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Net Neutrality

September 29, 2023
February 27, 2015

Net Neutrality rules by FCC was not applicable to ISPs, who content that they are not "common carriers" (aircraft, telecom, carrier services).
Since it takes enormous amount of investment to dig the ground and lay the cables, ISP market has an inherently high entry barrier. This promote the formation of monopoly.
Some analogues the ISP market with the electricity market where providers should focus on providing bits/watts irregardless of how they are consumed by the subscriber.

Net Neutrality in the US: Now What? - YouTube
{% youtube NAxMyTwmu_M %}

Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality - YouTube
{% youtube wtt2aSV8wdw %}

What's the Deal with Net Neutrality? - YouTube
{% youtube uw-4pMdbbmg %}

H.I. #12: Hamburgers in the Pipes — Hello Internet at 44:30

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Save the Internet | Free Press
Webmaker Training: Teach the Web | | Concepts
Effects of Net Neutrality- Continued | GRAYBOX

What is a Common Carrier? | TechStuff 2015
Revisiting Net Neutrality | TechStuff 2017
Why is There a Battle Over Net Neutrality? | Stuff You Should Know 2017
Common Carrier legal definition of Common Carrier

How the ‘Net works: an introduction to peering and transit | Ars Technica