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September 29, 2023
December 4, 2015


Flux is a pattern for web applications architecture, rather than a library. Though there are some example implementations.

Flux promotes unidirectional data flow:
Dispatcher and stores are global.
Components take immutable prop as input and can maintain internal mutable state. Changes to state via setState() will trigger a re-rendering.
Components can also fire "intent" (also called "action") or listen to the dispatcher/stores.

Flux | Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
The React.js Way: Flux Architecture with Immutable.js
What is the Flux Application Architecture? — Brigade Engineering — Medium
Understanding Flux — Medium
Flux For Stupid People
Fluxxor - What is Flux?
Deconstructing ReactJS's Flux
What the flux?
Application Architecture with React: rethinking Flux
A cartoon guide to Flux — Code Cartoons — Medium
The Case for Flux — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium

Getting To Know Flux, the React.js Architecture ♥ Scotch
Creating A Simple Shopping Cart with React.js and Flux ♥ Scotch

View Model

What is a View Model
Mapping view models separate domain data and app data (UI states)
Avoiding Accidental Complexity When Structuring Your App State


christianalfoni - React js and flux
jQuery as a framework, could that work? - christianalfoni WebApp Enthusiast
christianalfoni - Nailing that validation with React JS
My experiences building a FLUX application - christianalfoni WebApp Enthusiast
christianalfoni - A browserify workflow part 2
An alternative render strategy with flux and React JS - christianalfoni WebApp Enthusiast
christianalfoni - Why we are doing MVC and FLUX wrong
christianalfoni - Flux vs Single State Tree
Home · christianalfoni/react-webpack-cookbook Wiki
jFlux - Going from MVC to FLUX - YouTube


goatslacker-alt · GitHub
kenwheeler-mcfly · GitHub
deloreanjs-delorean · GitHub
Flummox | Minimal, isomorphic Flux now recommends Redux
Flux | Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
Flux: No More Stores, Meet Reducer
Fluxxor - Home


The State of Flux
The Evolution of Flux Frameworks — Medium
voronianski-flux-comparison · GitHub
5 React.js + Flux tools - Progville
Which Flux Implementation Should I Use With React?
Qualities Of Good Flux Implementations discuss lux.js implementation