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Behavioral Economics

January 9, 2025
April 24, 2016

Economics + Psychology

Bestiary of Behavioral Economics - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
【洗腦】系列影片第一集,錯覺和被操控的選擇 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube

Unintended consequences - Wikiwand
What is the Law of Unintended Consequences? (with picture)
Econoclass: Law of Unintended Consequences

The Men Who Started a Thinking Revolution (Ep. 271) - Freakonomics Freakonomics
behavioral economics: how psychological biases affects the decision we make

Could Solving This One Problem Solve All the Others? (Ep. 282) - Freakonomics Freakonomics
How to Launch a Behavior-Change Revolution (Ep. 306) - Freakonomics Freakonomics
How Goes the Behavior-Change Revolution? (Ep. 382) - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Home — WOOP my life Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan
4 Steps To Achieve Your Goals : NPR
WOOP is a science-based mental strategy that people can use to find and fulfill their wishes, set preferences, and change their habits.

Information Cascades

Understanding Information Cascades in Financial Markets
2 urns with mostly blue and red balls, predict which is which given the results of people picking balls from the urn
Public and Private believe
Bubble, tilting


How to Get Anyone to Do Anything - Freakonomics Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion eBook : Cialdini, Robert B.: Kindle Store
Straylight – 6 Scientific Principles of Persuasion

7 principles of persuasion (2021)

The 6-D model of national culture

The 6 dimensions model of national culture by Geert Hofstede
National Culture - Hofstede Insights


Different ways to present the same facts would cause different perception


people's number estimates are affected by numbers they came across beforehand, no matter how irrelevant they are

Gain: risk averse
Loss: risk favoring

如何说话让人喜欢?怎么做生意更吸引顾客?李永乐老师讲框架效应 - YouTube


In Praise of Maintenance - Freakonomics
Innovation is overvalued. Maintenance often matters more | Aeon Essays

Availability Heuristics

recency bias, what comes easily in mind affects our behavior

The Cheeseburger Diet (Ep. 230) - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Commitment device - Wikiwand
Bestiary of Behavioral Economics/Commitment Devices - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Discipline the fun
Compensatory behavior, self regulate
Add extra precautions on some areas if you take extra risks in another area

When Willpower Isn't Enough: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast - Freakonomics Freakonomics
When Willpower Isn’t Enough - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Temptation bundling

Bundling what you should do but don't want to do with something you shouldn't do but want to do, e.g. watching TV and workouts
A different kind of commitment device which not only focus on punishment

Fresh start effect

New Year's resolutions

Richard Thaler

生活上省吃俭用,股市里挥金如土!异常消费行为之“心理账户” - YouTube

我们为什么总花钱买没用的东西?异常消费行为之“交易效用” - YouTube
價值 Z
價格 P
參考價 P* ~= Market price

P* > P, you could have sold it and gain from it

Set It and Forget It: How Default Settings Rule the World - ProPublica