Quick Reference | AutoHotkey v2
Changes from v1.1 | AutoHotkey v2
Use #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
to opt-in to v2.
Hotkeys - Definition & Usage | AutoHotkey
List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Controller) | AutoHotkey v2
Use AutoHotKey to Paste Text as Typing | Blog
How to Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts with AutoHotkey
Joe - AUTOHOTKEY Guru - YouTube
Add the .ahk
(compiled or not) to (User's) Start up
, shell:startup
How to Run AutoHotKey Script on Startup Windows 10 - StackHowTo
Change Icon
how to change ahk default icon - AutoHotkey Community
SetMainIcon - Script Compiler Directives | AutoHotkey
AddResource - Script Compiler Directives | AutoHotkey
How to easily change your AutoHotkey Script Icon - YouTube
Key mapping
Remapping Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick) | AutoHotkey
; map menu button to right click
Log keycodes
KeyHistory 10 ; Display the history info in a window.
esc::exitapp ; press escape key to exit script
via Registry
Registry can only map keycode to keycode. AHK can map key to mouse button/program.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BE SURE TO UPDATE THE COUNT BELOW TO REFLECT THE TOTAL NUMBER OF REMAPS + 1 (and write it as hexadecimal, not decimal)
; (1 extra for the null terminator):
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 01. Delete sent in place of Insert:
; 02. Home sent in place of Delete:
; 03. Insert sent in place of Home:
; 04. Null Terminator -- be sure to change the count at the top to reflect this number.
Run program
NirCmd - Windows command line tool
#^g:: Run explorer %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox ; Win+Ctrl+G
; if using NoEnv
EnvGet, home_dir, USERPROFILE
#^g:: Run, explorer %home_dir%\Downloads ; Win+Ctrl+G
#o::Run, powershell -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden %home_dir%\toggle_audio_device.ps1 ; Win+O
UI Automation
Easily automate programs with UI Automation - YouTube
Set audio output device
Get-AudioDevice -List
Set-AudioDevice <AudioDevice>
windows 10 - Switching default audio device with a batch file - Super User
Get-AudioDevice -List
to learn about available devices on your system.
Then set the two variables below with the start of their names.
# these are used as prefix for names
$device1 = "3 - PHL 245C5"
$device2 = "Speakers"
$Audio = Get-AudioDevice -playback
Write-Output "Audio device was " $Audio.Name
Write-Output "Audio device now set to "
if ($Audio.Name.StartsWith($device1)) {
(Get-AudioDevice -list | Where-Object Name -like ("$device2*") | Set-AudioDevice).Name
} Else {
(Get-AudioDevice -list | Where-Object Name -like ("$device1*") | Set-AudioDevice).Name
Toast Notification
TrayTip - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey
[GUI] Traytip/Toast Notification Windows 10/11 - Title remove of modify - AutoHotkey Community
ActiveScript.ahk/Example_JsRT_Toast.ahk at master · Lexikos/ActiveScript.ahk better than TrayTip
[Script] WinHole - AutoHotkey Community
窗口洞洞波 - 让鼠标穿透当前窗口,到桌面操作文件[Windows] - 小众软件