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September 29, 2023
September 12, 2018

Micro:bit Educational Foundation | micro:bit
Micro Bit - Wikiwand

carlosperate/awesome-microbit: A curated list of BBC micro:bit resources.
Welcome to micro:mag - micro:mag

v1.5, 43x52mm, with builtin:

bbcmicrobit/hardware: Hardware designs for the BBC micro:bit
Micro:bit Hardware
micro:bit Power Consumption |

Getting Started with micro:bit - YouTube by SparkFun
micro:bit Tutorial Series - YouTube
智能学习-micro:bit 开发板

Bitty Software
IchigonQuest for micro:bit - YouTube

micro:bit Power Consumption |

microbit & accessories from Kitronik
Micro:bit 技術發展歷程觀察 – circuitcellar


micro:bit pins

Edge Connector Data Sheet
Note different pins have different pull up/down resistance
Using shared pins will trigger unexpected behaviors. Avoid them if possible.

Power Supply
max input current: 120mA
power usage: 30mA
max current for pins: 90mA

BBC micro:bit pinout - Espruino
micro:bit Analog Inputs | The Meandering Pi and Friends using 1.2V as reference for ADC

micro:bit IoT In C - First Steps With The GPIO

吉哥的分享 - micro:bit 的 P0 腳位按法 the touch sensor response to touch and remove, do not touch and hold



Intro to CS - Microsoft MakeCode !important, 14 week Introduction to Computer Science course
From Getting Started to Games - starting Computer Science with the BBC micro:bit | micro:bit
Physical Computing with the Micro:Bit 10 Lesson Unit on Physical Computing with the Micro:Bit
microbit for primary schools – Schemes of work, lesson plans and resources for teachers
Lessons - Microsoft MakeCode
hastklass micro:bit of Things

Coding Environment

Let's Code | micro:bit Web Editors

.hex file format

Intel HEX - Wikiwand

.HEX file format
Python source code is embedded at address 0x3E000, source code in the above link.

Locking and unlocking Makecode Editor .hex files : Support
pxt/ at 437f53ca6311335c7f3f75a062ec1079b4e7806a · Microsoft/pxt · GitHub
JavaScript source is embedded as JSON at 0x20000000.
Locking and unlocking Javascript Blocks Editor .hex files : Support

Intel HEX file Viewer
bialix/intelhex: Python IntelHex library
nrf-intel-hex | Yet another parser for “Intel HEX” files. JavaScript


Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit
Reference - Microsoft MakeCode
Valid JavaScript can also be converted to blocks

Device - Microsoft MakeCode

In JavaScript mode, the left panel have an "Explorer" tree in which you can see the source code of the modules (built-in and external) used in project. You can even delete Block mode in "Explorer".

Microsoft/pxt-microbit: A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit built on Microsoft MakeCode

Micro:bit offline App

真·Makecode 离线版本下载,串口演示教程(201811111 更新 3.4 版本) - Micro:bit&Robot:bit - Kittenbot 小喵科技——专注图形化编程教育 - Powered by Discuz!

When you share the project, an unique ID will be generated:

The ID can be used to embed the simulator in web site.

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:81.97%;overflow:hidden;">
    sandbox="allow-popups allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin"


Microsoft/pxt: Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
Microsoft/pxt-microbit: A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit built on Microsoft MakeCode
pxt-microbit - npm

also depends on C Runtime

kadok0520/pxt-microbit - Docker Hub
趣味の電子工作: chibi:bit (micro:bit)の PXT 開発環境(Microsoft Make Code)を自宅に構築する

Extensions (libraries)

MakeCode extensions

shaoziyang/microbit-lib: all kinds of microbit python drives, libs, examples, etc.
lioujj / Repositories

Microsoft/pxt-neopixel: A Neo-Pixel package for pxt-microbit
Microsoft/pxt-sonar: A Microsoft MakeCode package to handle sonar sensors and pings
philipphenkel/pxt-powerfunctions: MakeCode package that turns your micro:bit and Calliope-Mini into a remote control for LEGO Power Functions
Microsoft/pxt-bluedot: A PXT package to support the BlueDot app - beta
Tinkertanker/pxt-oled-ssd1306: Tinkercademy MakeCode package for using the SSD1306 OLED controller with micro:bit
sparkfun/pxt-gamer-bit: SparkFun gamer:bit package for Microsoft MakeCode - beta

microbit-lib/lcd/I2C_LCD1602 at master · shaoziyang/microbit-lib


BBC micro:bit - Espruino

Another JavaScript runtime, no block programming support


Scratch - micro:bit
首页 - Mind+ 重装归来 - Mind+官网

Scratch cards for micro:bit | micro:bit
EduMakerLab STEAM 實驗室: 小玩 Scratch 3.0 之 micro:bit 篇
Micro:bit Scratch 課程系列介紹 :: Microbit & STEAM Shop


MicroPython API is synchronous and do not implement all of Python 3's feature

Micro:bit - Python editor
Mu editor(Micropython)-Kittenbot

BBC micro:bit MicroPython documentation
whaleygeek/microbit_python: Various micro:bit python code examples

Tour of MicroPython on BBC micro:bit with Tony D! @micropython @microbit_edu - YouTube
MicroPython on the micro:bit in 60 minutes - RARESchool


MicroBlocks: Small, Fast, Human Friendly

Over serial/network

Serial - Microsoft MakeCode
How do I use the serial port on Windows : Support
Mbed OS Documentation | Tutorials

The micro:bit should show up as /tty/USB* or /tty/ACM after plugging-in.
Add your user to the group of the device, e.g. sudo usermod -G dialout -a ${USER}
Baud rate: 115200, 8N1

吉哥的分享 - micro:bit 數字鋼琴
吉哥的分享 - 序列埠和 micro:bit 溝通

That IoT Thing: Pairing a BBC micro:bit with a Raspberry Pi using BlueZ
Raspberry 樹莓派 & Micro:bit :: Microbit & STEAM Shop

C runtime

Used by upper layers, you can also use it directly.

micro:bit runtime
lancaster-university/microbit basic wrapper around the DAL

micro:bit IoT In C
Micro:bit Programs
Programming using C/C++ (Offline IDE Setup) | BBC Microbit -

Home | Mbed
Free open source IoT OS and development tools from Arm | Mbed
yotta Documentation - yotta

QEMU 4.0 adds micro:bit emulation support - QEMU


therealprof/microbit: A Rust crate for BBC micro:bit development
Rust on BBC micro:bit using Windows • Flames of Code

Arduino IDE

sandeepmistry/arduino-nRF5: Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
Overview | Micro:bit with Arduino | Adafruit Learning System

08 利用 Blynk APP 控制 - 阿玉 micro:bit 研究區
24 Micro:bit with Arduino - 阿玉 micro:bit 研究區

Updating Firmware

Firmware | micro:bit
Troubleshooting downloads with WebUSB - Microsoft MakeCode
DAPLink on micro:bit (KL26Z) | Mbed

Android test apps

How to pair your BBC micro:bit with an Android phone or tablet - YouTube

micro:bit Blue - Apps on Google Play

bitty blue - Apps on Google Play
Bitty Software


Networking with the micro:bit - Nominet

Extension boards

microbit 转接板 microbit 扩展板 IOBIT KittenBot 小喵科技-淘宝网 v1 ¥29 (¥20.3), KittenBot, 20pins x 3, micro USB power, buzzer, LEGO compatible

micro:bit 能量魔块扩展板 Armourbit 图形编程 兼容乐高 小喵科技-淘宝网 ¥139, KittenBot, 20pins x 8, 4pins PH 2.0 x 7, PH2.0 3-3.7V power, buzzer, LEGO compatible

micro:bit 转接板 micro:bit 扩展板 IOBIT ittenBot 创客教育套件-淘宝网 ¥28 (¥18), HJduino, 20pins x 3, micro USB power, buzzer, LEGO compatible, ~= KittenBot IOBIT v1

Micro:bit 3V 传感器扩展板 Sensor:bit-淘宝网 ¥49.9 (¥39.9), ElecFreaks Sensor:bit, 20pins x 3, buzzer, separate i2c pins, LEGO compatible

BBC micro:bit GPIO 扩展板 B 直接插入方便使用-淘宝网 ¥14.85, 20pins face up, with 6+4 crocodile clip pins

微雪 micro:bit 接口扩展板 microbit 转接板 IO 扩展板 模块-淘宝网 ¥44.5, 20pins x 2, with 3+2 crocodile clip holes

micro:bit GPIO 扩展板 micro:bit 创客教育 Python 编程开发板-淘宝网 ¥35, 13+8pins face up, with 9+2 crocodile clip pins

【YwRobot】英国 BBC Micro:bit 金手指扩展板转接板 Breakout MINI-淘宝网 ¥15, 13pins face up/down/side

Microbit 开发板扩展板 Python 编程创客教育 micro:bit 转接板 T 型-淘宝网 ¥24.9, T-shaped for breadboard, mini USB in, 5V out
【YwRobot】英国 BBC Micro:bit 扩展板 主板转接板面包板 Breakout-淘宝网 ¥32.76, T-shaped for breadboard, 20pins face up, with crocodile clip pins
micro:bit T 型扩展板转接头 板载接口 micro:bit 全兼容 Python 编程-淘宝网 ¥23, T-shaped for breadboard, Keyes Red
Micro:bit GPIO 扩展板 Breakout 转接板拓展板 microbit 亚博智能-淘宝网 29.5, pins face down for breadboard

DFROBOT 出品 Micro:Mate——超迷你的 micro:bit 多功能 I/O 扩展板-淘宝网 DFRobot Micro:Mate

microbit Octopus:bit 八爪鱼拓展板 breakout board Micro:bit-淘宝网 ¥83.90, Elecfreaks Octopus:bit

BBC Micro:bit 扩展板 microbit 转接板拓展板 DIY 智能小车 亚博-淘宝网 ¥117.39, 亚博 Bitbot

Micro:bit 扩展板 积木电机舵机开发驱动板套件 microbit 传感器 GPIO-淘宝网 ¥99, 亚博 Super:bit

micro:bit 扩展板 microbit 中小学入门 Robotbit V2.1 Python 编程-淘宝网 ¥99, Robot:bit

MBot 拓展板 Micro:bit 电机扩展板-淘宝网 ¥190.9 Elecfreaks Robit

Micro:bit Elecfreaks motor:bit Microbit 电机驱动板 扩展板-淘宝网 ¥89.90, Elecfreaks motor:bit

Microbit Micro:bit 扩展板机器人/品牌原装 Python 编程创客教育-淘宝网 ¥111.6, LOBOT

microbit 可编程电子积木/DaDa:bit 套件/创客教育 micro:bit 机器人-淘宝网 ¥122, LOBOT

Microbit Micro:bit 机器人扩展板 Magishield 青少年创客教育-淘宝网 ¥129, Magishield


欢迎来到 Kittenbot 的文档与教程 — kittenbot docs 文档

Micro:bit 教程汇总目录(20180710 更新) - Micro:bit&Robot:bit - Kittenbot 小喵科技——专注图形化编程教育 - Powered by Discuz!
Micro:bit&Robot:bit - Kittenbot 小喵科技——专注图形化编程教育 - Powered by Discuz!

Box sets

All of these are rip-offs

智能学习-micro-bit 套件
Micro:bit Microbit 入门初学者套件 Python 图形编程 中小学教育 天猫
Micro:bit 开发板扩展板 青少年入门套件 图形编程 microbit 转接板-淘宝网


Projects - Microsoft MakeCode
The BBC micro:bit , lesson packs and accessories – ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd

BBC micro:bit | Free Platform for Coding, Making and Inventing | Make | Tech Will Save Us
BBC micro:bit | Micro BMO | Free Platform for Coding, Making and Inventing | Make | Tech Will Save Us
BBC micro:bit | Micro Pet | Free Platform for Coding, Making and Inventing | Make | Tech Will Save Us
Math Training Thru Micro:bit Icons (ClientVersion) -

BBC micro:bit | 101 Computing

Micro:bit - Getting Started — UCL BBC micro:bit tutorial MicroPython, good tutorial on built-in sensors

micro:bit - Maker Education
Microbit Project Ideas - YouTube
jffwferq (my scripts) - BBC micro:bit
智能学习-micro-bit 套件
智能学习-Mirco:bit 智能小车 h0zd
micro:bit | Tutorials -

Micro:Bit 手柄试用+DF 电机驱动板体验:红汽车新生记(另附.....—Micro:bit 论坛—DF 创客社区 - Fix BlockyTalky clashing with MagicPad

classic beatbox - Microsoft MakeCode

ElecFreaks Blog
How To Make A Six-feet Micro:bit Insect - Blog


Microbit Example |
阿玉 micro:bit 研究區
阿玉 MAKER 研究區(2018 年版)
嘰哩呱啦 ACE (2 代)
擁有英國血統!BBC 強打的 Micro Bit!不容錯過!-INPLUS

25 上音樂課了 - 阿玉 micro:bit 研究區
29 電流急急棒 - 阿玉 micro:bit 研究區

micro:bit plant water pump - YouTube
Make Your BBC Micro:Bit Talk Using MicroPython - micro:bit Projects
Speech — BBC micro:bit MicroPython documentation

micro:bit - SparkFun Electronics
Microbit 自动浇水套件水泵灌溉浇花模块土壤湿度检测自动 DIY 套装-淘宝网 ¥88
Microbit 机器人套件/扩展板机械臂小车 Armbit/小 R 科技创客教育-淘宝网 ¥478
Micro:bit 智能小车机器人套件 Microbit 图形化编程开发板 STEM 亚博-淘宝网 ¥228, 亚博 board
Qbit/micro:bit 创客教育套件 microbit 编程机器人平衡小车 LOBOT-淘宝网 ¥279.84, balance car, LOBOT board
BBC micro:bit 小车 Ringbit car 迷你智能小车 智能机器人-淘宝网 ¥138, servo as motor

智能学习-Mirco:bit 智能小车 ¥228/¥330
智能学习-HelloBot 机器人

首页-KittenBot-淘宝网 expensive
Kittenbot Home
2. Robotbit V2.0 详解 — kittenbot docs 文档
micro:bit Robotbit LEGO 乐高 伺服电机 舵机 makecode 编程 四个-淘宝网


Calliope mini is a micro:bit compatible board pushed by German government

CALLIOPE | About mini
The Little Computer That Could
Introducing the Calliope mini - YouTube


An ESP32-Based Micro:bit Clone – Hackster Blog
BPI-UNO32 - Banana Pi Wiki