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User Experience (UX)

November 10, 2023
June 25, 2015

UI vs. UX: A Concise Explanation – Learn UI Design

UX Myths
UX Collective
UX Booth | A User Experience Design Publication
Sidebar The five best design links, every day.
Muzli - Design Inspiration
Learn UI Design - Blog
UI Movement - The best UI design inspiration, every day
UX Design Articles and Books | Interaction Design Foundation Literature
Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research
Climbing the User Experience Ladder
DesignCourse - YouTube
Design – Vox - YouTube Vox
Juxtopposed - YouTube Design Handbook
Google Design
iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS
Material Minimal design system

10 Commandments for UI Design. Design principles that are frequently… | by Danny Sapio | UX Collective
Human Centred Design vs Design Thinking vs Service Design vs UX …. What do they all mean? | Francesca (Franki) Simonds | Pulse | LinkedIn
FAQ: Tips and tools for getting started in user experience design (aka UX) – Google Design – Medium
6 usability testing methods that will improve your software | InfoWorld
10 Behavior Patterns for UX Design | by Danny Sapio | UX Collective

設計必備資源總匯 - 奧革設計
網站設計 Archives - myCAD
247 web usability guidelines
User Interface Engineering - Usability Research, Training, and Events - UIE
Usability checklist
Home |
Design & UX Archives - SitePoint

Draft U.S. Web Design Standards | Draft U.S. Web Design Standards
18F — Introducing the U.S. Web Design Standards
18F — web design standards

A List Apart Articles about User Experience
Designing for the Unexpected – A List Apart

Introduction - Programming Design Systems at master · runemadsen/

User Interface Design - 2022 Guide - Hosting Data
A Comprehensive Guide To User Experience Design — Smashing Magazine
A Comprehensive Guide To UI Design — Smashing Magazine
Get Started With UI Design With These Tips To Speed Up Your Workflow — Smashing Magazine
50 Best Resources for UI / UX Professionals - UX Planet

Resources for All Things Open Attendees — Melissa Eggleston

Learn UI Design Fundamentals
UI Design Tutorial: Learn Basic UI Design In 5 Minutes

Most Advanced. Yet Acceptable.
The MAYA Principle: Design for the Future, but Balance it with Your Users’ Present | Interaction Design Foundation

The God Login
How to get better at UI and UX design
Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu
UI & UX Micro-Tips: The Ultimate Collection | by Marc Andrew | UX Collective

What is the difference between UX and UI designer and web designer? - Quora
What’s the difference between UX and UI design? | by Steven Paul Winkelstein | UX Collective

2015 Design Tools Survey | The Tools Designers Are Using Today
9 Common UX Mistakes (And How to Avoid them)

Interactive crossword | FT Labs

Considerations for Mobile Design (Part 1): Speed | UX Booth
Considerations for Mobile Design (Part 2): Dimensions | UX Booth
Considerations for Mobile Design (Part 3): Behavior | UX Booth

Color in Design Systems - EightShapes - Medium
Space in Design Systems - EightShapes - Medium

Designing Effective UX for Human Eyes | UX Magazine
Building a Visual Language – Airbnb Design
The Way We Build – Airbnb Design

Design Theory - YouTube
How Brands Use Design & Marketing to Control Your Mind - YouTube

為何 Google、Facebook、Adobe 都愛這種插畫? | TechNews 科技新報

Wait Wait...Tell Me! - 99% Invisible Operation transparency makes people willing to wait

Open UI

Home | Open UI
openui/open-ui: Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption.

Bad UX

How deceptive UX patterns trick you into doing what companies want

Easter and Western Design

Eastern & Western Design: How Culture Rewires The Brain - YouTube
why Japan's internet is weirdly designed - YouTube
How culture made Japanese Internet design "Weird" - YouTube

Laws of UX

Home | Laws of UX
posters - Dropbox

Laws of UX, Every Designer Should Know About. | by UI Blogger | UX Planet
Laws of UX, Every Designer Should Know About (Part II) | by UI Blogger | Dec, 2021 | UX Planet

Design Principles – A List of the Principles of Design

UX Laws 101: Jakob’s Law of familiarity - UX Collective

Psychology and UX Articles, Videos, Reports, Training Courses, and Online Seminars by NN/g

界面设计和游戏设计中的认知负荷 – 标点符
理解认知偏差 – 标点符

Gestalt Principles

Gestalt psychology - Wikiwand
The Gestalt Principles
Gestalt-Driven UX: The Patterns That Drive Our World
7 Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception | UserTesting Blog

Fitts's Law

time and efficiency of interactions

Fitts's Law (Video)
Accot-Zhai Steering Law: Implications for UI Design

Norman Doors

UX 101: Norman Doors - UX Collective
The 6 design principles of Don Norman - UX Collective


Neumorphism in user interfaces - UX Collective
Let’s talk Neumorphism and Accessibility - UX Collective
Neumorphism and CSS | CSS-Tricks
Skeuomorphism / Neumorphism UI Trend - Muzli - Design Inspiration

Material Design

Material Design
Design - Material Design the spec

Overview - Material Design
Making More with Material - Library - Google Design
How Google created a custom Material theme - Material Design

11 Material Design UI Component Libraries for 2019 - Bits and Pieces

Fluent Design System

Microsoft Design
Fluent Design System - Wikiwand

Design and code Windows apps - Windows apps | Microsoft Learn
Microsoft’s Fluent Design System threatens to make Windows look good | Ars Technica

Lightning Design System

Lightning Design System

Information Architecture

5by5 | The Big Web Show #142: Information Architecture is Still Very Much a Thing, with Abby Covert

Information Architecture Basics |
Understanding Information Architecture by Peter Morville on Prezi
Complete Beginner's Guide to Information Architecture | UX Booth
Information Architecture Concepts - How Information Architecture Works | HowStuffWorks

Object-Oriented UX · An A List Apart Article
OOUX: A Foundation for Interaction Design · An A List Apart Article


Error Screens and Messages: UX Design Practices
Best Practices on Preventing Errors in User Interfaces

andrico1234/sane-error-messages: Gone are the days of useless generic error messaging. Keep your end-users happy with sane-error-messages.

App Shell/Skeleton Screens

The App Shell Model | Web Fundamentals | Google Developers
Skeleton Loader Example – How to Build a Skeleton Screen with CSS for Better UX
Skeleton screens with React and React Native ☠ ←
Improve UX in React apps by showing skeleton UI - LogRocket Blog
Implementing Skeleton Screens In React — Smashing Magazine
3 Ways to Implement Skeleton Components in React
How to Create a Skeleton Screen Loading Effect in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

:empty - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
Skeleton Screen with CSS
Pure CSS Skeleton Screen Gleam Animation for light, dark and grey mode Card UI – CodeMyUI

Build a Skeleton Component in React for Better UX | by Moon | Better Programming
3 Ways to Implement Skeleton Components in React

dvtng/react-loading-skeleton: Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app!

⚡ Speed-up your web with Blurhash - DEV Community for images
woltapp/blurhash: A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.


Take Off Conference 2014 - Designing Apps for Little Fingers - Kathryn Rotondo - YouTube
Design Considerations for Little Fingers — – User Experience Design


Android Design Principles | Android Developers
Google I/O 2013 - Enchant, Simplify, Amaze: Android's Design Principles - YouTube
Android Design for Developers - Udacity


Ux for Beginner
UX Design and Development courseAtomic Design | Atomic Design by Brad Frost
Design Systems Handbook - DesignBetter


Human Computer Interaction: User Experience and User Interface Design Certificate | Coursera
Intro to the Design of Everyday Things - Udacity
UX Design for Mobile Developers Course - Udacity
Design lessons for everyone, curated by top designers - Hack Design written in 2014


PatternTap | ZURB Library
Pttrns | Mobile design patterns, resources and inspiration
Atomic Design | Brad Frost
alexpate/awesome-design-systems: 💅🏻 ⚒ A collection of awesome design systems

Fitts' Law and Infinite Width

Data-Driven Design Is Killing Our Instincts - Modus

What Is Modern UI Design? 10 Tips & Examples | Design Shack

GUI Challenges

Debouncing and Throttling

Debouncing and Throttling Explained Through Examples | CSS-Tricks

debounce - Lodash Documentation
throttle - Lodash Documentation


vector-graphics#Bézier Curve

Designing Interface Animations - Rosenfeld Media
UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship · An A List Apart Article
Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity · An A List Apart Article
The ultimate guide to proper use of animation in UX
Create Modern CSS Animations - OpenClassrooms
Web animation process tutorial according to a motion designer. | Shakuro

I Will Never Write CSS Animations Again Without Using This Tool - YouTube DevTool
CSS transitions and hover animations, an interactive guide
An Interactive Guide to CSS Keyframe Animations with @keyframes
A Handy Little System for Animated Entrances in CSS - CSS-Tricks

A Guide to CSS Animation - Part 1 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
A Guide to CSS Animation - Part 2 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
A Guide to CSS Animation - Part 3 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
jh3y/a-guide-to-css-animation: Demo code for "A Guide to CSS Animation"
A Guide to CSS Animation - a Collection by Jhey on CodePen
Animation articles

CSS transitions and hover animations, an interactive guide
A Detailed Guide to CSS Animations and Transitions – EngineerBabu – Medium
CSS Animations: A Pocket Guide - Val Head, Author free eBooks
Learn CSS Animation - Free CSS tutorials and guides - CSS Animation
Examples from the CSS Animations Pocket Guide book - a Collection by Val Head on CodePen
Bounce Element Around Viewport in CSS | CSS-Tricks

Material Motion | Material Motion
Material Motion
material-motion/direct: Direct is a tool that helps motion designers provide clear, precise motion direction for engineers.
material-motion/material-motion-js: Reusable gestural interactions in JavaScript. In development.

Building the Flipping Card Animation in Plain CSS | Fred Adams (xtrp) – Full Stack Web-Developer

25 Days of CSS Animations: Teaching Myself CSS through Motion Design. - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

CSS3 animation 属性中的 steps 功能符深入介绍 « 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活
小 tip: CSS3 animation 渐进实现点点点等待提示效果 « 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活


Rive - About Rive

Web animation editor
Cross platform runtime

Web Animation

Web Animations API Explained | Hacker Noon
Web Animations API - Web APIs | MDN

Orchestrating Complexity With Web Animations API — Smashing Magazine
Web animations api | Dan Wilson

Creating Morphing Animations with CSS clip-path | by Mikael Ainalem | Bits and Pieces
Pure CSS to Make a Button “Shine” and Gently Change Colors Over Time | by Paige Niedringhaus | Bits and Pieces

Responsive Animations for Every Screen Size and Device | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
How to use CSS ::before and ::after to create custom animations and transitions - LogRocket Blog

FLIP (First, Last, Invert, and Play)

Aerotwist - FLIP Your Animations
Animating Layouts with the FLIP Technique | CSS-Tricks
Everything You Need to Know About FLIP Animations in React | CSS-Tricks
aholachek/react-flip-toolkit: A lightweight magic-move library for configurable layout transitions

Hover effect

Hover Buttons
SVG Button Hover Animation With CSS | Button Hover With SVG
Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects

6 Creative Ideas for CSS Link Hover Effects | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks



Comparing JavaScript animation libraries - LogRocket Blog

Lottie – Airbnb Design
LottieFiles - Free animation files build for Lottie, Bodymovin
Creating animations with lottie-react-native - LogRocket Blog

GSAP, the standard for JavaScript HTML5 animation | GreenSock
Animating with the Flip Plugin for GSAP | Ryan Mulligan
GSAP Flip Plugin for Animation | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
GreenSock Tutorial for Beginners: Web Animation Library | Shakuro

Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations.
AOS - Animate on scroll library
Motion One: The Web Animations API for everyone
Popmotion - A functional JavaScript motion library
Theatre.js - JavaScript Motion Design Library

anime.js • JavaScript animation engine
Mind-Blowing Anime.js Staggered Grid Effect - YouTube

AnimXYZ | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
Animate a React app with AnimXYZ - LogRocket Blog

AutoAnimate - Add motion to your apps with a single line of code ❗!important, bindings to various frameworks
formkit/auto-animate: A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.
Introducing AutoAnimate — add motion to your apps with a single line of code. - DEV Community

Atropos - Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects ❗!important

Barba.js Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages.



Learn UI Design - Blog
Font Sizes in UI Design: The Complete Guide – Learn UI Design ❗!important
7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) – Erik D. Kennedy – Medium
7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 2) – Erik D. Kennedy – Medium
4 Rules for Intuitive UX – Learn UI Design

3 Pro Tips on Alignment – Learn UI Design
The King vs. Pawn Game of UI Design – Learn UI Design start from basic element, think in HSB

Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n)

Internationalization and localization - Wikiwand

A locale is usually defined by {lang}_{country} where lang is a two-letter language code (ISO 639-1), country is two-letter upper-case country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

learn-to-code#Country Code
ISO 639-1 - Wikiwand two-letter language code

Internationalis(z)ing Code - Computerphile - YouTube
Internationalization (I18n): A Simple Definition - DZone Java
How important is localization for your business? - PhraseApp Blog

All in One localization for your project | Tolgee

Little Known Ways To Hassle-Free Software Localization - DZone Java
5 Things Every Developer Should Know About Localization (l10n) - DZone Agile

Introducing the JavaScript Internationalization API - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Internationalization - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN
Intl - JavaScript | MDN
Faster and more feature-rich internationalization APIs · V8

Format.JS | Format.JS
LinguiJS - Seamless internationalization in Javascript — LinguiJS documentation
lukeed/rosetta: A general purpose internationalization library in 292 bytes
nanostores/i18n: A tiny (<500 bytes) i18n library for React/Preact/Vue/Svelte
whyboris/JSON-i18n-Editor: Translate your i18n JSONs for your website or app with this tool

Introduction - react-i18next documentation
wojtekmaj/react-t: Simple translation module for React applications.

UTS #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language

IETF language tag - Wikiwand
BCP 47 = RFC 5646 + RFC 4647
"en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant"

Language tags in HTML and XML
Language Tags: Home

ISO 15897:1998 Procedures for registration of cultural elements


Gettext - Wikiwand

GNU gettext utilities
xgettext Invocation (GNU gettext utilities)
Plural Forms — Localization Guid documentation

PHP: The Right Way - i18n_l10n
PHP internationalization with gettext tutorial

Features — Poedit


Localize strings in your UI and app package manifest - UWP applications | Microsoft Docs
Use a Custom Resource Markup Extension to Succeed at UI String Globalization! | Windows Dev better than Uid

Accessibility (a11y)

WebAIM: Introduction to Web Accessibility
Practical ARIA Examples
The Accessibility Project
Web Accessibility Checklist - The Accessibility Project
webhint, the hinting engine for web best practices

Accessible SVGs | CSS-Tricks
Using ARIA to enhance SVG accessibility | TPG – The Accessibility Experts

Why, How, and When to Use Semantic HTML and ARIA | CSS-Tricks
Web Accessibility 的重要性 | TechBridge 技術共筆部落格

Functions to Add ARIA to Tables and Lists — Adrian Roselli

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA

Solving the CSS layout and source order disconnect - Chrome Developers

Accessibility tips and tricks - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Friday Frontend: Accessibility Inspector Edition - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

pa11y/pa11y: Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal

WebAIM: Keyboard Accessibility pure keyboard navigation

Symbols that lasts

Ten Thousand Years - 99% Invisible
Beyond Biohazard: Why Danger Symbols Can't Last Forever - 99% Invisible

4 Clever Psychology Rules for Making Better UX Decisions

UI 设计师怒转!如何做一份让工程师泪流满面的标注?