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September 29, 2023
December 23, 2016

Developer's Introduction To Chatbots - Tutorialzine

Microsoft Bot Framework
Build chat bots with Microsoft's Bot Framework | InfoWorld
MS Bots - SitePoint Premium

BotUI - Create customizable conversational UIs
Introduction | BotUI
botui/botui: 🤖 A JavaScript framework for building conversational UIs

LucasBassetti/react-simple-chatbot: Easy way to create conversation chats

Pandorabots: Home
AI Chat Bot in Python with AIML | DevDungeon
AIML: An Introduction · Pandorabots Documentation

Make a Discord Bot with Python | DevDungeon
Make a Discord Bot with Python - Part 2 | DevDungeon
Chatty Cathy | DevDungeon

Build a basic News fetching Whatsapp bot in Python under 60 lines of code.
WhatsApp 使用說明 - 如何使用 WhatsApp 的點擊對話功能
【WhatsApp 教學】WhatsApp 不加聯絡人|直發訊息功能介紹 - imBee

Best Chatbot Templates | Insurance Chatbots, Finance and Banking Chatbots, Real Estate Chatbots, Travel Chatbots