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January 9, 2025
April 4, 2015

All Broken Up About Facebook | TechStuff Podcast overview of antitrust laws

Monopoly Duopoly Oligopoly
Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Act, Federal Trade Commission Act

Predatory pricing

  1. Low price
  2. Exit of producers who cannot make profit
  3. Monopoly prices

Wallace vs IBM 467 F.3d 1104 (7th Circuit 2006)

美团被罚 34 亿!阿里被罚 182 亿!互联网垄断巨头是如何诞生的? - YouTube
为什么要反垄断?中美反垄断手段谁更强? - YouTube

Social Network Theory and Metcalfe's Law - value of social network is proportional to the square of number of users

Price discrimination of complements

proprietary vs open system competition
the consumers who use relatively more of hte aftermarket products will pay more for use of the system as a whole

razor and blade example

captures more consumer surplus and convert it to producer profit

Douglas Phillips, The Software License Unveiled, (2009) Oxford University Press, 165-167
Mark Glick & Duncan Cameron, When Do Proprietary Aftermarkets Benefit Consumers?, (1999) 67 Antutrust L.J. 357, 360-365

Tech Giants

Explainer: Should Big Tech Fear U.S. Antitrust Enforcers? - The New York Times

Opinion | It’s Time to Break Up Facebook - The New York Times by Chris Hughes, Facebook founder
Opinion | Chris Hughes’s Call to Break Up Facebook: 5 Takeaways - The New York Times
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes is now lobbying to break up the social media giant - The Washington Post
Chris Hughes And Facebook: What Are A Founder’s Responsibilities?