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September 29, 2023
June 12, 2019

Makeblock - Wikiwand
Makeblock: Global STEAM Education Solution Provider
Makeblock HK | STEM Education Robotics Platform
Makeblock 官网-全球 STEAM 教育解决方案领导者
軟體下載 · Issue #1 · MakeblockMacau/Reference

STEAM Kits | Makeblock – Let Creation Be a Way of Life

Student E-learn | Makeblock HK


makeblock 旗舰店-天猫
首页-makeblock 咖咖创客专卖店-天猫
首页-Maker 体验店-淘宝网
makeblock 兼容系列-HoneySense(和信创客)makerclock 兼容 makeblock-淘宝网 Makeblock compatible
首页-小氪机器人官方店-淘宝网 Makeblock compatible

Makeblock internal

Makeblock-official/Makeblock-Libraries: Arduino Library for Makeblock Electronic Modules, learn more from Makeblock official website doc
Learning Arduino Programming – Open-source Arduino Robot Building Platform|Makeblock Learning Resource

xeecos/python-for-mbot: A Python interface to control and communicate with mBot robot kit

Interactive MBot With JavaScript: 4 Steps

Getting Started: Wire up Your Creation - Makeblock
Advanced Makeblock Sensors (DIY): 32 Steps (with Pictures) !important
Me RJ25 Adapter - Makeblock

mBot Serial Port Protocol - Makeblock

Port Coloring:

Red: Output voltage of Vin (6-12 Volt), one or two digital ports.
Black: Single analog port or two analog ports.
Blue: Two digital ports.
Yellow: Single digital port.
White: I2C Port
Grey: Hardware serial port.

RJ25 Dupont Cable Coloring:

blue SCL I2C clock bus
yellow SDA I2C data bus
green GND Grounding
red VCC 5 Volt
black S1 Digital/analog port
white S2 Digital/analog port


mCore - Makeblock
mCore – Open-source Arduino Robot Building Platform|Makeblock Learning Resource

mCore board is used by mBot


Port_1    { 11 , 12 } = RJ25 port 1
Port_2    {  9 , 10 } = RJ25 port 2
Port_3    { A2 , A3 } = RJ25 port 3
Port_4    { A0 , A1 } = RJ25 port 4
Port_5    { NC , NC }  (Not Connected)
Port_6    {  8 , A6 } = Buzzer, Light sensor
Port_7    { A7 , 13 } = Button, two WS2812 LEDs
Port_8    {  8 , A6 } = Buzzer, Light sensor
Port_9    {  6 ,  7 } = PWM motor 2, DIR Motor 2
Port_10   {  5 ,  4 } = PWM motor 1, DIR Motor 1

2   = IR Receiver
3   = IR emitter LED
5   = light sensor
13  = Blue LED


Makeblock Orion - Makeblock
Makeblock Orion | Makeblock HK
Makeblock 電子模組手冊-Makeblock Orion - 軟硬體開源區 - 圓創力科技.MakeBlock TW -

Orion board is used by mBot Start and mBot Ultimate
It is also known as Baseboard
Why Baseboard is Better? - YouTube


Robot Kits for Kids : mBot | Makeblock - Global STEAM Education Solution Provider
mBot – Open-source Arduino Robot Building Platform|Makeblock Learning Resource
mBot Docs · GitBook mBlock 5

值得拥有——mBot 机器人正式版开箱评测(2.4G 版本) | mBot 机器人学习中心
让每一个孩子拥有自己的机器人——mBot 开箱评测 - 模型手办 - Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验
mBot 怎么玩?mBot 官方中文说明书,mbot 中文使用手册 - Makeblock
mBot Tutorials - GitBook
Cheat Sheet / Getting started - mBot (more) - General Discussion - Makeblock Forum

mBot 教育资源页 - makeblock education
home - makeblock education

Technology-at-school/Robots/Makeblock at master · Tauvic/Technology-at-school
機器人齊步走 mBlock5 mbotver8探奇邱信仁
2017 探奇 mBot mblock 機器人齊步走 15 小時課程講義 v7
[mbot] 我的 mbot 教學記錄 II (2018~已完成) @zfang の科學小玩意 !important
[合集] mBot 教學 - makeblock education 吳錫修 !important, 2018 version
Programming With Scratch X for Makeblock MBot : 4 Steps

mBot - YouTube 粤語
Makeblock - mBot 小學堂珊子姊姊教學影片 - YouTube
Makeblock Inventor Kit: STEM project 搭建示範 - YouTube
mBot 教學影片 - YouTube
mBot Tutorials - YouTube

進學國小資訊組 - mBot 如何使用 Gyroscope (陀螺儀) 自行走直線 + Micro:bit

【SE 組裝教學】亞洲機器人大賽 mBot CNY70 組裝 - YouTube

Codey Rocky

程小奔机器人介绍程小奔机器人拆解评测入门编程使用指南-Makeblock Codey Rocky
编程机器人程小奔有什么新功能?程小奔可编程益智机器人评测 - makeblock