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September 29, 2023
June 10, 2023


Metrology and Manufacturing - YouTube

制造原理 - YouTube
了不起的中国制造了 - YouTube 网易文创

【隱形工廠|戶外教學】 - YouTube
超認真少年 Imserious 隱形工廠 - YouTube

How Do You Steer a Drill Below The Earth? - YouTube Horizontal Directional Drilling

【隱形工廠】1 台車床抵 6 間工廠 車床基礎介紹 傳統車床 CNC 油順精密【超認真少年】Taiwan lathe history (traditional lathe , CNC, DMG MORI ) - YouTube
車床 折床 銑床 你沒看過的「拉床」!【超認真少年】SUPER RARE!!Broach Machine - YouTube
認識 CNC 基礎教學!開箱德國上億元神獸級 CNC! 台中精機【隱形工廠】What's CNC? - YouTube

《伟大的制造》第一季 - YouTube
《伟大的制造》第二季 - YouTube
潮玩是艺术还是智商税?揭秘盲盒工厂!《伟大的制造》【亚军频道】 - YouTube

Factory Tours - YouTube Gamers Nexus

How Raspberry Pis are made (Factory Tour) - YouTube

Checking on my Investment in Person - Framework Laptop Factory Tour - YouTube
I made my own RAM! - Micron Factory Tour - YouTube

Smarter Every Day
The Mind-Blowing Machines that Stamp Millions of Metal Parts - Smarter Every Day 288 - YouTube progressive metal stamping, vs transfer die
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)

Why Hong Kong uses bamboo scaffolding, and meet the spider-men who climb it: a visual explainer