"Font Selection"
Default Font: Noto Sans CJK HK Regular 10
Document Font: Noto Sans Display Regular 10
Document Font: Noto Sans Display Regular 11
Mono Font: FiraCode Nerd Font Regular 13
Window Title Font: Noto Sans CJK HK Black 10
Text scaling factor: 1.2
Hinting: Full
Icons: Adwaita
Applications: Arc-Dark
Mouse Pointer: Adwaita
Desktop: Arc-Dark
Also: Zukitwo for Mac-like feeling
Uncheck "Show icons in menus"
Uncheck "Show icons on buttons"
Upper panel (left-to-right):
- Menu
- Panel launchers
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Terminal
- Spacer
- Multi-Core System Monitor
- Keyboard
- Display
- Notifications
- Sound/Sound With Apps Volume
- ScreenShot+Record Desktop
- Removable Drives
- Network Manager
- Calendar
Lower panel (left-to-right):
- Scale
- Expo
- Window List
- Force Quit/Force Quit II
- Workspace switcher
Force Quit II (white)
Force Quit (red)
Multi-Core System Monitor
ScreenShot+Record Desktop
Sound With Apps Volume
Check "Volume 150%"
Uncheck "Mute with middle click"
Timer With Notifications
Check "Show week numbers"
Custom date format: "%Y-%m-%d (%a) | %H:%M"
Check "Enable file system path in search box"
Uncheck "Show empty tray"
Date & Time
"Use 24h Clock": on
"Display the date": on
"Display Seconds": off
"First day of week": Monday
Time and Date Desklets
"description": "A fork desklet that displays the time and date",
"dateSize": "20pt",
"dangerous": false,
"dateFormat": "%A, %e %B",
"name": "Time and Date Desklet",
"timeSize": "50pt",
"last-edited": "1371648230",
"timeFormat": "%H:%M",
"prevent-decorations": true,
"uuid": "TimeAndDate@nightflame"
Spices : Cinnamon (Extensions)
cinnamon-settings extensions
2x2, 3x3, 4x3, 4x4
check "Auto-Close"
uncheck "Animation"
2 Panels
"Preferred Applications"
Google Chrome
Text Editor
Lock when put to sleep
Lock when screen turn off
Don't ask for custom message
Use custom date and time format
%A %Y-%m-%d, %H:%M
"Startup Applications"
- EndeavourOS Update Notifier
- Desktop Sharing
- wallpaper-once
- Welcome
- Guake
- overGrive
- pCloud
Action on titlebar middle click: None
Coverflow (3d)
delay 50ms
"Keyboard" > "Keyboard Shortcuts"
Generally delete unused shortcuts.
Disable NumLock to use keypad keys.
gsettings list-schema org.cinnamon.desktop.keybindings.wm
dconf dump /org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings/wm/
- "Show the window selection screen" (Scale): Super+Q
- "Show the workspace selection screen" (Expo): none
- "Show Desktop": Super+D
- "Cycle Windows Backwards": Shift+Alt+Tab
- "Cycle Same App": Alt+`
- "Run": Super+r
- "Looking Glass": Super+F12
- "Minimize window": Super+KP_1
- "Toggle maximization state": Super+KP_9
"Window > Tiling and Snapping":
- "Push tile left": Super+Left
- "Push tile right": Super+Right
- "Push tile up": Super+Up
- "Push tile down": Super+Down
"Window > Inter-workspace":
- "Move window to left workspace": Super+,
- "Move window to right workspace": Super+.
"Window > Inter-workspace":
- "Move window to left monitor": Shift+Super+Left
- "Move window to right monitor": Shift+Super+Right
- "Move window to up monitor": Shift+Super+Up
- "Move window to down monitor": Shift+Super+Down
"Workspace > Direct Navigation":
- "Switch to workspace 1": Super+1
- "Switch to workspace 2": Super+2
- "Lock screen": Super+L
"System > Screenshots and Recordings":
- "Take a screenshot of an area": Shift+Print
- "Copy a screenshot of an area to clipblard": Ctrl+Shift+Print
- "Take a screenshot": Print
- "Copy a screenshot to clipblard": Ctrl+Print
- "Take a screenshot of a window": Alt+Print
- "Copy a screenshot of a window to clipblard": Ctrl+Alt+Print
- "Launch terminal": Super+<T
- "WWW browser": Homepage (Fn+F1)
- "Home folder": Super+E
linuxmint/nemo-extensions: A set of extensions for Nemo
Default: "List View"
List View zoom: "66%"
Check "Ignore per-folder view preferences"
Automatically close when media unmounted
Date format: ISO
Check "Show full path"
Check "Show advanced permissions"
"List Columns"
Check "Owner", "Permissions"
Disable Text in icons
Show thumbnails for < 10MB
Enable tooltips
Check "computer", "terminal"
Toggle Looking Glass with Super+F12
Looking Glass log: ~/.cinnamon/glass.log
Xsession error: ~/.xsession-errors