Ansible runs over SSH so there is no need for agent in slave nodes. This reduces dependency of the management toolchain, eliminates the possibility of the agent are down or out of date. Ansible is acquired by Red Hat in 2015.
Ansible is Simple IT Automation github
Ansible Galaxy | Find, reuse, and share the best Ansible content repository for Ansible roles
Why use Ansible for automation and orchestration | InfoWorld
Ansible Documentation
Ansible Resources - Videos
Ansible Blog | | Ansible
Ansible Blog | | Getting Started
Ansible Webinar On Demand Introduction To Ansible !important
Ansible Resources - AnsibleFest San Francisco 2017 Videos
Ansible Tutorial
Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: Playbook & Examples |
Ansible Β» ADMIN Magazine
Jan-Piet Mens :: Configuration management with Ansible a bit old, links are dead
Review: Ansible shows the beef | InfoWorld
Lessons from using Ansible exclusively for 2 years.
afroisalreadyinu/practical-ansible-intro: A practical guide to Ansible
ansible/ansible-examples: A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together.
geerlingguy/ansible-for-devops: Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
Servers For Hackers
Ansible 101 by Jeff Geerling - YouTube streaming series | Jeff Geerling
Ansible for DevOps - Ansible Book by Jeff Geerling
Ansible for Kubernetes - a book by Jeff Geerling
YAML truthy
true , True* , TRUE , yes , Yes , YES , on , On , ON , y , Y
YAML falsey
false , False* , FALSE , no , No , NO , off , Off , OFF , n , N
module arg truthy
yes* , on , 1 , true
module arg falsey
no* , off , 0 , false
* recommended
Using Python 3:
Ansible | Best practices, tips and more
What is Ansible? A short DevOps Introduction - YouTube
Configuration Management With Ansible: A Whirlwind Tour - YouTube
Learn you some Ansible for great good! - YouTube
Michael DeHaan: Ansible - Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation - PyCon 2014 - YouTube
James Cammarata - Achieving Continuous Delivery: An Automation Story - PyCon 2015 - YouTube
Ansible for the Absolute Beginners - YouTube
Automate EVERYTHING with Ansible! (Ansible for Beginners) - YouTube
Ansible basic usage and common issues encountered
An Ansible Tutorial - Servers for Hackers
Ansible 101 β Medium
Ansible 101 |
Configuration Management 101: Writing Ansible Playbooks | DigitalOcean
Jeff Geerling
Ansible 101 - YouTube
Ansible - YouTube
Ansible 2.0 & Beyond - YouTube
V2 and beyond
Ansible 2.0 Has Arrived
Getting Started with Ansible |
Ansible Simply Kicks Ass |
Automation made simple with Ansible // Speaker Deck
Ansible - The configuration management tool for humans
Ansible from Introduction to Amazon AWS
Top 5 Best and Worst Attributes of Ansible
Ansible Workshop
Ansible Q&A: It Can't Make Your Breakfast Yet - CenturyLink Cloud Developer Center
Admin UI
Ansible Tower | (commercial) web UI for Ansible, with logging and status
ansible/awx: AWX Project upstream project for Tower
This web UI for Ansible is so damn useful! - YouTube
AWX Project FAQ |
AWX Β» ADMIN Magazine
ansible-semaphore/semaphore: Open Source Alternative to Ansible Tower
Best Practices
Tips and tricks β Ansible Documentation
Ansible Best Practices: The Essentials
6 practices for super smooth Ansible experience by Maxim Chernyak
Best practices to build great Ansible playbooks | Theodo
fdavis/ansible-best-practices: This is my working example of Ansible best practices
Jan-Piet Mens :: Validate Ansible templates!
15 Things You Should Know About Ansible
How to use Vagrant provision with Ansible for playbook development β !important
Ansible Blog | | Event Driven Automation
Kubernetes Meets Event-Driven Ansible
How We Test Our Ansible Roles with Molecule - The Zapier Engineering Blog - Zapier
Molecule β Molecule 1.24.0 documentation
Inventory is an INI-like file that describes the servers to manages, the grouping of them and the parameters for connection.
Ansible loads /etc/ansible/hosts
by default. It's recommended to use -i
option to pass different inventory files per use case.
The inventory file can be a program as long as it emits the correct JSON upon invocation.
Connection Modes
Local: affects the local system only, used for "pull" and "push-pull" topology
Paramiko: Python SSH module (obsolete since 1.2)
SSH with Control Persist: default mode, SSH connection is kept alive for a timeout (say 30 minutes)
Accelerated: temporary daemon will be created that only allows connections only from the initiating user, the communication is encrypted with AES keys exchanged in SSH, 2.5x faster than SSH
Jan-Piet Mens :: Ansible: pull instead of push
Variables β Ansible Documentation
Using filters to manipulate data β Ansible Documentation
Tests β Ansible Documentation
Template Designer Documentation β Jinja Documentation (3.2.x)
Simplifying JSON Response Mocks With Jinja -
[Howto] Introduction to Ansible variables β /home/liquidat
How to Use Different Types of Ansible Variables (Examples) |
Jan-Piet Mens :: Ansible: it's a fact
You can use set_fact
to dynamically create variables:
- set_fact:
myvar: "{{ result.stdout | from_json }}"
ansible.builtin.set_fact module β Set host variable(s) and fact(s). β Ansible Documentation
Discovering variables: facts and magic variables β Ansible Documentation fact caching
Fast Caching facts ansible β Erik's Blog
Working With Modules β Ansible Documentation
Index of all Modules β Ansible Documentation
Command Module Deep Dive for Networks
Intro to playbooks β Ansible Documentation
Playbooks contain Plays; Plays contain Tasks; Tasks invoke modules.
Handlers are tasks that can be run once after tasks.
sed - Ansible playbook shell output - Stack Overflow
ansible.builtin.debug module β Print statements during execution β Ansible Documentation
Amon - What I learned from a year using Ansible extensively install, test playbook with docker
Insanely complete Ansible playbook, showing off all the options
How To Create Ansible Playbooks to Automate System Configuration on Ubuntu | DigitalOcean
Jinja templates
Jinja2: lstrip_blocks to manage indentation | Ansible
Jinja2 for better Ansible playbooks and templates - codecentric Blog : codecentric Blog
pstadler/flightplan: Run sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.
Welcome to Fabric! documentation
chaos/pdsh: A high performance, parallel remote shell utility
pdsh Parallel Shell Β» ADMIN Magazine
Parallel SSH
sudo apt-get install pssh
parallel-ssh -h pssh-hosts -A -P -I < pssh-command
Note: cannot
How to run remote commands on multiple Linux servers with Parallel-SSH - TechRepublic
unsorted notes
Variable hierarchy
module facts
vars, vars_files, vars_prompt
async, poll
In pull mode, each managed node pull the config from git and run locally, without connecting to any controlling host machine.
AnsibleModule class, lib/ansible/
Breakdown a playbook into a predefined directory structure for better modularization.
Roles β Ansible Documentation
Point of entry: meta/main.yml
Can declare dependency for other roles here.
The easiest way to create a role is with ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy init <role>
A Worked Example of Role Versioning
Ansible roles explained in practice
Evan Stoner β Ansible Pattern: Using Wrappers to Parameterize...
Being a Star in Galaxy β Future500 B.V.
Creating Ansible Roles from Scratch: Part 1 | Azavea Labs
Creating Ansible Roles from Scratch: Part 2 | Azavea Labs
Ansible: Roles - Servers for Hackers
Error Handling
Error handling in playbooks β Ansible Documentation
Error Catching in Ansible β Hey There Fancy Pants
deployment - How to do proper error handling in ansible? - Server Fault
θη§ε² (William Yeh)
softarch-school/ansible-workshop: Ansible Workshop - Hands-On Materials.
William-Yeh/build-docker-with-ansible: Build Docker images with Ansible - A half-blood approach
Ansible Vault
Encrypting content with Ansible Vault β Ansible Documentation
ansible vault -
Safely storing Ansible playbook secrets | On Web Security
OpenSSL the Ansible vault... using PBKDF2 | On Web Security
Python for Network Engineers | Articles
Specify sudo password for Ansible - Stack Overflow
Ansible: Using Vault - Servers for Hackers
Use Ansible as a cross-platform package manager
Edgium packages
martinrusev/edgium: Collection of Ansible playbooks to quickly install up todate Linux packages
Python API β Ansible Documentation
Jan-Piet Mens :: Obtaining remote data with Ansible's API
Running Ansible Programmatically - Servers for Hackers
Running Ansible 2 Programmatically - Servers for Hackers
Extending Ansible β Tyler Turk's Blog
Ansible: Post-Install Setup
Puppet to Ansible - Big Bubbles (no troubles)
Part 1: Getting Started with Ansible
Part 2: Deploying Applications with Ansible
Part 3: Ansible and Amazon Web Services
Part 4: Ansible Tower
Part 5: Ansible Galaxy
tomoconnor/parallax: My collection of ansible templates, sensible defaults and an example of where to start from.
Briefs on Ansible Newsletter (ended)
ansible | Search Results | Technology Conversations
Ansible vs. Ansible Tower
Shell Scripts vs Ansible: Fight!
Making Ansible a Bit Faster Β· Adamβs Tech Blog
How to accelerate your Ansible Playbooks
Tuning Ansible Β» ADMIN Magazine
Ansible Performance Tuning (for Fun and Profit)
Ansible Configuration Settings β Ansible Documentation
forks = 10
callback_whitelist = timer, profile_tasks
pipelining = True
Agile Testing: Deploying monitoring tools with ansible
Ansible for Server Monitoring | Cambridge Web Design and Development by Will Hall Online
Ansible + Nagios/Monit + Collectd = EPIC WIN
Tips and Tricks
Ansible tips & tricks
Ansible Tips and Tricks
Make Your Life Easier by Creating Utilities and Delegating Playbooks
Outage Recovery With Ansible
A Shiny New Way to Manage VMware Guests
Graduating Past Playbooks
reinteractive | Blog | Ansible (Real Life) Good Practices
6 practices for super smooth Ansible experience by Maxim Chernyak
can be a folder, create group_vars/all/{config,secret}
, add the latter to .gitignore
Best practices to build great Ansible playbooks - Theodo
10 Things you should start using in your Ansible Playbook
Deploying a GlusterFS Storage Cluster withf Ansible on DigitalOcean β Medium
Provisioning Gluster Servers with Ansible
Ansible Webinars and Training I Ansible
Ansible Resources - Videos
Ansible Trips and Tricks Webinar #1 - YouTube
Ansible Tips & Tricks Webinar #2 - YouTube
tips n tricks webinar #3 - YouTube
Ansible Tips & Tricks webinar #4 - YouTube
Ansible Tips & Tricks webinar #5 - YouTube
CLI Example
ansible HOST --become -m MODULE -a MODULE_ARGS
ansible HOST -m setup | grep release
Playbook example
Your Debian-based data center in a box
pigmonkey/spark: Arch Linux Provisioning with Ansible
ansible-playbook PLAYBOOK -i HOSTS --user root --ask-pass
- hosts: all
user: root # server user
sudo: yes # is it super user
- name: With module and args as keys
name: "{{ item }}"
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 3600
- htop
- ngrep
- vim
- name: With action YAML multiline
action: apt >
pkg={{ item }}
- python-dev
- gcc
- python-setuptools
- git-core
- name: Single line
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed update-cache=yes
- libmysqlclient-dev
- mysql-server
- redis-server
- mysql-client
- nginx
- apache2
Notes for ansible-for-devops
Ad hoc command
Apt cache valid time
Magic variable
Inventory, connection
Play, include
Inventory, others
Role default
Digital ocean
122οΌ 125
Dynamic inventory scripts
addhost, groupby
Doc, leanpub
Custom inventory
245,246 selinux link
248 tower user guide,free?
260 debug
265 rolespec, ci
266 Serverspec
267 vagrant
Vagrant commands except init expects a vagrantfile in the current folder
Up, halt, suspend, ssh, sshconfig
current folder is mapped to /vagrant