v --bar=555 ] main.js


var bundler = browserify("main.js");

bundler.transform("foo", {
  v: true,
  bar: 555,

var bundler = browserify({ debug: true });



"browserify": {
  "transform": [
        "v": true,
        "bar": 555


substack/node-browserify (transforms)
substack/browserify-handbook (transforms)
list of transforms · substack/node-browserify Wiki
npm browserify-transform


The ordering of transforms matters, run babelify first since transforms doesn't understand ES6:

  "browserify": {
    "transform": [


substack/node-browserify (plugins)
substack/browserify-handbook (plugins)
npm browserify-plugin

browserify for webpack users using cssify


Matt-Esch/virtual-dom: A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm
substack/hyperx: tagged template string virtual dom builder
substack/hyperglue: update html elements by mapping query selectors to attributes, text, and hypertext


substack/insert-css: insert a string of css into the

davidguttman/cssify: Simple middleware for Browserify to add css styles to the browser. using css-module
css-modules/css-modulesify: A browserify plugin to load CSS Modules

stackcss/sheetify: Modular CSS bundler for browserify
stackcss/css-extract: Extract CSS from a browserify bundle create a .css file


mattdesl/budo: a dev server for rapid prototyping
andyinabox/budo-demo: A tool for quickly building budo projects
joseluisq/node-random-strings-demo: Random strings demo using Budo + Browserify
css-modules/browserify-demo: A working demo of CSS Modules, using css-modulesify using budo
mattdesl/garnish: prettifies ndjson from wzrd and similar tools Prettifies ndjson or bole logs from budo, wzrd and other tools.


browserify tools · substack/node-browserify Wiki
npm browserify-tool

lazy loading

Journey from RequireJS to Browserify - Esa-Matti Suuronen
A Journey From Require.js to Browserify – Oren Farhi – Thoughts On Javascript and Development
Asynchronous module loading with Browserify - Esa-Matti Suuronen

Browserify, why and how? External & require

niksy/browserify-require-async: Browserify transform to handle require.async calls.
substack/factor-bundle: factor browser-pack bundles into common shared bundles
arian/partition-bundle: A browserify plugin to partition your modules in different bundles




B E E F Y | a tiny browserify server



React Live Demo
FormidableLabs/react-live: A production-focused playground for live editing React components
FormidableLabs/component-playground: A component for rendering React components with editable source and live preview

A Minimal Example of HMR in a Redux Application | Toptal


Use thlorenz/browserify-shim to wrap non-CommonJS library to make them require()-able

substack/browserify-handbook (browserify-shim)
browserify shim recipes · thlorenz/browserify-shim Wiki

  // using different files for browser
  "browser": {
    "jquery": "./js/vendor/jquery.js"
  // configure require-mapping
  "browserify-shim": {
    "jquery": "global:$"
    "three": "global:THREE"

jQuery will be bundled in bundle.js; and you are supposed to include three.js in HTML.

BROWSERIFYSHIM_DIAGNOSTICS=1 browserify -d . -o js/bundle.js


watchify wrapped browserify is as good as browserify

var b = browserify(opts);
if ( {
  b = watchify(b);

gulp/ at master · gulpjs/gulp

dynamic requires

javascript - Compiling dynamically required modules with Browserify - Stack Overflow




how I write tests for node and the browser

Test in headless browser:

$ browserify test/beep.js | testling


$ browserify -t coverify test/*.js | node | coverify


Online Conversion

Browserify-CDN official
Browserify CDN