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November 20, 2023
April 24, 2015

This history of US comics divides into 4 distinct periods:

Golden Age: 1938-1950
After the Great Depression and WWII, patriotic heroes fighting "foreigners". Violence and crime are abundance.
Silver Age: 1956-1970
Comics Code Authority established to regulate contents of comics. Crime, horror and sex is regulated.
Bronze Age: 1970-1985
The Code was ignored by comic publishers and comics addresses social issues. Tony Stark dealt with his alcoholic issue, Gwen Stacey dies ...
Modern: 1985-today
More focus on the mental beings of the heroes and villains.

The History Of The Marvel Vs DC Rivalry - YouTube

NerdSync - YouTube
Comicstorian - YouTube
MerryMarvelite - YouTube
努力的 Lorre 油管频道 - YouTube
美漫懶人包(US comics easy pack) - YouTube 帥狗 HandsomeDoge

Variant Comics - YouTube
History Of... - YouTube comics characters
One Shots! - YouTube

Comics Explained - YouTube
Marvel Major Event Chronology | Comics Explained - YouTube
New To X-Men? Start Here! | Comics Explained - YouTube
Too Powerful For Marvel Movies | Comics Explained - YouTube

美漫達人聊漫畫:歷代蜘蛛人大集合!盤點 MARVEL 史上登場的各種版本蜘蛛人~ | 玩具人 Toy People News


Multiverse (Marvel Comics) - Wikiwand
616: Main Comic Universe
1616: Ultimate Universe (MCU based on this)

Marvel Universe Wiki (Official)
Marvel Database | FANDOM powered by Wikia
X-Men Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Marvel Entertainment - YouTube
Marvel 101 - YouTube
Marvel 101 - YouTube
Marvel 101 - Monsters Unleashed - YouTube
How-To Draw LIVE! - YouTube

Marvel Developer Portal
Marvel Developer Portal - Interactive Documentation
mattdesl/marvel-comics-api: a small wrapper around the Marvel Comics API

15 Superheroes That Have Defeated The Hulk

Avengers: The Origin of Marvel's Infinity Stones Explained

Captain Marvel: The Kree-Skrull War Explained | ScreenRant
Captain Marvel: What Are Her Powers and Why Do the Avengers Need Her? | FANDOM

Jack Kirby's Marvels

Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet: Full Story - YouTube

DC Comics

Characters | DC Comics
Multiverse (DC Comics) - Wikiwand

DC adopts the parallel universe concept, first in Flash, in order to crossover heroes of different origins.

DC Database | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Captain Marvel vs Captain Marvel

DC and Marvel both have a Captain Marvel, what’s the story there? What big differences are there between Superman and Shazam? – Ask the DC Multiverse Historian
The Origins Of Captain Marvel Explained - YouTube
Why The Original Captain Marvel Is Now Called Shazam | ScreenRant

Big Screen Incarnation

movies-database#Comics Movies


James Whitbrook
What Goes Into Turning Comic Book Art Into Comic Book Action Figures