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Elastic Stack

January 9, 2025
August 3, 2015

Elastic adopted SSPL since 7.11 (2021-02)

Visualizing data with Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana
Elastic Stack and Product Documentation | Elastic
Glossary of terms | Elasticsearch Reference | Elastic

Pricing |

Learn About the Elastic Stack | Documentation, Training & More | Elastic
dzharii/awesome-elasticsearch: A curated list of the most important and useful resources about elasticsearch: articles, videos, blogs, tips and tricks, use cases. All about Elasticsearch!
elastic/examples: Home for Elasticsearch examples available to everyone. It's a great way to get started.

An Elastic Stack Primer - log, stream, and visualize data | Elastic 2016-06, 5.0.0-alpha3
Troubleshooting Elasticsearch searches, for Beginners | Elastic
A case for self monitoring systems | Elastic
Operational Analytics at Elastic{ON} | Elastic

第 12 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽::用 30 天向世界宣告,這一年來鋼鐵般的歷練

The Complete Guide to the ELK Stack -
NGINX Log Analysis with Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana

System Log Aggregation with the Elastic Stack | A Cloud Guru


github/vulcanizer: GitHub's ops focused Elasticsearch library
Vulcanizer: a library for operating Elasticsearch - The GitHub Blog


sebp/elk - Docker Image | Docker Hub
spujadas/elk-docker: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image

Enriching logs with Docker metadata using Filebeat | Elastic add docker logs to Elasticsearch
How to make a Dockerfile for Elasticsearch | Elastic
Install Elasticsearch with Docker | Elasticsearch Reference | Elastic
blacktop/docker-elastic-stack: ELK Stack Dockerfile archived, up to 7.13

Deploying an EFK Stack with Docker Logstash -> Fluentd

Send Your Data -
logzio/docker-logging-plugin: This is a docker logging driver plugin to forward docker logs to

Centralized System and Docker Logging with ELK Stack | Technology Conversations
Deploying and migrating an Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana stack using Docker Part 2 · ClusterHQ
An ELK stack from scratch, with Docker – Erwan Deruelle – Medium
Log Management for Docker Swarm with ELK Stack - botleg use gliderlabs/logspout to aggregate Docker logs to ELK
Monitoring an application running in Docker containers and Kubernetes with the Elastic Stack | Elastic

Monitoring Container Resource Usage with Metricbeat | Elastic
Running Metricbeat on Docker | Metricbeat Reference | Elastic

Effective Elasticsearch Plugin Management with Docker | Elastic
Docker Networking | Elastic
How to make a Dockerfile for Elasticsearch | Elastic

Docker Monitoring with the ELK Stack: A Step-by-Step Guide -
Docker Logging with the ELK Stack -- Part One -
Which Monitoring Plugins Work with Elasticsearch 5? -

Log Forwarding with Tutum | Tutum Blog
Log Searching and Analysis with Tutum and an ELK | Tutum Blog
Use Logspout to forward Docker log to syslog

cAdvisor only works for Elasticsearch 2.x
Monitoring Docker Containers with Elasticsearch and cAdvisor | via @codeship
Monitoring Docker Swarm with cAdvisor, InfluxDB and Grafana - botleg cAdvisor config



Yelp/elastalert: Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
ElastAlert - Easy & Flexible Alerting With Elasticsearch — ElastAlert documentation

ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 1
ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 2
Elastalert: implementing rich monitoring with Elasticsearch – Technology explained


X-Pack: Extend Elasticsearch, Kibana & Logstash | Elastic
Introduction | X-Pack for the Elastic Stack | Elastic

Subscriptions based extension by

Includes the following features:

Cluster Alerts for Elasticsearch Issues: Cluster Alerts in X-Pack Monitoring | Elastic
Watching the watches: Writing, debugging and testing watches | Elastic
Anatomy of a Watch | Elastic
User Impersonation with X-Pack: Integrating Third Party Auth with Kibana | Elastic
Monitoring Logstash Filters: X-ray glasses included | Elastic
You get a report! You get a report! | Elastic

X-Pack alternatives

Elastic Stack (X-Pack) Alternatives: Free, Open Source, Commercial & Cloud Services

Secure the Elastic Stack | Elasticsearch Guide [8.8] | Elastic
How to Secure Elasticsearch and Kibana | MapR

sscarduzio/elasticsearch-readonlyrest-plugin: Free Elasticsearch and Kibana security plugin: super-easy Kibana multi-tenancy, Encryption, Authentication, Authorization, Auditing
Authentication in Elasticsearch without shield or x-pack - Software, Soul and other small things

Search Guard | Security for Elasticsearch and the ELK stack
Explore projects · GitLab
Dear Search Guard users #2, including Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Open Distro, and others | Elastic Blog


PyCon PL 2013 "Explore your data" - YouTube
Elasticsearch from the bottom up - YouTube
Log Analytics with Elastic Stack - YouTube
GOTO 2014 • Make Sense of your Logs: From Zero to Hero in less than an Hour! • Britta Weber - YouTube
Elasticsearch for logs and metrics: A deep dive -- Velocity 2016 by Sematext Developers
Elasticsearch in action Thijs Feryn a beginner overview
Visualizing Logs Using ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana - YouTube
Setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana for Analytics - YouTube

#bbuzz: Alex Brasetvik "Elasticsearch in production" - YouTube
#bbuzz: Martijn van Groningen "Document relations with Elasticsearch" - YouTube
#bbuzz: Radu Gheorghe "JSON Logging with Elasticsearch" - YouTube
#bbuzz: Rafał Kuć "Battle of the Giants: Solr vs ElasticSearch, Round 2" - YouTube
#bbuzz 2015: Radu Gheorghe & Rafał Kuć – Side by Side with Elasticsearch & Solr part 2 - YouTube
#bbuzz 2015: Shikhar Bhushan - Diving into Elasticsearch Discovery - YouTube

Videos · Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy | Elastic
An Elasticsearch Crash Course | Elastic
Big Data, Search, and Analytics | Elastic
Road to a Distributed Search Engine | Elastic

An Introduction to the ELK Stack (Now the Elastic Stack) | Elastic
Elasticsearch: Getting Started | Elastic
Upgrading Your Elastic Stack to 5.0 | Elastic
Elasticsearch Query DSL: Not Just for Wizards | Elastic
Elastic for Operational Analytics | Elastic

Getting Started with Logstash: 0-60 in 60 | Elastic
Getting Started with Kibana | Elastic

Getting Started with Filebeat | Elastic
Filebeat Modules - collect, parse, visualize common log formats | Elastic

Using Beats and Marvel to Monitor Your Infrastructure | Elastic
Getting Started with Alerting for Elasticsearch | Elastic

elasticon 2017
Elasticsearch Roadmap | Elastic
Elasticsearch Deepdive | Elastic
Kibana Deep Dive Session | Elastic
Writing Logstash Plugins in the 5.X Era | Elastic
Elastic{ON} 2017: X-Pack Roadmap | Elastic