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React Native

November 26, 2023
June 10, 2023

Learn once, write anywhere.

Write React JSX and deploy to iOS and Android.
React Native Β· Learn once, write anywhere

Home - Proton Native - React Native for the desktop, cross compatible

infinitered/ignite: Infinite Red's cutting edge React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more!

Understanding React Native Architecture - DEV Community 2020-08
React Native New Architecture - What to Expect? | LITSLINK Blog 2020-10
Announcing React Native 0.62 with Flipper Β· React Native
Should you keep faith with React Native? - LogRocket Blog 2021-11, 0.67
Exploring React Native's new architecture - LogRocket Blog 2022-04, TurboModule and Fabric Renderer

The Pros and Cons of React Native App Development | AltexSoft
What I’ve Learned Building 4 React Native Apps Over 3 Years
React Native FAQ - Red Shift
Things about React Native I found the hard (but rewarding) way
Should you keep faith with React Native? - LogRocket Blog

State of React Native 2018 Β· React Native addressed most of Airbnb's issue
Performance Calendar Β» React Native – Sync & Async Rendering Performance
I think about this article a lot... - YouTube Theo's reaction in 2023

Free React Native Workshop - YouTube
React Native Crash Course | Build a Complete App - YouTube

necolas/react-native-web: React Native for Web
Overview | Getting started - Page β‹… Storybook
React-Native-Web: A Brief Introduction - Codersera
React Native Web Vs React - A Comparison Guide For 2020 - Codersera
NativeScript vs React Native: Comparison for Native Mobile Development | LITSLINK Blog

How to Make Your First React Native App - Flatlogic - Medium
Creating a resume builder app in React Native - LogRocket Blog

A Definitive React-Native Guide for React Developers | @RisingStack
React-Native Guide for React Developers - Part 2 | @RisingStack

Deco - React Native IDE - Open Source Learning Facebook shares it creation of F8app

Metro | Metro
facebook/metro: πŸš‡ The JavaScript bundler for React Native.
Lazy Bundle Loading in React Native πŸ”₯ – React Native Training – Medium
ncuillery/rn-diff: Easier React Native upgrades by clearly expose changes from a version to another.

Use React Native: site and newsletter
A Deep Dive into React Native
React Native and the New Dream of Learn Once, Write Anywhere - The New Stack
First Impressions using React Native - James Long
Introducing React Native: Building Apps with JavaScript
React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
zmxv: What I learned from building a React Native app
Why React Native is Different
Going mobile with React Native - React Kung Fu
React Native Fabric - Why Am I So Excited? | QED42
I picked up React Native as a web developer and here's what I've learned - DEV Community πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
6 things to consider before you start with React Native
Six crucial tips for becoming a better React Native developer - SD Times

Build Mobile-Friendly Web Apps with React Native Web ― Scotch
One Day with React Native for Android - Corbt blog
Libraries I Use in a Production React Native App - Corbt blog
5 ways we improved our React Native app – Hacker Noon
How to improve React Native list performance 5x times
Speed up your React Native app using this react-navigation hack
React Native Performance: Do and Don't –

AsyncDisplayKit | A UI Framework for Effortless Responsiveness used in iOS
Super Cool Material UI components in React Native! – Victor K Varghese – Medium

infinitered/reactotron: A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.


Out-of-Tree Platforms Β· React Native


React Native for Windows + macOS Β· Build native Windows & macOS apps with Javascript and React
microsoft/react-native-windows: A framework for building native Windows apps with React.

How to Build a Desktop App with React Native for Windows


React Native’s new architecture β€” Glossary of terms.
React Native Rearchitecture with G2i Team - Software Engineering Daily
How React Native constructs app layouts (and how Fabric is about to change it)

The New React Native Architecture Explained
The New React Native Architecture Explained: Part Two
The New React Native Architecture Explained: Part Three
The New React Native Architecture Explained: Part Four

React Native β€” A Bridge To Project Fabric β€” Part 1 - The Startup - Medium
React Native β€” A Bridge To Project Fabric β€” Part 2 - Chen Feldman - Medium
React Native β€” A Bridge To Project Fabric β€” Part 3 - Chen Feldman - Medium



On the contrary

React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium 5 part series on why Airbnb is sunsetting React Native
React Native: A retrospective from the mobile-engineering team at Udacity Udacity also abandons React Native

Should I use React Native? – Articode – Medium

Project Generators

react-community/create-react-native-app: Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
Rich-Harris/degit: Straightforward project scaffolding

Expo ❗!important, SDK that provides native feature to React Native, also a distribution channel
expo/expo: Expo iOS/Android Client
Feature Requests | Expo check missing features
A Brief Introduction to Expo | DigitalOcean 2018-12
Build a React Native App with Expo | by Mike Perrotta | Bits and Pieces 2020-04

infinitered/ignite: Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more!


Choosing a Routing Library for React Native – Ian Mundy – Medium
β›΅Thousand Ways to Navigate in React Native – The React Native Log – Medium

React Navigation Β· Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
react-navigation/react-navigation: Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
How To Use Routing with React Navigation in React Native | DigitalOcean 2020-08


FlashList – fast and performant React Native list
Shopify/flash-list: A better list for React Native
FlashList - Expo Documentation