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January 9, 2025
January 14, 2015


Learning Cron by Example
Linux Crontab: 15 Awesome Cron Job Examples
Cron and Crontab usage and examples
Cron format
Crontab – Quick Reference
50 Amazing Linux Crontab Commands For The SysAdmins

Scheduling Everything With The Help Of Cron Jobs & Anacron - YouTube

Editor - the cron schedule expression editor
A visual crontab editor - create your custom crontab syntax to use with the cron scheduling application on your Linux server

# view our crontab entries without editing them
crontab -l

# view our crontab entries without editing them
crontab -e

# specify user
crontab -u user

# remove your crontab file and start fresh
crontab -r   ## !! dangerous !!
crontab -ri

# load from file
# !! current crontab entries will be overwritten !!
crontab file
# min hour dom month dow command
30 8-18/2 * * 1-5 ./path/to/
# Minutes [0-59]
# Hour [0-23]
# Day of Month [1-31]
# Month [1-12] - January is 1, obviously
# Day of Week [0-7] - Sunday is 0 or 7
# Command to run (can have spaces)

When you specify */5 in minute field means every 5 minutes.
When you specify 0-10/2 in minute field mean every 2 minutes in the first 10 minute.
Thus the above convention can be used for all the other 4 fields.

# use bash

# m h  dom mon dow   command

# show env of cron shell
#* * * * * env > /tmp/cron-env.output

# backup crontab every Monday
0 13 * * 1 crontab -l > ${HOME}/crobtab.bak

Logs for cron can usually be found in /var/log/cron.log or /var/log/messages


Cron Vs Anacron: How to Setup Anacron on Linux (With an Example)

anacron is for PCs that are not running 24*7.


Linux Fu: Troubleshooting Incron | Hackaday


cronie-crond/cronie: Cronie cron daemon project


For once-shot non-repeating task

Schedule One-Time Commands with the UNIX at Tool | Linux Journal


Schtasks: Management Services | Microsoft Docs
Setting up a cron job in Windows - Stack Overflow
Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Task Scheduler--> Create Task

schtasks /create /tn TASK_NAME /tr calc /sc weekly /d MON /st 06:05 /ru "System"