DroneScapes - YouTube
Mustard - YouTube
Ziroth - YouTube
1K圖解 - YouTube
耗时2个月辗转10个机场,我们终于拍到了! - YouTube
How do airplanes actually fly? - Raymond Adkins - YouTube
Metamorphic Wings: The Future of Flight is Here - YouTube
- pitch: controlled by elevator at the tail and ailerons at the tip of the wings
- row: controlled by ailerons at the tip of the wings
- yaw: controlled by rudder at the tail
What the Letters on US Jets Mean - YouTube
F: Fighter
A: Attack
B: Bomber
C: Cargo
E: Electronic Warfare
K: Tanker
Q: Drone
SR: Strategic Reconnaissance
Y: Prototype
X: Experiment
战斗机是怎么分代的? - YouTube
空中鋼肺!美軍開創無限供氧系統!為什麼戰機飛行員,戴的頭盔和氧氣面罩不同?丨 OBOGS 分子篩氧氣系統 - YouTube
Flying Wing
What Happened To Flying Wings? - YouTube
Inside the Horten Flying Wing - YouTube
Oblique Wing
suitable for sub-sonic and super-sonic flight
Could This Change Air Travel Forever? - YouTube
爲什麽完美的飛行器都是不對稱的 - YouTube
World War I
The Physics of World War 1 Planes feat. The Great War Channel - YouTube
How a WWI Biplane Works - YouTube synchronization gear
World War II
Five Iconic World War II Aircraft - YouTube
Real Engineering
The Insane Engineering of the Spitfire - YouTube
The Insane Engineering of the P-47 Thunderbolt - YouTube
The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Zero - YouTube
WW2 Weapons: The Dawn of the Turret Fighters | Part 1 - YouTube
WW2 Weapons: The Demise of the Turret Fighters | Part 2 - YouTube
The Nazi's Plans to Blitz New York City - YouTube
4 Aviation Mysteries of WWII... - YouTube
4 Peculiar Allied Prototype Planes of WW2... - YouTube
War Stories
The Wooden Plane That Terrorized The Luftwaffe | Battlefield Mysteries | War Stories - YouTube De Havilland Mosquito
Caliban Rising - Aviation History
P 38 Lightning VS De Haviland Mosquito - Which Would You Want To Fight WW2 In? - YouTube
The 6 Most Daring De Havilland Mosquito Missions Of WW2 - YouTube
How a P-51 Mustang Works - YouTube
B-17 Flying Fortress - YouTube
Duxford in Depth - YouTube Imperial War Museums
WWII Great Missions - YouTube
Airplanes | Icons & Stories - YouTube
The B-29 Superfortress Bomber That Dropped The Atomic Bomb | Enola Gay | Complete Documentary - YouTube
The Flying Tigers | FULL DOCUMENTARY + The Legacy Episode | Narrated by Gary Sinise | WW2 History - YouTube
Imperial War Museums
What made the P-51 Mustang so special? - YouTube
Timeline - World History Documentaries
How The Spitfire Became An Aviation Masterpiece | The Birth Of A Legend | Timeline - YouTube
二戰德軍的航空炸彈有多猛?高爆彈穿甲彈空雷輪番登場,盟軍應接不暇 - YouTube
為什麼二戰後期零式被美軍吊打?20歲日本飛行員一時心軟,讓零式神話加速破滅!優秀的飛行員和先進的戰機,誰才是致勝關鍵?#A6M零式戰機#太平洋戰爭#中途島海戰 - YouTube
三菱重工零式戰機A6M - 絕妙的設計和取長補短的戰術 - YouTube
Fighter Jets
疣豬 Warthogs A-10
Raptor F-22
Hornet F/A18
美式肌肉猛男A-10疣豬,世界最強攻擊機!海灣戰爭最佳輔助,摧毀伊軍近半裝甲車!A-10傳奇落幕,無人機成為接替者!| F-16 | 雷電II | GAU-8A | 火力君 | - YouTube
US Army does not own fix-ed wings fighters the split of US Air Force in 1947
this increased its reliance for close to ground support from helicopters
How Helicopters Work Deep Dive - YouTube
The Amazing Engineering of Rescue Helicopters - Smarter Every Day 289 - YouTube
休伊 UH-1N
眼鏡蛇 AH-1 Cobra
阿帕奇 AH-64 Apache
UH-60 Black Hawk
直升機飛的又慢又低,靠什麼打下戰斗機?兩種武器到底差在哪兒,又能否在戰場上對決?#F-16 #KA-50 #米-24 - YouTube
最強武裝直升機全新升級!可操控多架無人機的AH-64E,阿帕奇終極版本?無人機已成為直升機的「力量倍增器」!#阿帕奇 #武裝直升機 #ah64e #ah64#兵器說 - YouTube
米-28被稱作「阿帕奇斯基」,為何在俄烏戰場表現平平,其實沒有學到精髓!空重比AH-64阿帕奇多3噸,作戰半徑卻少了200千米,是引擎不行還是設計失誤? - YouTube mostly on Apache
土耳其T929武裝直升機首飛!宣稱性能將超越AH-64「阿帕奇」!使用的發動機動力高達2500馬力!#兵器說 - YouTube mostly on Apache and its upgrades
UH-60“黑鷹”服役44年究竟有多少種?如何分辨美海、陸、空三軍裝備的“黑鷹”? - YouTube Black Hawk
西科斯基S-67「黑鷹」直升機!曾創造出高達370公里/小時的俯衝記錄!最終遺憾輸給了AH-64「阿帕奇」!#S-67#AH-64#UH-60 - YouTube Blackhawk
【那是為什麼】高速突防能力比阿帕奇更強的夏安直升機!飛行員試駕後都說好!為何最後卻慘遭淘汰? #兵器說|阿帕奇直升機|夏安直升機 - YouTube
昔日的低空霸主,在俄烏戰場淪為標靶,坦克殺手被迫走下神壇,無人機代替偵察,巡飛彈代替火力,武裝直升機慘遭淘汰| 阿帕奇 | ka-52 | 無人機 | 巡飛彈 | - YouTube
被蘇聯逼出來的頂級武器,虎式武裝直升機,戰鬥力比肩阿帕奇,延續歐洲貴金屬傳奇| 虎式 | 阿帕奇 | 蘇聯 | 反坦克 | F35C | 眼鏡蛇 | - YouTube
AC-130 Gunship
SR-71 Blackbird Reconnaissance aircraft
F-117 Nighthawk Bomber
B-2 Spirit