AWK is an interpreted programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool.
The GNU Awk User’s Guide
Cover - GNU AWK
How To Use awk In Bash Scripting - nixCraft
The many faces of awk | Network World
Doing math with awk | Network World
How to Use the awk Command on Linux
EVERYONE Needs to Learn a Little Bit of AWK! - YouTube
Awk Master Class - YouTube
Why Every Linux User Needs To Learn Awk - YouTube
Awk Isn't Just A Command: Let's Learn The Basics - YouTube
Every Linux User Should Know Regex and Awk - YouTube
Learning Awk Is Essential For Linux Users - YouTube
awk '{PROGRAM}' file
awk -f <PROGRAM.awk> file
# passing variable to AWK
n1=5; n2=10;
echo | awk -v x=$n1 -v y=$n2 -f program.awk
BEGIN {...}
CONDITION {action}
CONDITION {action}
END {...}
A Awk program is executed on a row basis, with optional rules to switch the statements (block) to execute
each row is parsed into fields by the separator.
The default action is { print $0 }
(print the whole row).
We can add condition before statement to serve as filter, condition can use field, regular expression and comparisons.
Awk program:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# This line is a comment
printf "%s\n","User accounts:"
print "=============="
# Now we'll run through the data
if ($3 >= 1000) {
print $1
n ++
print "=============="
print n " accounts"
NR Number of Row
NF Number of Fields
$() field substitution
# print first field of first row
awk 'NR==1 { print $1 }'
# print rows with third field >= 1000
awk -F":" 'BEGIN {print "user accounts:"} $3 >= 1000 ' /etc/passwd
# print rows starts with systemd (regular expression)
awk '/^systemd/' /etc/group
# print rows not ending with ":" (having member) (regular expression)
awk '! /:$/' /etc/group
field separator
is the N-th field, $NF
is the the last field
# get second field with ":" as separator
awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; { print $2 }'
awk -F: '{ print $2 }'
# comma separate the output fields
# otherwise they will be concatenated to a single string
date -R | awk '{OFS="-"; print $4 $3 $2}' # 2019Dec05, OFS ignored
# specify output field separator, `$4-$3-$2` does a mathematical subtraction
date -R | awk '{OFS="-"; print $4,$3,$2}'
print number of lines
awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum=sum+1} END {print sum}' filename
awk 'END{print NR}' filename
print line number and second last field
awk '{ print "Line " NR ": " $(NF-1) }' test.txt
Task | Command |
显示文件的第一列 | awk '{print $1}' <file> |
反序显示文件的前两列 | awk '{print $2,”\t”,$1}' <file> |
输出前两列的总和 | awk '{print $1 + $2}' <file> |
查找所有包括”money” 行并输出最后一列 | awk '/money/ {print $NF}' <file> |
查找第二列中包含 “money” | awk '$2 ~ /money/ {print $0}' <file> |
查找第三列中不包括”A” | awk '$3 !~ /A$/ {print $0}' <file> |
print first 16K lines
awk -F '' 'NF < 16384' infile >outfile
awk 'length($0) < 16384' infile >outfile
# which is equivalent to
awk '{ if (length($0) < 16384) print }' infile >outfile
The GNU Awk User’s Guide
AWK Programming
awk is a beautiful tool
awk 使用手册 -
AWK 简明教程 | 酷 壳 -
AWK Tutorial
Awk - A useful little language
Famous Awk One-Liners Explained, Part I: File Spacing, Numbering and Calculations - good coders code, great reuse
Famous Awk One-Liners Explained, Part II: Text Conversion and Substitution - good coders code, great reuse
Famous Awk One-Liners Explained, Part III: Selective Printing and Deleting of Certain Lines - good coders code, great reuse
Update on Famous Awk One-Liners Explained: String and Array Creation - good coders code, great reuse
AWK GTF! How to Analyze a Transcriptome Like a Pro - Part 1 - Blog - Reason I Am Here - Nacho Caballero
AWK GTF! How to Analyze a Transcriptome Like a Pro - Part 2 - Blog - Reason I Am Here - Nacho Caballero
AWK GTF! How to Analyze a Transcriptome Like a Pro - Part 3 - Blog - Reason I Am Here - Nacho Caballero
Common threads: Awk by example, Part 1
Common threads: Awk by example, Part 2
Awk by Example, Part 1 : An intro to the great language with the strange name
Awk by Example, Part 2 : Records, loops, and arrays
Awk by Example, Part 3 : String functions and ... checkbooks?
Awk, Nawk and GNU Awk Cheat Sheet - good coders code, great reuse
Awk - A Tutorial and Introduction - by Bruce Barnett
Awk Quick Reference - Bruce Barnett
Top Examples of Awk Command in Unix
8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR