Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers - The Official Microsoft Blog
A bright future for GitHub | The GitHub Blog
GitHub Documentation
GitHub: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic
tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet: A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
Introduction to GitHub in Visual Studio Code - Learn | Microsoft Docs
Introducing code owners - The GitHub Blog
10 Fun Things You Can Do With 😎 - DEV Community
Useful Forks
Git Started with GitHub | Udemy
Sane GitHub Labels – Dave Lunny – Medium
GitHub Tools
GitHub Cards
GitHub Card - gh-card
GitHub Visualizer
Octobox Untangle your GitHub Notifications
sourcerer-io/sourcerer-app: 🤖 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
Issue Stats
ben174/git-draw: Allows you to draw in your github heatmap
The Unofficial GitHub Watch & Fork Buttons
Fork me on GitHub CSS Ribbon
Pure CSS responsive "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon
GitHub Ribbon Using CSS Transforms | Unindented
Behind GitHub's new authentication token formats | The GitHub Blog
Lepton - A Lean GitHub Gist Client
GitHub Profile/README
Managing your profile README - GitHub Docs
The GitHub Profile Trick | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
How to Create an Impressive GitHub Profile README - SitePoint
rzashakeri/beautify-github-profile: This repository helps you to have a more beautiful and attractive github profile, and you can access a complete set of tools and guides for beautifying your github profile. 🪄 ⭐
abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme: 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝
anuraghazra/github-readme-stats: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
Showing your private contributions and achievements on your profile - GitHub Docs
GitHub repo list
JS-DevTools/my-repos: All your GitHub repos on one page
leesei/repos-grid: Based on the source code for, rewritten in AngularJS.
leesei/repos-list: leesei's repos in list
GitHub CLI
GitHub CLI | Take GitHub to the command line
cli/cli: GitHub’s official command line tool
Scripting with GitHub CLI - The GitHub Blog
Work with GitHub Actions in your terminal with GitHub CLI - The GitHub Blog
GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages | Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.
GitHub Help
A Guide To Using Github Pages · Thinkful Programming Guides
React Router with GitHub Pages - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
You can also place static web sites on gh-pages
branch and it can be accessed at <user><repo>
. If the repo is <user>
, the URL is <user>
GitHub includes Jekyll generator by default.
GitHub Pages
Instantly Beautiful Project Pages · GitHub
But you can put any static generated site on any branch, enter project settings and select GitHub Pages to serve that branch.
Custom Domain
- Put the domain name in a file
in the root of yourgh-pages
branch. - Setup A records pointing to GitHub in your domain registrar
Or do it in "Custom domain" in repo settings.
dns - gh-pages not allowing multiple subdomains - Webmasters Stack Exchange
Setting up an apex domain - User Documentation
Using a custom domain with GitHub Pages - User Documentation
Troubleshooting custom domains - User Documentation
Using GitHub Pages To Host Your Website - Treehouse Blog
rafrex/spa-github-pages: Host single page apps with GitHub Pages
tschaub/gh-pages: General purpose task for publishing files to a gh-pages branch on GitHub
"scripts": {
"deploy": "gh-pages -d dist"
If error "fatal: A branch named 'gh-pages' already exists." is encountered, clear gh-pages
's cache.
rm -rf node_modules/gh-pages/.cache
GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer
How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code - The GitHub Blog
Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot - The GitHub Blog
Quickstart for GitHub Copilot - GitHub Docs
Request a discount - GitHub Education free for teachers and students
GitHub Copilot for Developer Productivity Series' Articles - DEV Community
Copilot for VS Code - Visual Studio Marketplace
Get Started with the Future of Coding: GitHub Copilot - YouTube
CoPilot Review: My Thoughts After 6 Months - YouTube
GitHub Copilot Just Changed the Game - YouTube
Introducing Copilot for VS Code – AngularDoc – Medium
前端工程师的必备 VS Code 插件 -- Copilot - 知乎
GitHub Copilot CLI: AI for the Command-Line - YouTube
GitHub Copilot Archives | The GitHub Blog
How I used GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension | The GitHub Blog
Rizèl Scarlett
How to build a rock, paper, scissors game with GitHub Copilot - DEV Community
blackgirlbytes/rock-paper-scissors-copilot: This is a self-guided tutorial to help folks learn how to use GitHub Copilot using the CodeTour extension to build a rock, paper, scissors game
A Beginner's Guide to Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot - DEV Community
Copilot Labs
GitHub Next | GitHub Copilot Labs
Github Copilot is even better with Copilot Labs! - YouTube
GitHub Copilot Labs - Visual Studio Marketplace
Github Copilot and ChatGPT alternatives - The Pragmatic Engineer
I Tried Every AI Coding Assistant - YouTube
Cody | AI coding assistant r
How is THIS Coding Assistant FREE? - YouTube
【永久免费 ChatGPT4 编程 AI 助手】Bito AI VSCode 扩展对话式生成代码 10 倍提高开发效率 可平替 Github Copilot - YouTube
AWS CodeWhisperer… The Copilot Killer? - YouTube
Amazon CodeWhisperer - 免费|支持中文|可在 vscode 等编辑器直接使用|自动代码生成 - 知乎
AWS CodeWhisperer 完整教學 | 比 Github Copilot 更省錢的寫程式助手 | 免費提升開發效率 - YouTube
GitHub Actions
Put YAML in .github/workflows/
GitHub Actions Documentation - GitHub Docs
Understanding GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs
GitHub Actions
Features • GitHub Actions
GitHub Marketplace · Actions to improve your workflow
sdras/awesome-actions: A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
GitHub Actions Security Best Practices [cheat sheet included]
Automatic Deployment With Github Actions - YouTube
GitHub Actions CI/CD Tutorial Series - YouTube Habibi Coding
Announcing the GitHub Actions extension for VS Code | The GitHub Blog
Deploy to GitHub Pages · Actions · GitHub Marketplace
actions/virtual-environments: GitHub Actions virtual environments
verona/update-snmalloc.yaml at master · microsoft/verona
A guide to using act with GitHub Actions - LogRocket Blog
How to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions in four simple steps | The GitHub Blog
A beginner’s guide to CI/CD and automation on GitHub - The GitHub Blog
7 advanced workflow automation features with GitHub Actions | The GitHub Blog
Building Your First GitHub Action | Azure DevOps Blog
GitHub Actions Documentation - GitHub Docs
Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs
Deploying Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners with Docker |
Deploying Self-Hosted GitLab CI Runners with Docker |
GitHub Actions for Rust · svartalf
starter-workflows/dotnet-core.yml at master · actions/starter-workflows · GitHub
Trusted Publishing; how to publish to PyPI with Github Actions
How to build and push Docker image with GitHub actions? -
Ramblings from Jessie: The Life of a GitHub Action
Python in GitHub Actions · Homepage of Hynek Schlawack
How to write good quality Python code with GitHub Actions
How to Publish a no-code website in 10 minutes Hugo with GitHub Action
Getting Started with GitHub Actions for .NET Developers - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
CI/CD in Node.js with GitHub Actions - LogRocket Blog
4 tips for GitHub Actions usability (+2 debugging) | Fleet Device Management
About Dependabot version updates - GitHub Docs
Configuration options for the dependabot.yml file - GitHub Docs
Package Registry
GitHub Package Registry: Your packages, at home with their code
Introducing GitHub Package Registry - The GitHub Blog
GitHub launches Package Registry to easily generate packages from your code | ZDNet
sindresorhus/refined-github: Chrome extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
rubyerme/chrome-github-mate: Chrome extension to make single file download effortless and with more features
octo-linker/chrome-extension: Octo-Linker Chrome extension
npm-hub add npm dependencies to GitHub repo
buunguyen/octotree: Code tree for GitHub and GitLab
thecodejunkie/github.expandinizr: Chrome extension that improves the GitHub experience
NavTree for Github
ZenHub - Project Management for Agile Teams in GitHub
# browse tree in browser<user>/<repo>/tree/<branch>/<folder>
# e.g.:
# use `y` to convert branch to commit
# view file in browser<user>/<repo>/blob/<branch>/<path>
# e.g.:
# raw file (for download)<user>/<repo>/raw/<branch>/<path>
# e.g.:
# to have proper MIME type for viewing in browser
# download latest release
curl -L "$(curl --silent "" | sed 's#.*tag/\(.*\)\".*#\1#')/jx-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | tar xzv "jx"
Serve files
GitCDN - A powerful CDN for Github files
schme16/ Serve your content straight from GitHub, with the correct Content-Type, consistant url and a powerful CDN
RawGit EOLed
# - replace `` with `` in raw file link
# becomes
GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview
SSH keys
Connecting to GitHub with SSH - User Documentation
Generating SSH keys - User Documentation
Error: Permission denied (publickey) - User Documentation
You can get your keys via
Multiple accounts
If you have multiple account on GitHub, you can use HTTPS to specify the user (but you have to enter credentials every-time):
git remote set-url origin
You must use git
user (not USERNAME) for git protocol; you can then use multiple SSH keys with SSH host alias to distinguish between different accounts.
# Personal GitHub
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
# company GitHub
Host github-COMPANY
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_COMPANY
IdentitiesOnly yes
> ssh -T
Hi <personal username>! You've successfully authenticated...
> ssh -T git@github-COMPANY
Hi <company username>! You've successfully authenticated...
# replace with host alias (@github-COMPANY)
> git remote set-url origin git@github-COMPANY:Company/testing.git
# or manually edit `.git/config`
Quick Tip: How to Work with GitHub and Multiple Accounts - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
Github for work and play (multiple accounts) | ricardian ambivalence
Switch between user identities in one Git on one computer - Stack Overflow
git - Multiple github accounts on the same computer? - Stack Overflow
repo-utils/badgeboard: template for *'s
pillarjs (example)
repo-utils/org-labels: A tool to help manage organization-wide GitHub issue labels.
Marsup/hil - JavaScript
jshttp/style-guide - JavaScript
Handling PR
Merging a pull request - User Documentation
Checking out pull requests locally - User Documentation
A Git Workflow Walkthrough - Merging Pull Requests - git, Tools & Workflows, Tutorial, Web Applications - Bocoup
Best Way To Merge A (GitHub) Pull Request
Configuring a remote for a fork - User Documentation
Syncing a fork - User Documentation
Using hub:
hub checkout <PR url>
git rebase -i origin/master
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff <username-branch>
git push
# OR
hub fetch <username>
git merge <username/branch>
git rebase -i origin/master
git push
# from GitHub
git checkout -b username-branch master
git pull <fork url> master
git rebase -i origin/master
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff username-branch
git push origin master
probot/probot: a trainable robot that responds to activity on GitHub
GitHub API
GitHub API v3 | GitHub Developer Guide
Creating an access token for command-line use - User Documentation
ghapi | ghapi
Learn about ghapi, a new third-party Python client for the GitHub API - The GitHub Blog
PyGithub/PyGithub: Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
All the Things You Can Do With GitHub API and Python | by Martin Heinz | Towards Data Science
michael/github: A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
Webhooks | GitHub Developer Guide
rvagg/github-webhook: A flexible web server for reacting GitHub Webhooks
rvagg/github-webhook-handler: Node.js web handler / middleware for processing GitHub Webhooks
GitHub Archive
GitHub Data Challenge Winners
Data Challenge II Results
Third Annual GitHub Data Challenge
Third Annual Data Challenge Winners
GitHut - Programming Languages and GitHub
donnemartin/viz: Interactive visualizations and stats of GitHub's newest, most popular repos.
GitHub ArchiveRoom - Explore your GitHub archive data in 3D!