Origins of the names of the months | Encyclopedia Mythica
Origins of the names of the days | Encyclopedia Mythica
Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED - YouTube planetary week, which is still (partially) adopted in modern Latin derived languages (Spanish and French), Indian and Japanese; Anglo-Saxons translated Tuesday and Friday to Norse-god to form today's English words
一星期為什麼是七天? - YouTube
一天為什麼是 24 小時?時間為什麼不使用十進制? - YouTube
Solar Calendar
Calendar - Wikiwand
History of calendars - Wikiwand
Roman calendar - Wikiwand
Julian calendar - Wikiwand introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, one leap day every 4 years
Gregorian calendar - Wikiwand introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, 97 leap days every 400 years
Why Does February Only Have 28 Days? - YouTube
Lunar Calendar
used by Chinese, Babylonian and Hebrews
农历就是阴历吗?二十四节气和闰月咋回事?李永乐老师讲中国历法 - YouTube
中国的农历和阴历不是一回事?听完世界历法你就知道了——嗨历史 104 - YouTube
中國曆法為陰陽曆, 同時參考太陽和月亮運動
24 節氣為陽曆, 紀月則為陰曆, 再加閏月以彌合一年天數
朔月(月缺)為初一, 望月(月圓)則為初十五/十六
Metonic Cycles
19 年 7 閏, 沒中氣的月為閏月
神秘的 19 年週期到底意味著什麼?所有人的生日都有這個規律! - YouTube
請問大家農曆的閏月是如何計算出來的?? - 王朝網路 -
農曆規則與日曆原理 @ 鳳邑觀音堂 :: 隨意窩 Xuite 日誌
[天文] 農曆規則與置閏方法 @ 別搗蛋 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Wester Festival
April Fools' Day
April Fools' Day - Wikiwand
百度百科V 百科我们为啥过愚人节?
Conservatives refuses to drop the practice of celebrating 1st April as beginning of the year, the French government mocked this practice and make fool of the conservatives. This eventually becomes April Fools' Day.
12月25日如何變成耶穌的聖誕節? 三個主流推論 (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
【加更】鰲拜=all buy,為什麼說他才是聖誕節的終極密碼?原來,這一切故事,我們還要從大洪水的時代說起……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
24 節氣分節氣和中氣, 每月必然有一個中氣
平節氣: 南北朝祖沖之<大明曆>, 先定兩個冬至為一年, 中間大概 15 天一個節氣
平節氣: 清朝 1645 年<時憲曆>, 先定春分, 地球公轉每 15 度一個節氣
百度百科V 百科端午节的真相
百度百科V 百科十二生肖为啥没有猫
深日本#43 ▶ 日本廢棄農曆新年的粗暴歷史|好倫| - YouTube
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time Explained - YouTube
Leap Second
Leap second - Wikiwand
Official Google Blog: Time, technology and leaping seconds
NTP Explained | Network Time Protocol | Cisco CCNA 200-301 - YouTube
Network Time Protocol (NTP) - Computerphile - YouTube
Five different ways to handle leap seconds with NTP - Red Hat Developer
Leap Second handling via Leap Smearing - Network Time Foundation
Making every (leap) second count with our new public NTP servers | Google Cloud Blog
Leap Smear | Public NTP | Google Developers the internet cluster of ntp servers
Day of week
Doomsday rule - Wikipedia
The Doomsday Algorithm
The Doomsday Rule
Doomsday Algorithm