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Enigma Machine

January 9, 2025
March 6, 2023

Enigma machine - Wikiwand
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma - Wikiwand

M1 and M3 have 3 rotor slots, M4 has 4 rotor slots.
Each rotor slot houses one of the eight Rotors (labeled in Roman numerals, the extra one for M4 labeled with Greek letters). The right Rotor steps each time a letter is typed. Each Rotor have notches at different positions to cause the Rotor on the left to step when itself done a full revolution, the middle rotor has optional "double stepping" which will also step itself when doing so. The starting Rotor location and order is called Ground/Order Settings. The inner ring of each Rotor can be set to a different offset, this is the Ring Settings.
There are three choices of Reflector (A, B and C) that takes the input and feed it through the Rotors again.
There is also a Plugboard which will swap two letters before feeding into the Fixed Rotor.
The Reflector and Rotors selected, Ground Settings, Ring Settings and the Plugboard config have to be kept in sync when encoding and decoding the message. The setting is changed daily and the setting table will change monthly. The operator will send his own Rotor settings using the Ground Settings before each message.
Enigma machine is essentially a symmetric cryptography with the initial setup as key.

How Enigma Machines Work
TechStuff Ponders an Enigma | TechStuff Podcast
Further Reading about Enigma and Codebreaking

BBC - History - Enigma (pictures, video, facts & news)
Enigma History
Cipher Machines
Enigma Museum – All Things Enigma
The Enigma cipher machine
AMS :: Feature Column from the AMS

烽火後的暗戰,密碼學家之戰的頂尖交鋒,打破德國最驕傲的機器 - YouTube Poland has been decrypting Enigma messages with the Bomb Machine in 2 hours during 1933-38, MI6 continued the work after the Enigma upgrade in 1938 and Poland was invaded
Marian Rejewski - Wikiwand
Polish Mathematicians Finding Patterns in Enigma Messages PDF

Bletchley Park | Home the villa where the team of Mathematicians breaks the Enigma machine
The Enigma and the Bombe
The Turing Bombe
Alan Turing and Enigma - YouTube Computerphile

【计算机博物志】战争密码(上集)如何复刻一台恩格玛机 - YouTube
【计算机博物志】战争密码(中集)蝴蝶的翅膀 - YouTube
【计算机博物志】战争密码(下集)炸弹机 - YouTube

The Inner Workings of an Enigma Machine - YouTube
How did the Enigma Machine work? - YouTube hardware
【不止遊戲】二戰德軍號稱「謎」的密碼機,究竟是如何使用的? - YouTube

158,962,555,217,826,360,000 (Enigma Machine) - Numberphile - YouTube
Flaw in the Enigma Code - Numberphile - YouTube


Enigma Machine Emulator
Emulator Help How the emulator worked
JavaScript Source Code for the Enigma Machine

Enigma Simulation in Javascript/HTML also lots of info

The Enigma machine: Encrypt and decrypt online — Cryptii
Enigma decoder: Decrypt and translate enigma online — Cryptii

mikepound/enigma: A java implementation of Enigma, and a modern attack to decrypt it.

Modern attempts

Cracking Enigma in 2021 - Computerphile - YouTube

How 2,000 Droplets Broke the Enigma Code in 13 Minutes
How we cracked the Enigma code using Artificial Intelligence | Lukasz Kuncewicz | Pulse | LinkedIn
Cracking the world famous Enigma Machine with artificial intelligence in just 13 minutes - BT


OctaPi: brute-force Enigma - Introduction | Raspberry Pi Projects
Put an Arduino Enigma in Your Pocket | Hackaday
Building an Enigma – Skippy's Random Ramblings