Keysight University
STEMTera™ Breadboard Beginner's Guide !important
PyroElectro News, Projects & Tutorials
Beginning Embedded Electronics - SparkFun Electronics
Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Electronics Notes: reference site for electronics, radio & wireless
Learning about Electronics
"Ultimate Electronics" Book - CircuitLab
Lessons In Electric Circuits
Textbook for Electrical Engineering & Electronics !important
Video Lectures on Electrical Engineering & Electronics
Electronics I and II: [Analog Devices Wiki]
Arduino Playground - ElectroInfoResources
Electrical Engineering and Technology
Electronics For The IoT
Mike Cook’s Tutorials
A round up of our “Basics” articles | Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students - ElProCus is an educational website on electronic projects for ECE and EEE students.
Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Analog Electronics Crash Course - Tutorial Australia
Beginner's Electronics: 10 Skills You Need to Know
ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students - ElProCus is an educational website on electronic projects for ECE and EEE students.
Portal:Electronics - Wikiwand
Concepts | Tutorials - !important
Analog vs. Digital -
Analog to Digital Conversion -
Voltage Dividers -
How to use a multimeter like a pro! The Ultimate guide - YouTube
How to Use a Multimeter -
INA169 Breakout Board Hookup Guide - measuring current
Multiplexer Breakout Hookup Guide -
低電阻測量-四線式精準測量0.01Ω的原理 - 實作派電子實驗室
DIY 制作 Switch 及手机维修神器,机械模拟指针式单表头双量程 USB 电流表,及改量程 - YouTube
AddOhms Video Tutorials
All AddOhms Tutorials - YouTube
Bald Engineer - Electronics Tutorials for Enginerds
Simply Electronics - YouTube
RimstarOrg - YouTube
ElectroBOOM101 - YouTube
Visual Electric - YouTube
Electronic Basics - YouTube Great Scott
Electronics for Beginners - YouTube Afrotechmods
Electronics Tutorials - YouTube Crazy Couple
BUFidea 零基礎電路學 - YouTube
Schemdraw documentation — SchemDraw 0.14 documentation electrical circuit schematic
Electronics taught in secondary schools is an over-simplified view of the world.
Circuits have feedbacks and losses(resistances, inductances, capacitances, magnetic effects, ...) in the real world that have to be taken into consideration.
What is Electricity? -
Electric Vocabulary - YouTube
Electric Circuits and the Hydraulic Analogy - YouTube
The Story of Electricity Full Episode - YouTube
Mobile electrons don't push each other to create the current. The current is a result of electric field.
The Big Misconception About Electricity - YouTube
How Wrong Is VERITASIUM? A Lamp and Power Line Story - YouTube
How Right IS Veritasium?! Don't Electrons Push Each Other?? - YouTube
How Electricity Actually Works - YouTube
ETC Resources
A brief history of the power transformer - ABB Conversations
How transformers work - ABB Conversations
Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law -
An Introduction to Power Sources and Ohm's Law | Custom | Maker Pro
How electricity works. . . . animated - YouTube
Do Volts or Amps Kill You? Voltage, Current and Resistance - YouTube
Counterintuitive physics property found to be widespread in living organisms negative resistance
What is a Circuit? -
Series and Parallel Circuits -
War of the currents - Wikiwand
Why Use AC Instead of DC at Home?? - YouTube
Early AC Power History - YouTube
How electricity works. . . . animated - YouTube
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a 50 Hz and a 60 Hz power supply? Why do countries prefer either of the frequencies? - Quora
Shocking History & Physics of AC Transformer - YouTube 54:49, Westinghouse improved Tesla's patent
About AC Power Phases
Single Phase Electricity Explained - wiring diagram energy meter - YouTube
01 - What is 3-Phase Power? Three Phase Electricity Tutorial - YouTube
02 - Why is 3-Phase Power Useful? Learn Three Phase Electricity - YouTube
How Three Phase Electricity works - The basics explained - YouTube
Why 3 Phase AC instead of Single Phase??? - YouTube
No return cable needed for balanced loads
Why 3 Phase Power? Why not 6 or 12? - YouTube
Electrical engineering basics - YouTube The Engineering Mindset
How ELECTRICITY works - working principle - YouTube
What is CURRENT– electric current explained, electricity basics - YouTube
Voltage Explained - What is Voltage? Basic electricity potential difference - YouTube
120V 240V Electricity explained - Split phase 3 wire - YouTube
Ground, Neutral and Hot wires (US/Can) - The Engineering Mindset
Ground Neutral and Hot wires explained - electrical engineering grounding ground fault - YouTube
The GFCI/RCD: A Simple but Life-Saving Protector - YouTube
Kathy Loves Physics & History
Physics and History of Why USA uses 120 volts and not 220 volts - YouTube
History of 3-phase Electricity & Distribution - YouTube
Electric generator - Wikiwand a device that converts mechanical energy to electricity
發電機 - Wikiwand
Photoelectric effect - Wikiwand
Photoelectricity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Mystery Flaw of Solar Panels - YouTube
每年损失 30 个核电站的发电量,太阳能电池板存在着一个神秘的缺陷 - YouTube
Piezoelectricity - why hitting crystals makes electricity - YouTube
How a quartz watch works - its heart beats 32,768 times a second - YouTube
A Solid State Piezoelectric Fan—Does It Actually Work? - YouTube
【Fun 科學】超自然拍動的葉片(Piezoelectric Fan) - YouTube
Seebeck Effect: temperature different at junction generates a voltage
Peltier Effect: voltage applied at junction causes temperature difference
Thermoelectric materials - Wikiwand
Make Electricity Go Round and Round - The Thermoelectric Effect - YouTube
Thermoelectric Effects ⚡ How a Peltier Cell and a Thermocouple Work - YouTube
How Thermocouples Work - basic working principle + RTD - YouTube
Making Cooler/Generator with Thermoelectric Device - YouTube
Seebeck & Peltier Effect - How Thermocouples & Peltier Cells work? - YouTube
Thermoelectric Cooling is a Bad Idea - YouTube
This Cooler DRAWS 545W!!? Bad Cooling Ideas #2 - YouTube
Thermoelectric cooling: it's not great. - YouTube
I’ve got a lucky ticket… - YouTube
Sub Ambient Cooling - The new Intel Cryo Cooler brings TEC Cooling to a new Level - YouTube
I probably wasn't supposed to do this 😅 Ryzen 5950X cooled by Intel Cryo Cooler - YouTube
Four Current Flow Myths Addressed - Bald Engineer
Which way does Electricity REALLY flow?
Alternating Current (AC) vs. Direct Current (DC) -
Electrical Current Explained - AC DC, fuses, circuit breakers, multimeter, GFCI, ampere - YouTube
Why Circuit Breakers DON'T Protect People (electric shocks) - YouTube Circuit Breaker protects cables, not people; Residual Current Device (RCD) protects people
What is a resistor? » Resistor Guide
Resistor Details, Description & Pinout
Resistor color code » Resistor Guide
Resistor Color Codes | Color Codes | Electronics Textbook
Resistor color code calculator » Resistor Guide
Resistors -
4 strips: 2 digits x multiplier x tolerance
5 strips: 3 digits x multiplier x tolerance
Surface mount
E24: 2 digits + 1 digit for exponent
E96: 2 digits code + 1 letter for multiplier
Do Potentiometer values make a difference with an Arduino? – Brainy-Bits
Electrolytic Capacitor: Pinout, Description & Datasheet
use capacitor to filter noise in circuit
note the capacitor is useful up to the "self resonant" frequency
so capacitors are often used in pairs:
- a large, directed one (47uF) on the power supply to filter out the low frequency variations
- a small one (0.1uF or 0.01uF) on each chip for the high frequency noise
- add an extra large one (470uF) for heavy load with much noise (such as motor)
Capacitors Explained - The basics how capacitors work working principle - YouTube
Why electrolytic capacitors are actually kinda shitty 💩 - YouTube
Decoupling Capacitors - And why they are important - YouTube filter out noises
Static Electricity
The science of static electricity - Anuradha Bhagwat - YouTube
静电什么原理?为什么冬天静电比较多?教你防静电小妙招 - YouTube
Should a Person Touch 200,000 Volts? A Van de Graaff generator experiment! - YouTube
Van de Graaff Generators - YouTube
Phase Lock Loop
锁相放大器的基本工作原理 - YouTube
让频率提升几十倍的电路!锁相环的工作原理! - YouTube
Voltage Control Oscillator (VCO) outputs the high frequency.
But it needs the Phase Comparator and Low pass filter to ???
How to Use an Oscilloscope -
Learn Oscilloscope Basics with an Arduino Uno - YouTube
示波器那么重要,你确定不进来看看? - YouTube
示波器操作教學 - YouTube 實作派電子實驗室
Keysight Labs - YouTube
DIY Oscilloscope Kit (20$) VS Regular DS Oscilloscope (400$) - YouTube
Analog Discovery: Getting Started with the Analog and Digital Tools |
History of the Oscilloscope: Visualizing with Light, the CRT, to the Modern Oscilloscope - News
Logical Analyzers
邏輯分析儀怎麼用-數位電路除錯神器-團購LAP C Pro看影片資訊 - YouTube 實作派電子實驗室
A beginners guide to relays, contactors, and solenoids to automate anything; (#083) - YouTube
How Relays Work - Basic working principle electronics engineering electrician amp - YouTube
Why RELAYs go BOOM!!! And How to Use Them - YouTube
Cables and Connectors
Working with Wire -
How to Use a Breadboard - 20-29 AWG (0.8-0.3mm) wires
Prototyping a Circuit: Methods and Tools - Tutorial Australia
Stripboard - Wikiwand
Perfboard - Wikiwand
Cable sizing and selection | 12 volt planet
What cable do I need? | 12 Volt Planet - YouTube
- calculate current draw of load
- calculate the voltage drop for the required cable length
#12 Five Tricks for working with Dupont wires - YouTube
7 Tricks on how to wire your Project (e.g. Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32) Dupont wires - YouTube
IEC 60320 - Wikiwand
JST connector - Wikiwand
J.S.T. Mfg. Co., Ltd. Japan Solderness Terminals
Direct to Connector Series
What is a JST Connector? - Tutorial Australia
PHR-2 JST Connector Housing, PH Series, 2 Ways, 2mm, BPH and SPH Series Crimp Contacts | Farnell element14
2 pins ones are usually used for Lithium batteries
a4231696-70-connectors 2.jpg (1310×1142)
PH2.0 connectors (空对空)
SM 2.54 connectors
Dupont with bracing lock
usually used for motors
XH 2.54MM
Dupont with bracing lock
电子线 MX1.25 2p 至 6p 现货 1571#28 公母对接线对插线公母延长线-淘宝网
EL4.2 connectors (田宫)
looks like motherboard connectors
Connector Basics -
Dupont connector
Crimping cables
Custom Cables & Guide to Crimping Dupont PCB Interconnect Cables - YouTube
#39 SN-28B Chinese Crimper vs Engineer PA-09: Is there a difference for Dupont wires - YouTube
How to Know When to Crimp vs Solder - Holley Tech - YouTube
做杜邦線(假)教程 - 掃文資訊
笔记本维修厮 - YouTube
修电脑的张哥 - YouTube
Computer Hardware Tips and Tutorials - YouTube
PCB Basics -
How to Read a Schematic -
Collin's Lab: Schematics - YouTube
Principles of Schematics - YouTube
From Idea to Schematic to PCB - How to do it easily! - YouTube
Best Practices in Printed Circuit Board Design - National Instruments
Top 10 PCB Routing Tips for Beginners | EAGLE | Blog
What’s The Deal With Square Traces On PCBs | Hackaday
How Real Blueprints are Made #cool #art #engineering #experiment #science #electronics - YouTube
Ferric Chloride used for etching is highly toxic
zGlue, a New Way to Build Hardware? – Hackster Blog
Take Your PCBs from Good to Great: Toner Transfer | Hackaday
Creating PCBs with the toner transfer method
Heatless (cold) Toner Transfer for PCB Making: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
Let's Try PCB Etching! - YouTube
DIY Lab Equipment: How to Etch Your Own Circuit Boards Using a Laser Printer « Mad Science :: WonderHowTo
Your Guide to Home PCB Fabrication
PCB Etching using Toner transfer method - YouTube
關於金:噴錫 VS 鍍金 VS 沉金(PCB 工藝 PK) - 每日頭條
PCB Manufacturers
PCBShopper – A Price Comparison Site for Printed Circuit Boards
PCB Manufacturers Reviews and Notes
Rigid & Flex Printed Circuit Board express prototyping and PCB assembly, PCB POOL service
PCB Prototype & PCB Fabrication Manufacturer - JLCPCB
EasyEDA - Online PCB design & circuit simulator
China PCB Prototype & Fabrication Manufacturer - PCB Prototype the Easy Way
Reverse Engineering PCB
Software for viewing PCB/Laptop/Motherboard Layouts
Reverse Engineering the HARD Way! - YouTube
Switch Lite Boardview
Switch lite board layers
【老司機帶路】焊接&解焊零件不藏私密技大公開/Know-how of Welding & Desoldering【Hedgehog 刺蝟幫】 - YouTube
羊羹爸爸业余电子工作室,电子维修与制作器材的介绍 - YouTube
羊羹爸爸 DIY 生活: 羊羹爸爸的电子制作于维修 DIY 器材(随时更新)
Flux (metallurgy) - Wikiwand
不可思议的科学现象,锡焊时为什么非要加松香?效果如此不同! - YouTube
How to Solder: Through-Hole Soldering -
How to Solder - Castellated Mounting Holes -
How to Solder properly || Through-hole (THT) & Surface-mount (SMD) - YouTube
Professional SMT Soldering: Hand Soldering Techniques - Surface Mount - YouTube
Soldering Crash Course: Basic Techniques, Tips and Advice! - YouTube
Soldering 101 - Tutorial Australia
Basics: How Not to Solder | Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
How To Solder Wires Like A Pro - YouTube
Soldering Multiple Wires for a Distribution Joint: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Securely Connect Two Wires with Heat Shrink - YouTube
How to Securely Connect Multiple Wires with Heat Shrink - YouTube
【教學】焊接電子電路,理解原理什麼都會焊 - YouTube
How to Solder : CuriousInventor Guides
Surface Mount Soldering : CuriousInventor Guides
10 STUPID ERRORS To AVOID in Soldering and TIPS - YouTube
Announcing the “Soldering is Easy” Complete Comic Book! | MightyOhm
SMT Soldering – It’s easier than you think! | MightyOhm
How to Prototype Without Using Printed Circuit Boards: 8 Steps
Soldering Iron
價廉物美,高 CP 值!DIY T12 溫控電烙鐵 焊臺!升溫快,功率大!真的很不錯 - YouTube
DIY 自制 Arduino 开源高性能 T12 焊台(电烙铁) - YouTube
HAKKO | Select Tip Shape | HAKKO Recommendations for Selection of Tip Size 白光牌, ~¥70
Owned: 50W 内热 ¥ 33
TS100 电烙铁便携数显可调控温大功率电焊笔内热式电子维修焊锡枪-淘宝网
Miniware TS80P Soldering Iron Review ll more Power, more Better! - YouTube
Hot Plate 加熱台
The Best way to Solder? Hot Plate to the rescue! (DIY or Buy) - YouTube
斜槓 maker 之「工程師的一天」搭載 MHP30 加熱台應用/Day in the Life of an Engineer【Hedgehog 刺蝟幫】 - YouTube
惊人的高精度与高品质,维修 DIY 焊接神器 MINIWARE MHP30 智能加热平台开箱测评 - YouTube
Home | SolderReflowPlate
AfterEarthLTD/Solder-Reflow-Plate: PCB based SMD reflow plates
Semiconductor - Wikiwand
Doping (semiconductor) - Wikiwand
N-Type (doping with extra electron) and P-Type (doping with less electron)
Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED - YouTube semiconductors, GaN
Transistor - Wikiwand
Field-effect transistor - Wikiwand
MOSFET - Wikiwand
電晶體是如何工作的?發明者自己也不清楚!電晶體反目成仇的發明往事 | T 客邦
Transistor has can output different voltage depending on the input. They acts as amplifiers or switches driven by current, such that a smaller voltage can be used to drive circuit of larger voltage. They comes in BJTs and MOSFETs varieties, FETs are much preferred nowadays over BJTs transistors for their low "on resistance", more efficient and handle higher current.
Transistor: current controlled; voltage drop when on ~0.4V; low current/high voltage
MOS: voltage controlled; voltage drop when on <10mV
【知识】扔掉教科书 ,5 分钟带你入门 MOS 管 - YouTube MOS parameters
【知识】5 分钟搞明白 三极管和 mos 管的区别 - YouTube
既然有了 nmos,为啥还要 pmos - YouTube
NMOS: open on high (default off); 無源功率完件(燈, 摩打), 作下管接地; cheaper
PMOS: closed on high (default on); 無源功率完件(芯片), 作上管接 Vcc
Overview | Transistors 101 | Adafruit Learning System
Transistors -
Transistors - The Invention That Changed The World - YouTube
BJTs as Transistor Switches | AddOhms #10 - YouTube
MOSFETs and How to Use Them | AddOhms #11 - YouTube
How to protect circuits from reversed voltage polarity! - YouTube
LED center » Why do I need a resistor with an LED?
Current flowing through transistors grow exponentially with the voltage applied.
Voltage regulator - Wikiwand change voltage of DC
Low-dropout regulator - Wikiwand
Introduction to Low Dropout (LDO) Linear Voltage Regulators
Regulators drop the voltage by wasting it as heat, it is not efficient when there on large voltage difference and large current.
Linear Voltage Regulators (LM7805) | AO #17 - YouTube
5V Regulator design tutorial - How it works, how to design PCB altium - YouTube
Switching Voltage Regulator
A PWM is used to generate half wave from the DC input, the duty cycle determines the output voltage.
Linear Regulator VS Switching Regulator For Copters - Oscar Liang
Mini Voltage Regulator For Mobius Quadcopter RC Model Review - Oscar Liang
Switching Voltage Regulator (Buck, Boost) Introduction | AO #18 - YouTube
Switch mode power supply tutorial: DC-DC buck converters - YouTube
The Most Versatile Voltage Converter you never heard of! The (S)EPIC Converter - YouTube
電路學 100-1:看似不同,其實類似的原理!|升壓轉換器補充說明 - YouTube
電路學 131:1.5V 的電池能不能點亮白光 LED - YouTube
How to Power a Project -
Power Solutions for Wearables and Cosplay - News - SparkFun Electronics
The Best Way to Power FPV Goggles - Oscar Liang
Arduino - 5 Ways to Power Up your Arduino | Random Nerd Tutorials
6V and 12V are common for DC motors.
Sometimes 7.4V input is needed for H-bridge to get a 6V output.
Power Supplies and Electronic Life-Hacks (ElectroBOOM101 – 009) - YouTube
How Alternators Work - Automotive Electricity Generator - YouTube
Transformer - Wikiwand
What is a Transformer? An Electrical Transformer Tutorial - YouTube
Convert AC to AC of different voltage
- through induction of two coils
- the ratio of the number of turns is the ratio of the input and output voltages
Power inverter - Wikiwand
Convert DC to AC, with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
How Inverters Work - Working principle rectifier - YouTube
⚡ Don't build this 12V DC to 120V AC inverter circuit. - YouTube
Inverters, How do they work ? - YouTube
How Inverters Work - Working principle rectifier - YouTube
This is used for electronic appliances to control the AC frequency to allow the motor runs at optimal efficiently. Also 3 phase AC can be generated for motors (electric cars).
Rectifier - Wikiwand
Convert AC to DC, with diode bridge and capacitor
Making a Full Bridge Rectifier - YouTube
The End of the Full Bridge Rectifier? (Sorry ElectroBOOM) - YouTube active Full Bridge Rectifier with controller and MOSFET
不用变压器也能把 220V 交流电变为 5V 直流电? - YouTube 阻容降壓, only for small current
Why Power Adapters Are So HUGE - YouTube
Linear vs Switching Power Supplies - Advanced Conversion Technology
Linear Regulated vs. Switch Mode Power Supply | EAGLE | Blog
Electronics Manufacturing By Ed Red - ppt video online download
Corner Bond and Underfill Increases the Reliability of Embedded Products commonly used for ball grid array (BGA) based storage components to reduce mechanical stress on solder joints
number suffix indicates the number of pins
Leaded Packages
Leadless Packages
Charlieplexing - Wikiwand
Charlieplexing Made Easy (and What It Even Means?!): 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Tucoplexing: A New Charliplex for Buttons and Switches | Hackaday
In-Depth: Interface 4x3 & 4x4 Membrane Keypad with Arduino
Multiplexing LEDs, outputs on Arduino and other Controllers - YouTube
Electronic Basics #5: How to Multiplex - YouTube
Reading Input Signal
A pin without connection is said to be "floating", the signal will be subjected to environmental noise. Use pull-up (default high) or pull-down (default low) for a more reliable input.
Pull up resistors are usually a higher value than pull down resistors so using pull up saves energy. Some components (MCU and MPU) have built-in pull up resistors.
Pull-up and Pull-down resistors:
If you have a digital input, it can have two physical states (that may or may not be the same as the logical states, but that’s a separate issue). If the voltage is anywhere in between, undesirable things can happen. So there are two ways to get it into one of the desired states: You can wire it to the pole of a double-throw switch so that it connects directly to one voltage or the other, or you can wire it to a single-throw switch and ‘pull’ the input into the other state when the switch is open. So if you wire the switch between input and ground, so the switch pulls the input to 0 V when it’s closed, you need a “pull-up” resistor to pull the input up to 3.3 V or 5 V when the switch is open. And vice versa.
Open collector - Wikiwand
Arduino Internal Pull-Up Resistor Tutorial - Bald Engineer
Pull-up Resistors -
Pull Up Resistor Tutorial | AddOhms #15 - YouTube
Picking Pull-Up Resistor Values | AO #25 - YouTube
我的 Stem Project (三) 使用 Push Button 來做 Input | Mister Ngan
我的 Stem Project (四) Push Button 進階一點的用法 | Mister Ngan
我的 Stem Project (五) 考反應小遊戲 | Mister Ngan
Pulse-width modulation - Wikiwand
Pulse Width Modulation -
Can be generated by a 555 Timer
A PWM channel should have frequency and resolution as setting.
Arduino's PWM (analogWrite()
) frequency is about 500Hz, 8 bit resolution.
ATmega168A Pulse Width Modulation - PWM - Protostack
ESP32 LED PWM Controller Example and Sample Code
MEMS - Wikiwand
The ingenious micro mechanisms inside your phone - YouTube
EDA tools
Review of the Top Free Electronics Design Automation Software - News
Fritzing Alternatives: Top 8 Online Circuit Simulators | AlternativeTo
Circuit Diagram - A Circuit Diagram Maker
KiCad Tutorial - CuriousInventor Guides
KiCad Library | DigiKey
Contextual Electronics - YouTube
sharpie7/circuitjs1: Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser - - Circuit Simulator
EasyEDA - Online PCB design & circuit simulator
CircuitLab - online schematic editor & circuit simulator
CircuitLab Editor
Circuit Simulator Applet real time simulation
QSPICE™ Simulator - Qorvo
Qorvo Releases Free Circuit Simulation Software, QSPICE - News
An Open-Source, Free Circuit Simulator | Hackaday
PCBmodE — Boldport
A circuit board design software with a twist | PCBmodE
Download EAGLE | Free Download | Autodesk
Getting Started with CadSoft EAGLE - YouTube
Importing Custom Images into Eagle -
Easier PCB Design: EAGLE CAD Tips and Tricks
Easier PCB Design: EAGLE CAD Tips and Tricks Part 2
Easier PCB Design: EAGLE CAD Tips and Tricks Part 3
Extend EAGLE CAD Tool with ULPs: Writing Your First User Language Program
Realization. Not CAD. - Upverter
LTspice Information Center | Analog Devices
Adding Spice To Your Workbench | Hackaday
Spice Power | Hackaday
Basic Circuit Simulation with LTspice - Technical Articles
LTspice | Design Center | Analog Devices
Basic DC Analysis with LTSpice - YouTube
Circuit simulation in LTSpice - YouTube
LTspice & NumPy – Part 1: seamless integration of LTspice in python signal processing | a c i d b o u r b o n
LTspice & NumPy – Part 2: Fast Convolution Filter | a c i d b o u r b o n
About - iCircuit - The Realtime Circuit Simulator and Editor paid app, real time simulation, Arduino support
Fritzing Fritzing
fritzing/fritzing-app: Fritzing desktop application
Latest parts submit topics - fritzing forum
Parts are located at/usr/share/fritzing/parts
Creating custom parts
New Parts Editor released | Fritzing Blog
Make Your Own Fritzing Parts -
Overview | Make Beautiful Fritzing Parts with eagle2fritzing | Adafruit Learning System
Fritzing-Library/parts at master · adafruit/Fritzing-Library
fritzing/fritzing-parts: Electronic components for use in the Fritzing app (aka the parts library)
e-radionicacom/ Bunch of common use sensors/modules for makers as well as products prepared for Fritzing
DFRobot/Fritzing-library: DFRobot Fritzing library Repo
formatc1702/WireViz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses
An Open Source Tool To Document Your Wiring | Hackaday