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October 9, 2023
April 13, 2015

ReligionForBreakfast - YouTube
Religious History - YouTube

用 34 分钟,解决困扰我多年的问题:基督,犹太,伊斯兰教的关系 - YouTube
一口气看完世界主流宗教文化 | 佛、道、犹太、基督、伊斯兰 - YouTube
你知道你生活在一個 虛擬世界中嗎?人越老,對世界的理解越困惑,怎麽辦? - YouTube

Lawrence Krauss vs Christians on Q&A - Amazing Debate - YouTube

▪ Richard Dawkins Debates Rowan Williams ▪ - YouTube

National Secular Society - Challenging Religious Privilege

聖誕節的一切謊言和真相 - YouTube

Everything from nothing

Krauss-Dawkins: Something from Nothing is Counter-Intuitive - YouTube

Best of Lawrence Krauss ! - YouTube

Bill Nye vs Ken Ham

Bill Nye–Ken Ham debate - Wikiwand
Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD (Official) - YouTube

What You Missed While Not Watching the Bill Nye and Ken Ham Creation Debate | TIME
Bill Nye Says Ken Ham Debate Allowed Him to Explain to Millions Why It's 'Disastrous' to Believe Creationism Is Possible
The Bill Nye-Ken Ham Debate Was a Nightmare for Science - The Daily Beast


Talking past each other: Bill Nye vs. creationist Ken Ham on evolution | Ars Technica
Ham on Nye: The high cost of “winning” an evolution/creation debate | Ars Technica
How did we get here? A brief history of the evolution vs. creationism debate | Ars Technica


西藏魔女與十二鎮魔寺——藏地為什麼佛魔一體?這些妖魔從何而來?為何而來?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


Zoroastrianism - Wikiwand 拜火教 - Wikiwand
拜火教 - YouTube 自说自话的总裁
What Is Zoroastrianism? - YouTube
瑣羅亞斯德教 - Wikiwand
在香港的拜火教(Zoroastrianism)簡介 - 宗教神蹟 Religion & Miracles - 粵語協會
香港拜火教與巴斯人士! 對香港早期社會有極大貢獻 (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
世界最老的宗教之一--瑣羅亞斯德教(拜火教)的發源地--波斯 @ 哈姆斯特的旅遊部落格 :: 隨意窩 Xuite 日誌
阿努納奇和波斯拜火教有關嗎?波斯拜火教和中華文明有關嗎? |自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


神寫的書,來自中國,讀懂它的兩個歐洲人,都被現代科學「封神」|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
1200 年前,一個唐朝人,總結了自《山海經》以來,各種修仙法門,他在夢中悟道,修煉成仙,而我們卻一直以爲他是一個不存在的人物……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


Abraham to Rise of Christianity | The Jewish Story (Part 1) Unpacked - YouTube
Birth of Islam to Haskalah | The Jewish Story (Part 2) Unpacked - YouTube
Jewish Denominations Explained [Reposted with Changes] - YouTube


All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes - YouTube
The best thing about each Christian denomination - YouTube

東正教 Orthodox Church
no idols

Catholic Church - Wikiwand venerates Virgin Mary, creates idols and paintings
Indulgence - Wikiwand
大赦 (基督教) - Wikiwand 贖罪券

Western Christianity vs Eastern Christianity - YouTube
天主教,基督教,○○○ 教,世界各大宗教之間究竟有什麼區別 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
【基督宗教 历史专题】【基督宗教 历史专题】【基督宗教 历史专题】 - YouTube
一口氣整理 世界三大宗教之一,基督的历史起源!(1/4) - YouTube
【歷史】世界最大宗教的起源,探索五千年人類文明!(2/4) - YouTube Mesopotamian history, Babylonian cosmology

Who is Yahweh - How a Warrior-Storm God became the God of the Israelites and World Monotheism - YouTube


What each book of the Bible is about - YouTube
Explaining ALL 66 BOOKS of the Bible - YouTube

Pentateuch in Old Testament = Toran in Jewish Bible

Introduction to the Bible (from an academic point of view) - YouTube

Religious Studies - YouTube


Genesis - Bibledex - YouTube
The Pope - YouTube


The Bible has more authority than the church

Protestantism - Wikiwand forked from Catholic Church when it sold Indulgence, Martin Luther challenged the interpretation of building Christianity upon the Roman Pope
Gutenberg's printing of German Bible in some way triggered the Reformation
基督新教 - Wikiwand
Reformation - Wikiwand
宗教改革 - Wikiwand
Martin Luther - Wikiwand
馬丁·路德 - Wikiwand