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January 10, 2025
June 13, 2015

Weapons with gun powder

TODO: separate out military/Armoured fighting vehicle?

Military Wiki | Fandom

Firearm - Wikiwand
History of the firearm - Wikiwand
How a Handgun Works: 1911 .45 - Animagraffs
M1911,手槍之王!服役時間最長的手槍,美軍士兵的最愛!擊落零式戰機,戰爭史上的奇跡!點45與9毫米之爭,哪個更好用?| 勃朗寧 | 柯爾特 | M1900 | M9 | 火力君 | - YouTube
Firearms Channel - HowStuffWorks

Backyard Ballistics - YouTube
Brandon Herrera - YouTube
Forgotten Weapons - YouTube
Garand Thumb - YouTube
InRangeTV - YouTube
Military History Visualized - YouTube
TFB TV - YouTube
The Armchair Historian - YouTube
The Most - YouTube 3D animation
Civilian Use Only - YouTube
Blue Paw Print - YouTube

Cursed Guns Series - YouTube
Firearms History - YouTube LionHeart FilmWorks
Evolution of Battlefield Technology - YouTube Our History, machines
Guns! - YouTube SmarterEveryDay
Balancing Arms - YouTube Arch, guns in gaming

GUNS: Everything You Need to Know (Special) - YouTube

More on military vehicles
AiTelly - YouTube
Armor Cast - YouTube
CRAZY262 - YouTube
Found And Explained - YouTube
Hunt武器局 - YouTube
Not What You Think - YouTube
Task & Purpose - YouTube
Tech - YouTube
兵器說 - YouTube
名将榜 - YouTube
火力就是正義(資訊頻道) - YouTube
火力施密特 - YouTube

Fuels, Explosives and Propellants: What's the difference? - YouTube

What are the weirdest and most impractical looking guns you have ever seen? - Quora
Top 10 Hilariously Impractical Historical Firearms - Listverse

Military Mechanics - YouTube Interesting Engineering, machines
Muskets to Machine Guns: Evolution of Weapons (1837-1901) | Animated History - YouTube

Search Results gun
Search Results firearms
Search Results weapon

Weapons and Kit | Forces Network

日本火繩槍發展 鐵砲 愛 死亡【故事先生 7】醫狗 Mars 講故事 - YouTube

CCTV 《枪》【全 5 集】 - YouTube
How Things Work - YouTube
Automotive Engineering - YouTube

Royal Armouries - YouTube
GameSpot Experts React - YouTube
GameSpot LOADOUT - YouTube

Weapons of Modern Warfare: Season 1 - YouTube
Iconic Arms - YouTube

【不止遊戲】西部時代左輪手槍和槓桿槍 真實歷史背景 - YouTube
【不止遊戲】西部時代的栓動步槍 真實歷史背景 - YouTube
【不止遊戲】遊戲中的大殺器 霰彈槍 加特林機槍 馬克沁機槍 真實背景故事 - YouTube
【不止遊戲】霰彈槍真能像電影中,一槍能把人轟飛幾米遠嗎? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】絕大部分人都不知道,遊戲中瞄具的原理和背後的秘密 - YouTube


Flintlock - Wikiwand
Percussion cap - Wikiwand

燧火槍, 明朝


Gunpowder - Wikiwand Black power, mixture sulfur (S), charcoal (C), and potassium nitrate (saltpeter, KNO3). Finely grained powder are pressed to form corned serpentine powder.

Nitrocellulose - Wikiwand guncotton, flash paper
Smokeless powder - Wikiwand less residue, more energy
Cordite, mix of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin

The Science of Fireworks! - YouTube
Fireworks and Waterworks - with Andrew Szydlo - YouTube
The Hidden Science of Fireworks - YouTube

The Chemistry of Fire and Gunpowder - with Andrew Szydlo - YouTube
Why aren't bullets sharp? - Quora
Niter - Wikiwandsaltpeter, potassium nitrate, serves a an oxidizer
硝石 - Wikiwand


Dynamite - Wikiwand a stablized nitroglycerin
TNT - Wikiwand
Nitroglycerin - Wikiwand
Alfred Nobel - Wikiwand Nobel invented dynamite, which is used in wars and he wanted to make good by setting up Nobel Prize at his will


Ammunition - Wikiwand
Cartridge (firearms) - Wikiwand shell/case (casing for gun powder) + primer + propellent + bullet
Category:Pistol and rifle cartridges - Wikipedia

Caliber - Wikiwand of the bore (or equivalently the bullet)
The Weird Ways Games Use Calibers - Loadout - YouTube
.50 cal = 12.7mm
.308 cal = 7.62mm
.355 cal = 9mm

cartridge type also specifies the length (the amount of propellent)
NATO ammunition = 7.62*51mm

Lock 'n Load with R. Lee Ermey - 10 Ammo - HD - YouTube
What Actually Makes a Sniper Bullet So Different - YouTube

【不止遊戲】到底有多少人分不清楚 彈夾和彈匣? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】子彈口徑 為什麼都是如 7.62 這種奇怪的數字? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】燃燒!發光!爆炸!這些究竟是什麼子彈? - YouTube
【全球子彈演變史】美國可能再次帶動子彈的變革! 第一款子彈你知道是什麼嗎? 它的歷史遠比你知道的要久! - YouTube

Lead ball
米尼彈/米涅彈, 法國參考英國計設, front load rifle

Solid Lead Bullet

Minié ball - Wikiwand

"Laws of War" of Hague Peace Conference in 1899 banned the use of solid lead bullets, which expand or flatten easily in the human body, transferring most of its kinetic energy to the target and causing grievous harm.

Jacket and Penetration

Lead round will melt in the barrel, harder metal is used to wrap the round.

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) round

The lead tip is fully covered, the shell will keep its shape upon hitting the target. This has the most penetrative. It is also called NATO rounds.

Controlled Expansion round

The lead tip is not fully covered by the jacket so the shell expands to a mushroom shape upon hitting the target. This is used for hunting and create a massive cavity on the point of impact.

Fagmentation round

The lead tip is even covered less by the jacket, so the shell break into fragments upon hitting the target. It will not penetrate more than 12 inches into the target.


Magazine can be detachable or housed within the gun.
Benefits of detachable magazine:

Why use clips when you can use magazines? - YouTube
However magazine are more expensive, creates extra loads for soldiers and take more volume than clips.


Mussel loading: the shooter have to stand up and use a stick to push gun powder and the lead ball to the end of the chamber.
Lever Action (mid 1800): cork a lever to eject empty shell and load new round to the chamber. The lever is usually pulled downwards from the barrel, meaning that the shooter have to ensure vertical clearance when reloading.
Bolt Action (mid 1800): the lever is replaced by a bolt that moves along the axis of the barrel.
Recoil Action (mid 1900): the expanded gas in the barrel is used push the lever to eject the spent shell and chamber the next round (which is equivalent to the the bolt action, however, no manual action is needed). You fire one round per trigger pull. First applied in Maxim machine gun.
Blow Back Action (mid 1900):
Fully Automatic: load, pull and hold the trigger until your magazine is empty. Advanced design will also route the exhaust upwards to suppress the recoil.

Fix barrel (not using gas?)
Toggle Delayed

Toggle Action Guns - YouTube

Trigger (firearms) - Wikiwand
Single Action: the trigger only releases the lever, the lever has to be manually loaded
Double Action: the trigger pulls the lever back and releases it
Single action triggers should provide more accuracy (as the aim is not affected by the sudden release of the spring)
Single- and double-action revolvers - YouTube

【不止遊戲】MP5 是如何成為經典之作的? - YouTube German SMG, more on automatic SMG


【不止遊戲】槍口 槍托和握把 是如何減輕武器的後坐力的? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】絕地求生和虹彩六號中的槍口背後作用原理 - YouTube

Breech mechanism

closing of chamber to capture the expanded gas and turning it to thrust

Breechblock - Wikiwand
Chamber (firearms) - Wikiwand aka breech


【不止遊戲】第 20 期 鬥陣特攻麥卡雷是怎麼六連發的? - YouTube

Long Guns

Rifle - Wikiwand
步枪 - Wikiwand

Arquebus - Wikiwand ~1500, mussel loaded, slow match ignition, smoothbore (滑膛)
Musket - Wikiwand mussel loaded, flintlock ignition, paper cartridge, most likely smoothbore
Mussel loading Musket (early 1700 - early 1800)
Mussel loading Rifle (early 1700)
Mussel loading Rifle (~1850) using Percussion Cap and Minié ball
Lever/Bolt Action Repeating Rifle also appeared in ~1860
Bolt Action Repeating Rifle was widely used in WW I(~1900) and WW II(~1940) Springfield M1903, Kar98k
How a Kar98k Works - YouTube
Semi Automatic M1 "GARAND" (~1930)
Fully Automatic M16 Assault Rifle (~1960) and AK47 (~1950)

简单捋一捋 步枪的进化 - YouTube
We Fired Weapons From The 1500s, 1700s and 1900s! - YouTube

Sniper Rifle

How Sniper Rifle Scope Technology Has Evolved - YouTube


Carbine - Wikiwand
卡宾枪 - Wikiwand

Overlaps with Assault Rifle and SMG

Assault Rifle

Assault rifle - Wikiwand
突击步枪 - Wikiwand

uses rifle calibers (.30-.40) with reduced firepower
speed and magazine size of a submachine gun + power and range of a rifle

German's STG44 (MP43/MP44) is the grandfather of modern assault rifles
The Story of the STG 44: The Birth of the Assault Rifle - YouTube
What's the difference between an MP 43/1 and an STG 44? With firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson - YouTube
Sturmgewehr MP-44 Part I: Mechanics - YouTube
Evolution of the Sturmgewehr: MP43/1, MP43, MP44, and StG44 - YouTube
WW2 Mauser Becomes Heckler & Koch: the StG-45(M), or Gerat 06H - YouTube

Belgian FN FAL
美國士兵更喜歡M-16還是FN FAL?足以抗衡AK47的世界名槍,外號自由世界的右臂,曾經北約的標準步槍,僱傭兵最愛,差點擊敗M14,俄烏戰爭還在用!|冷戰|步槍|輕武器|歷史|軍事 - YouTube

US M16/M4A1, AR-15
How an AR-15 Works - YouTube
世界最強步槍AR-15,遠超AK系列!為何AR-15步槍具有統治地位?1950年代設計的步槍能用至少一百年!|AR-15|M-4|M-16|AK-47|尤金斯通納| - YouTube

German HK416 (modified AR-15)
HK416,真正的特種部隊之槍!三角洲御用槍械,暢銷歐洲多國!擊斃兩大頭目,真正的槍中鬼見愁!|HK416|海豹突擊隊|HK416F|HK416N|活塞式自動步槍| - YouTube

Russian RPK, AK-47
【不止遊戲】AK-47 究竟有多經典? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】究竟如何區分如此多的 AK 型號? - YouTube
為什麼都喜歡魔改AK47,AK-47步槍,20世紀世界十大名槍之首!AM-47產量上億支,足跡遍佈全球,步槍之王!AK-47 VS M16,越南戰場實戰!| 氣吹式 | AKM | AK-74 | - YouTube
Why Almost All Fighters Use The AK-47 - YouTube

槍口上跳嚴重的AUG步槍,如何成為世界10大知名步槍之一?史上第一款大規模列裝的無託式步槍,開啟全球無託時代|武器|歷史|步槍 - YouTube

M16A2/A4 vs AR-15 - How Do They Compare and What's the Difference? - YouTube


How a Pump Shotgun Works - YouTube

Machine Guns

Machine guns are to provide high volume of sustained fire, often at the expense of portability
Uses the recoil to load the ammo
Heated barrel are replaced

Submachine gun - Wikiwand
冲锋枪 - Wikiwand

machine gun | History, Description, & Facts | Britannica
Machine-guns: light, medium, heavy, or sub? - YouTube
Machine Gun Terminology - LMG, MMG, SAW, LSW, HMG, GPMG - YouTube
Machine Gun Terminology Part 2: SMG, PDW, & Machine Pistol - YouTube
Evolution of the Submachine Gun: Three Distinct Generations - YouTube
MMG and LMG fires rifle calibers (.30-.40).
MMG is mounted on tripod and uses ammo belt.
LMG can be shoulder or bipod mount, uses ammo belt or magazine (Chauchat, Lewis).
HMG fires heavier rounds, mounted to tripods and vehicles.
SMG fires pistol calibre cartridge, have less recoil.
GPMG (general purpose machine gun) are invented after WW2, .30 caliber, work on mounts or handheld, quick change barrel, uses ammo belt (MG42, PK/PKM)
SAW (squad automatic weapon)/LSW (light support weapon)/automatic rifle (M1918, M1916A6, RPK/RPK-74, M249, LSW) uses same magazine to simplify logistics
Modern HMG, .50 caliber (12.7-20mm), anti-material and anti-vehicle

Gatling Gun: multi-barrel machine gun to reduce heat on barrel
However, repeated firing will still heat up the barrel and wreck the weapon
Modern incarnations are also called "minigun"
Gatling gun | History, Description, & Facts | Britannica
The Gatling Gun – The First Machine Gun?
用发明战争机器赚来的钱建游乐场?是的,“马克沁”就是这样的人!【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube

The Most Successful Machine Gun in the World? - YouTube
Small Arms of WWI Primer 080: German MG08 - YouTube
The MG 08/15 Updated Between the Wars - YouTube
Heavy Machine Guns of the Great War - YouTube
Hitler's Zipper: The MG-42 Universal Machine Gun - YouTube Hitler's Buzzsaw
The Most Successful Machine Gun in the World? - YouTube MG-42 (and the modern MP-3), reducing the production cost of MG-34
MG-34: The Universal Machine Gun Concept - YouTube
奧馬哈海灘上的死亡電鋸,盟軍最恐懼的死神,9 小時收割 4000 多條人命 IM134 重机枪 IMG42 通用机枪 I - YouTube

Bunker Busters

Black Powder undermining

Dynamite undermining
Dynamite = Nitro-glycerin + silicon


All Types of Grenades Explained - YouTube

【不止遊戲】揭秘遊戲中那些手榴彈 各種有趣的細節和原理 - YouTube
【不止遊戲】轉身背對閃光彈真的能避免被閃光嗎? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】遊戲中的地雷 真實威力有多恐怖? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】遊戲中的榴彈發射器,現實中威力究竟有多猛烈? - YouTube

Handheld Rocket

Rocket launcher - Wikiwand
火箭彈發射器 - Wikiwand

Bazooka - Wikiwand
巴祖卡火箭筒 - Wikiwand
【不止遊戲】你敢信?最常見到的「火箭筒」竟然不是火箭筒啊! - YouTube
Bazooka: 以彈頭的火箭為發射動力

Rocket-propelled grenade - Wikiwand
火箭推進榴彈 - Wikiwand
RPG-7 - Wikiwand


Tank Encyclopedia, the first online tank museum
Tanks | Usborne Quicklinks | Be Curious
Tank Wiki | Fandom

ConeOfArc - YouTube mostly on Tanks

Home - The Tank Museum
The Tank Museum - YouTube
How did tank guns get so deadly? | Evolution of Firepower - YouTube
What Tank Armour Can (& Can't) Do | Evolution of Armour - YouTube

Evolution of American Tanks | Animated History - YouTube
Evolution of German Tanks | Animated History - YouTube
Evolution of Russian Tanks | Animated History - YouTube
These Are the Largest Tanks Ever Designed - YouTube

【軍備科技樹】英國坦克發展史第一期,馬克Ⅰ型,拖拉機廠製造,現代坦克的鼻祖,一戰後歐洲列強軍備競賽的結果 #兵器說 坦克|一戰 - YouTube
坦克上的機槍,無用?高射機槍,坦克必備武器!同軸機槍、前列機槍、高射機槍,分別在哪?| M1A2 | M240 | M2HB | T-34 | T-72 | 火力君 | - YouTube

【不止遊戲】謝爾曼坦克有什麼有趣的細節? - YouTube

大名鼎鼎的虎式坦克,為何不使用傾斜裝甲,是設計師盲目自大嗎? - YouTube
德國豹式坦克,二戰坦克巔峰之作,專為剋制 T-34 而生 - YouTube

T-34 - Wikiwand
T-72 - Wikiwand
Stalin's Bunker Buster, The Story of the KV-2 | Cursed By Design - YouTube
Was the T-34 Really the Best Tank of WW2? - YouTube

【世界最先進主戰坦克 評測】都说自己是第一,究竟誰更強? M1 主戰坦克 、T-90 主戰坦克、豹 2 主戰坦克、挑戰者主戰坦克、T-14 主戰坦克、阿瓊主戰坦克、勒克萊爾主戰坦克 - YouTube

The Insane Engineering of the M1 Abrams - YouTube
M1坦克40年無敵路,坐著真皮打蘇俄坦克,最完美的美系坦克,海灣戰爭橫掃伊拉克裝甲集團,2000米擊穿2輛蘇系T-72 | 豹式 | M60 | 巴頓 | - YouTube
美軍M1「艾布拉姆斯」坦克被長期低估,實際戰力世界領先,M1A2T坦克不可小覷【裝備資訊】#m1a2abrams #m1abrams - YouTube
【M1 坦克堅持人工裝彈的原因】美軍 M1 系列坦克為何不用自動裝彈機?詳解 M1 坦克火力系統! - YouTube

【俄制坦克究竟有多差?】俄軍坦克在烏克蘭殘骸遍地!為何俄制坦克總被開罐? - YouTube

失去炮塔,反而變更強?瑞典Strv 103主戰坦克,M1艾布拉姆斯都要學它! - YouTube

Anti-Armor/Armor Piercing

Armour-piercing ammunition - Wikiwand
穿甲弹 - Wikiwand
Armour-piercing, capped, ballistic capped shell - Wikiwand
A Guide to Tank Ammo | Koala Explains: Tank Ammunition Types and their Differences - YouTube

Why do modern tanks have smoothbore main guns? - YouTube ❗!important
【262 思货】现代坦克为啥用滑膛炮?二战虎豹 300 万焦耳,现代“豹 2”700 万焦耳! - YouTube
坦克炮,滑膛还是线膛?为什么?【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube
smoothbore is preferred for APCR and APDS

Kinetic shells pierce the armor via kinetic energy:
穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing, AP): pierce armor with hardness and momentum, with explosives inside to further damage crews, 尖頭穿甲彈 can easily be deflected with inclined armor
被帽穿甲彈/鈍頭穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing Capped, APC): cap made of softer steel added, it will deform and normalize the shell to reduce the armor thickness needed to penetrate
風帽被帽穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped, APCBC): 被帽穿甲彈 is more effective against armor but not aerodynamic; 空心風帽 (Ballistic Cap, BC) is added to reduce drag
Armour-piercing, capped, ballistic capped shell - Wikiwand

Sub-calibre AP rounds have smaller and denser core (碳化鎢), using larger barrels also allows for greater initial velocity, they create less spalling and shrapnels:
高速穿甲彈 (High Velocity Armor Piercing, HVAP)/硬芯穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing Composite Rigid, APCR): smaller caliber core inside the aerodynamic jacket will pierce armor after contact
脫殼穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot, APDS): the aerodynamic jacket will decouple with the small and dense core shortly in-flight
尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲彈 (Armor Piercing Fin-stabilized Discarding Sabot, APFSDS): ammo fired without spin (with smooth bore barrel) to accommodate lengthier ammo, the ammo is stabilized with fins like a dart; also adapted to rifle barrel but usually only used in small caliber
Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot - Wikiwand
尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲彈 - Wikiwand

Chemical shells contains explosive filler that will explode on timer, on contact or by proximity.
高爆彈/榴彈 (Armor Piercing High Explosive, APHE): explodes after penetration, the shockwave and shrapnel deal AoE damage; not useful for AP due to reduced mass; also have BC, CBC variants; also used for Anti-Air shells
破甲彈 (High Explosive Anti Tank/HEAT): contains explosives and an (inverted) metal cone, the explosion happens outside of the armor and the shockwave will form focused a jet of metal particles at supersonic speed to pierce the armor and wreck havoc; smooth bore barrel should be used to keep the jet focused; initial velocity is irrelevant; needs room between the explosion and the armor for the jet formation, as seen by the standoff probe in the front to detonate the explosive; also have Ballistic Cap (BC), Capped Ballistic Capped (CBC) variants; used in RPGs; aka HEAT-MP (Multipurpose) or MPAT (Multipurpose Anti Tank)
尾翼穩定破甲彈 HEAT-FS: Since we're not using rifle, fin stabilizer is used, also reduces the weight of shell
碎甲彈 (High Explosive Squash Head, HESH/High Explosive Plastic, HEP): contains explosive that will deform, spread and stick to outside of armor, explosion will send shockwave through the armor and create spall and shrapnel inside to injure the crews; prefer rifle barrels to spread the HE; used by UK so they tends to keep Challenge 2's rifle barrel
Armor Piercing Incendiary round

Thermite - Wikiwand 白磷, produces extreme heat to melt the armor
People said this experiment was impossible, so I tried it - YouTube
俄烏戰場"地獄烈焰",鋁熱劑武器大揭秘,綁上無人機化身毀滅者,士兵藏身處一次性全清除!2500度高溫,鈦合金都融化!集束炸彈也能用,和貧鈾彈比誰該被禁?【那是為什麼】#俄烏戰爭 #美國陸軍 #烏克蘭 - YouTube

【不止遊戲】「高爆穿甲被帽風帽」坦克炮彈名字究竟是什麼意思? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】高爆彈 破甲彈 白磷彈 炮射導彈等究竟是如何攻擊的? - YouTube
【不止遊戲】穿甲彈是如何穿透坦克裝甲的? - YouTube
如何用钢钉击穿装甲?残暴的超速脱壳穿甲彈 - YouTube
强悍的碎甲彈、穿甲彈、破甲彈,它们是如何让装甲车瞬间报废的? - YouTube
穿甲彈如何穿透裝甲?尾翼穩定彈已成大哥大!破甲彈和碎甲彈與其有何不同! - YouTube
次口徑彈藥,專業打坦克!穿甲神器,一炮擊穿T-90!次口技彈藥是如何穿透裝甲的?| 脫殼穿甲彈 | 尾翼穩定 | 全口徑 | 火力君 | - YouTube

BGM-71 TOW - Wikiwand
陶式反坦克導彈,專業打坦克54年!坦克開罐神器,生產數量最多、裝備國家最多、實戰經驗最豐富的反坦克導彈!| 標槍 | BGM-71 | 長釘 | 有線制導 | 火力君 | - YouTube

AT4 - Wikiwand
AT4火箭筒,美軍最愛的反坦克武器!隨拿隨用,用完就扔,費效比遠超標槍!一炮幹翻T-62,反坦克火箭筒的未來!| 古斯塔夫 | 海灣戰爭 | T-90 | 火力君 | - YouTube

NLAW - Wikiwand
【MBT-LAW】英國瑞典共同研發下一代終極坦克殺手,一枚擊毀一輛坦克,單兵就可操作打完就扔,當今主戰坦克的最大威脅 - YouTube

FGM-148 Javelin - Wikiwand
FGM-148標槍,一枚幹穿T-90!攻頂打擊,可擊毀任何一款坦克!坦克開罐神器,美軍反坦克王牌!標槍升級,更換非製冷導引頭!| M2 | M3 | FGM-77 | AT-4 | 火力君 - YouTube

Barrett M82 - Wikiwand
M82A1為什麼叫反器材狙擊槍?威力巨大,功能多樣的巴雷特傳奇誕生史|輕武器|狙擊槍|軍事| - YouTube

Anti Anti-Armor

反應裝甲 (Explosive Reactive Armor, ERA) and 間隙裝甲 are used to counter 破甲彈, 碎甲彈.
Ceramic composite/Kevlar liners armor also nullified application of them.
Twin-staged warhead (Tandem-charge) is used to counter ERA where the first stage (precursor charge) will detonate/destroy the reactive armor.
Second gen ERA have two set of explosive and steel plate to counter that. Think of Cheese Burger vs Big Mac. The two plates are set grind together, effectively increasing the thickness and can also snap APFSDS.
Heavy ERA have multiple charges that shot out to destroy the incoming round. But this is not welcomed by the infantry cause the extra charge may cause harm to surrounding troops.
Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA)

What Are Those Bricks on Russian Tanks? | Koala Explains: Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) - YouTube
What Are Those Cages on Russian Tanks? | Koala Explains: "Cope Cages" (& Why They're Not Working) - YouTube
爆炸反應裝甲,為什麼只有蘇聯廣泛用?一個小小的方盒子,就能擋住坦克主炮的攻擊,爆反到底有什麼魔力?|俄烏|蘇聯|坦克|冷戰 - YouTube

Why Protecting Tanks is Getting Much More Difficult - YouTube RPG history

Anti-Tank Guided Missile/ATGM

Anti-tank guided missile - Wikiwand
The Insane Engineering of the Javelin - YouTube
Javelin Missile | How a Javelin Missile works - YouTube

A round of Javelin costs around $200000, while the cost of a battle tank is around $1 to 2 million.


高射炮如何擊落飛機!誕生幾百年依然不可替代!末端防空的主力! - YouTube

Ground-to-Air Missile/GTAM

Surface-to-air missile - Wikiwand

FIM-92 Stinger - Wikiwand
直升機飛行員的噩夢,毒刺防空導彈到底有多強?戰場命中率高達80%#導彈 #防空導彈 - YouTube


Artillery | Definition, History, Types, & Facts | Britannica
Cannon | weapon | Britannica

List of siege artillery - Wikiwand immobile

Field artillery - Wikiwand
Cannon - Wikiwand
M61 Vulcan - Wikiwand
Field gun - Wikiwand
Howitzer - Wikiwand
Mortar (weapon) - Wikiwand

坦克、突击炮、坦克歼击车、自行火炮究竟是如何分类的? - YouTube

How does the ammunition of a towed artillery work? - YouTube
Why Artillery Guns Always Shoot Short at Night - YouTube
Why Artillery Guns Always Shoot Short at Night - YouTube

Recoilless rifle

fire missiles?

Recoilless rifle - Wikiwand
無後座力砲 - Wikiwand

Self-propelled Guns

【自走炮發展史】自走炮如何成為戰爭之神!俄烏遠程對轟!6 門凱撒打爆俄軍 80 門重炮! - YouTube "sniper", without torrent, 40-70km with accuracy of 1-10m
盘点全球十大榴彈炮,SH15 仅排第二,第一到底是谁? - YouTube

BMP | The Industry Fighting Vehicle - YouTube

German 88mm Flak

It was called Flak 18 to mask to fact that it was designed in the 30's.

Why Was the German 88mm Flak the BEST Gun Throughout WW2? - YouTube
二戰全能火炮,海陸空三位一體,盟軍部隊最大阻礙 I88 毫米高射炮 I 謝爾曼坦克 I - YouTube
真正的炮王:88 毫米反一切炮! - YouTube more on spec of Flak 18, 36 (anti-tank), 37, 41 (anti-air) and accessories

Schwerer Gustav

Schwerer Gustav - Wikiwand
World’s BIGGEST / MOST POWERFUL GUN ever built! (Heavy Gustav Railway Gun.) - YouTube
德國二戰的黑科技“多拉巨炮”,射程 50 公里,需要動用 4000 人發射「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube

Rocket artillery

Rocket artillery - Wikiwand
火箭炮 - Wikiwand

【不止遊戲】想學迫擊炮怎麼發射么?我教你啊! - YouTube


【不止遊戲】防空炮是如何打下飛機的? - YouTube
高射炮如何擊落飛機!誕生幾百年依然不可替代!末端防空的主力! - YouTube

The Secret Invention That Changed World War 2 - YouTube proximity fuse, reduce the 18000 rounds needed to take down a plane to < 100 rounds, changed the landscape of Pacific Theatre


Missile - Wikiwand
導彈 - Wikiwand

Ballistic missile - Wikiwand no wings, like a rocket; enters LEO
彈道導彈 - Wikiwand

Cruise missile - Wikiwand like an unmanned airplane; fly within atmosphere
巡航導彈 - Wikiwand

meaning - What is the difference between a 'rocket' and a 'missile' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

东风 41 能否以德服人,世界洲际导彈哪家强?二战的日本怎么这么搞笑 - YouTube
中国东风-17 有多厉害?比东风-41 还要让人畏惧,美军专家:“全球没有任何国家能够拦截” - YouTube

【不止遊戲】遊戲中的導彈,究竟是如何追著你一直打的? - YouTube


The "Impossible Torpedo" was real - YouTube

魚雷,改變海戰的黑科技,兩枚 MK48 魚雷就可以摧毀一個“颱風”級核潛艇,五枚就可以摧毀庫茲涅佐夫號航母或者烏裏揚諾夫斯克號核動力航母,可以稱為航母殺手。 - YouTube

Guns Database

List of infantry weapons of World War I - Wikiwand
List of World War II infantry weapons - Wikiwand

二战美国步兵武器大盘点,每一款都是经典,最长服役长达百年之久 - YouTube
二战最经典冲锋枪排名,M3 黄油枪倒数第二,波波沙冲锋枪位列榜首 - YouTube
火力最猛重机枪排名,马克沁重机枪垫底,KPV 重机枪位列榜首 - YouTube
二战最经典轻机枪排名,日本九九式机枪垫底,榜首实至名归 - YouTube


NameCountryYearReloadingCaliberMagazine SizeRemark
M1 "GARAND"US~1930Semi-Auto0.30-06, 7.62mmx638/20
M1 CarbineUSSemi-Auto0.30, 7.62mm15/30Replacement of pistol as standard weapon
Lee-EnfieldUS1895-1957Bolt Action0.303
Barrett M82US1982-Semi-Auto0.50Derived from Browning M2, colossal mussel break
Springfield M1903US1903-1949Bolt Action0.30-03/06, 7.62mm5As alternative of M1 Garand in WW2, used as sniper rifle
Colt Browning M1895US1895Semi-Auto0.30
Carabiner 98k (Kar98k)GermanBolt ActionHeavy, used as sniper rifle

Barrett .50 Cal. - YouTube

Machine Guns

Browning M1917 A1US1917MGRecoilBelt.30stationary, water cooling, used in WW II and Korean War
Browning M1919 A4US1919MGRecoilBelt.30used in WW II, especially in the Pacific
Browning M1921US1921MGRecoil.50water cool, heavy
Browning M1921A1/M2US1933MGRecoil.50
Type 92 HMGJapan1932MGRecoil30 rounds feed strip7.7mmstationary, accurate defensive weapon
Bren MkIBritish1935LMGRecoil30 rounds mag.030Replaceable Barrel, used up to 80s
Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.)US1918LMGRecoil20 rounds mag0.30
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)US1984MGRecoil20 rounds mag5.56mm NATOReplaceable barrel
HECKLER & KOCH MP5US1966SMG/Machine PistolBlow Back30 rounds mag9mm pistol3 modes (Full Auto, Burst, Semi Auto), short range

KPV Russian HMG
MP15 German LMG
MP18 German LMG
MP34 German
MP42 German MG
聽見槍響就臥倒!世界上最致命的機槍 ,勃朗寧M2,美國老字型大小的百年經典, 勃朗寧機槍為何上天下海,曆久彌新 - YouTube US MG
美國打算援烏M60機槍?大名鼎鼎的蘭博之槍M60,為何被美軍叫做豬?陸軍不喜歡,特種部隊卻偏愛!美軍首個通用機槍,竟有著德軍血統,服役38年,至今還在用!|冷戰|歷史|機槍 - YouTube US MG

Submachine Guns - YouTube Forgotten Weapons

德國的 MP40,英國的司登,美國的湯普森,蘇聯的波波沙,到底哪個牛? - YouTube German SMG
PPSh-41 - Wikiwand Soviet, SMG

Thompson submachine gun - Wikiwand US SMG, 0.45, 11.43mm
M3 submachine gun - Wikiwand US SMG, 0.45, 11.43mm, "Grease Gun"
M3A1 Grease Gun - America’s $15 SMG - YouTube

British Submachine Gun Overview: Lanchester, Sten, Sterling, and More! - YouTube
Lanchester British SMG, direct copy of German's MP28, expensive nad very heavy
STEN: How Bad Was the Cheapest Gun of WW2? - YouTube
STEN British SMG, 9x19mm 32 rounds, cheap SMG mass-produced after Dunkirk
Sterling L2A3, British SMG, refinement of STEN, improved magazine

Kalashnikov PKMSoviet Union1969MGBelt7.62mm
Browning M2US1921MGBelt.50, 12.77x99mm
Browning AN/M2US1929/35AA/MGRecoilBelt.30/.50

Most MG have replaceable barrel since WW2 to prevent overheating


【不止遊戲】斷肋骨?震內臟?防彈衣的謠言為何那麼多? - YouTube
三國將領穿什麼盔甲?馬超戴鐵盆、趙雲穿肚兜,大部分人都被影視劇誤導了! - YouTube

Magnetic Weapons

【Fun 科學】真‧高斯槍的實彈射擊(鐵釘的穿刺力) - YouTube
【Fun 科學】超‧電磁砲(噴飛的硬幣) - YouTube