PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database
PostgreSQL - Wikiwand
PostgreSQL History - 2ndQuadrant | PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 12 Top Features Explained - YouTube
PostgreSQL 13 Has Some Performance Boosts! Let us discuss it! - YouTube
PostgreSQL v14 Is Faster, and Friendly to Developers – The New Stack
PostgreSQL 16 advances query parallelism | InfoWorld
dhamaniasad/awesome-postgres: A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources, inspired by awesome-mysql
pg-tr/awesome-postgres: A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources, forked from dhamaniasad/awesome-postgres
Why Postgres? | Crunchy Data
Why old-school PostgreSQL is so hip again | InfoWorld
Wait... PostgreSQL can do WHAT? - YouTube
- Multi-version concurrent control, new record created upon write
- Heavy rely on process, each client is a process
- Provides extension API, provides low layer data store abstraction
- Rows are stored in heap according to row index (think of it as a hidden primary key), create and update are always O(1)
- Indices points to offset in heap and may become stale (needs to be vacuumed)
PG4E - Postgres for Everybody
PostgreSQL for Everybody | Coursera
PostgreSQL Tools for the Visually Inclined – Rob Conery psql
PostgreSQL for Everybody | Coursera
PostgreSQL for Everybody - YouTube
Intermediate PostgreSQL | Coursera
Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners - YouTube
Postgres Architecture Explained - YouTube âť—!important
All Postgres Locks Explained | A Deep Dive - YouTube
Home - Postgres Conference
Postgres Guide
PostgreSQL tutorial: Get started with PostgreSQL 10 | InfoWorld
Datadog’s PostgreSQL Cheatsheet
Python vs SQL: Comparison for Data Pipelines – Towards Data Science
How Postgres Makes Transactions Atomic — Brandur Leach
Hacking SQL — Tools, Utilities, and Work flow. – codeburst
Handling backup and recovery in PostgreSQL 10 [Tutorial] | Packt Hub
PostgreSQL: Feature Matrix
Postgres hidden gems - Craig Kerstiens
Postgres Indexes for Newbies
Data Loading in Postgres for Newbies
Postgres Insider Terminology
Advisory Locks
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 13.3. Explicit Locking
Understanding PostgreSQL Locks: A Comprehensive Guide 101
Richard Clayton - Distributed Locking with Postgres Advisory Locks
How do PostgreSQL advisory locks work - Vlad Mihalcea
Rob Conery | Designing a PostgreSQL Document API
Rob Conery | PostgreSQL Document API Part 2: Full Text Search and Bulk Save
Rob Conery | PostgreSQL Document API Part 3: Finding Things
Rob Conery | PostgreSQL Document API Part 4: Complex Queries
Rob Conery | Embracing SQL In Postgres
PG Casts
SE-Radio Episode 362: Simon Riggs on Advanced Features of PostgreSQL : Software Engineering Radio
Postgres Databases and Schemas URL Schema
PL Matrix - PostgreSQL wiki
robconery/massive-js: A simple relational data access tool for NodeJS.
porsager/postgres: Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno
robconery/moebius: A functional query tool for Elixir
PostgreSQL driver for Python — Psycopg
Welcome to PyGreSQL
General PyGreSQL programming information — PyGreSQL
MagicStack/asyncpg: A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
athenianco/asyncpg-rkt: A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio. fork that returns dataframe
I Forked “Asyncpg” — And It Parses Database Records to Numpy 20x Faster | by Vadim Markovtsev | Jun, 2022 | Better Programming
Quicker serverless Postgres connections - Neon websocket, TLS
Postgres Extensions in Rust | Depth-First
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Appendix F. Additional Supplied Modules and Extensions
Top 10 PostgreSQL Extensions You Should Know About | Airbyte
Wait... PostgreSQL can do WHAT? - YouTube
PostgREST Documentation
PostgREST/postgrest: REST API for any Postgres database
pramsey/pgsql-http: HTTP client for PostgreSQL, retrieve a web page from inside the database.
michelp/pgjwt: PostgreSQL implementation of JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
mkaski/pg_render: Render HTML in SQL. PostgreSQL extension.
AbdulYadi/pgqr: PostgreSQL extension to generate QR code
PostgreSQL Anonymizer
Omnigres documentation
omnigres/omnigres: Postgres as a Platform
PostgreSQL: Documentation: F.18. hstore key-value store
Document database
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.14. JSON Types
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.16. JSON Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL JSON Tutorial
PostgreSQL and JSON – How to Use JSON Data in PostgreSQL
JSONB PostgreSQL: How To Store & Index JSON Data
Working with JSON in PostgreSQL vs MongoDB - YouTube
Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres | Information | The Guardian
Message queue
tembo-io/pgmq: A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ And Replaced It With A Postgres Queue
PostgreSQL: Documentation: NOTIFY pub
PostgreSQL: Documentation: LISTEN sub
Time series
PostgreSQL ++ for time series and events | Timescale
timescale/timescaledb: An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
Logging Database
logfellow/logstash-logback-encoder: Logback JSON encoder and appenders
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 12.11. Limitations
Why we replaced Elasticsearch with Postgres Full-Text Search
\e edit
DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool
How we optimized PostgreSQL queries 100x | by Vadim Markovtsev | Towards Data Science
Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python | Haki Benita
Data types
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Chapter 8. Data Types
PostgreSQL as a Schemaless Database
the-art-of-the-terminal/postgresql-is-not-a-database/02-object-features.sql at master · vivus-ignis/the-art-of-the-terminal custom data type and inheritance
Rob Conery | JSONB and PostgreSQL: Work Faster By Ditching Migrations 9.4+
When to use unstructured datatypes in Postgres–Hstore vs. JSON vs. JSONB
PostGIS — Spatial and Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL
Forward Data Wrappers (FDW)
FDW allows Postgres as a "frontend" for other database
A tour of Postgres' Foreign Data Wrappers - Craig Kerstiens
Understanding Foreign Data Wrappers in Postgres and postgres_fdw
PostgreSQL: Documentation: F.38. postgres_fdw
Creating a Postgres Foreign Data Wrapper | DoltHub Blog
PostgreSQL FDW aggregation pushdown part I: modifying Multicorn | Splitgraph
Computed Values
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 14: CREATE AGGREGATE
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 14: 2.7. Aggregate Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 14: 9.21. Aggregate Functions
Key metrics for PostgreSQL monitoring
Collecting metrics with PostgreSQL monitoring tools
How to collect and monitor PostgreSQL data with Datadog
The Unexpected Find That Freed 20GB of Unused Index Space | Haki Benita
Nullable foreign keys are good candidates for partial index
70GB of Unused Bloated Index Space Freed on Postgres, Here is how they did it - YouTube
PostgreSQL: Why and How WAL Bloats - DZone Database