graphql/graphql-landscape: 🌄Landscape for the GraphQL ecosystem
GraphQL Code Libraries, Tools and Services
Initial Impressions on GraphQL & Relay | Kadira Blog
GraphQL is the New API Gateway - Level Up Coding
Understand GraphQL in 5 minutes - Je suis un dev
What is GraphQL: A Comprehensive Guide | Cosmic
The GraphQL API Handbook – How to Build, Test, Consume and Document GraphQL APIs
The Shape of Things to Come: GraphQL and the Web of APIs - The New Stack
What GraphQL Can Learn from Databases - The New Stack
OData or GraphQL? The Best Tech for Developing an API Is Neither or Both! - The New Stack
GraphQL: The Documentary - YouTube
GraphQL Beyond the Spec |
Facebook GraphQL
GraphQL | A query language for your API
Introduction to GraphQL | GraphQL
GraphQL: The Documentary (Official Release) - YouTube
Principled GraphQL - Principled GraphQL
Learning GraphQL | Channel 9
Speaking the GraphQL Query Language
Making REST more human with GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs | edX
Learn GraphQL – Thoughts That Make Sense
State of JS API - GraphiQL
Apollo Launchpad empty
Apollo Launchpad books
Introducing Launchpad: The GraphQL server demo platform
Nodal – GraphQL Playground
Advice from a GraphQL Expert
GraphQL - Diving Deep - The Guild Blog
A Front End Developer’s Guide to GraphQL - CSS-Tricks
Practice GraphQL Queries With the State of JavaScript API | CSS-Tricks
A Complete Beginner's Guide to GraphQL · We Learn Code
A Beginner's Guide to GraphQL | Build an API using AWS Amplify and AppSync - YouTube
Novvum/graphql-birdseye: View any GraphQL schema as a dynamic and interactive graph. 🦅
chentsulin/awesome-graphql: Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
sogko/graphql-schema-language-cheat-sheet: GraphQL Shorthand Notation Cheat Sheet
apollographql/graphql-tag: A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries
APIs-guru/graphql-apis: 📜 A collective list of public GraphQL APIs public GraphQL APIs
Public GraphQL APIs | graphql-apis
Fullstack GraphQL Tutorial Series | Learn GraphQL Frontend and Backend
Course Introduction | GraphQL React Native Apollo Tutorial ❗!important
Introduction to GraphQL | GraphQL
How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
GraphQL concepts I wish someone explained to me a year ago
A guide to GraphQL for front-end developers
Introduction - Apollo Basics - Apollo GraphQL Docs
GraphQL Glossary - Apollo Basics - Apollo GraphQL Docs
GraphQL FAQ - Apollo Basics - Apollo GraphQL Docs
What is GraphQL? GraphQL introduction - Apollo GraphQL Blog
GraphQL Concepts Visualized - Apollo GraphQL Blog
GraphQL schema basics - Apollo Server - Apollo GraphQL Docs
The Anatomy of a GraphQL Query - Apollo GraphQL Blog
New! GraphQL Glossary & FAQ guide - Apollo GraphQL Blog
Designing Your First GraphQL Schema - Apollo GraphQL Blog
Getting Started With GraphQL - Tutorialzine
The guide to learn GraphQL I wish I found few months go
Why development teams are adopting GraphQL? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
The React + GraphQL 2020 Crash Course
GraphQL - The Good and the Bad ―
Deep Dive Into GraphQL Queries ―
GraphQL Crash Course - YouTube
GraphQL + React for noobs - LogRocket Blog
GraphQL Pagination -
A gentle introduction to GraphQL API integrations - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Scalable Offline-Ready GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync & React from @dabit3 on @eggheadio
GraphQL Data in React with Apollo Client from @nikgraf on @eggheadio
Why GraphQL is the key to staying out of technical debt
Introducing Relay and GraphQL | React
Building The Facebook News Feed With Relay | React
GraphQL Introduction | React
Community Round-up #27 – Relay Edition | React
Why GraphQL is the future – Apollo GraphQL
The GraphQL stack: How everything fits together – Apollo GraphQL
Living APIs, and the Case for GraphQL — Brandur Leach
So what’s this GraphQL thing I keep hearing about? – freeCodeCamp
Designing a GraphQL API
What is GraphQL? Better APIs by design | InfoWorld
The steady rise of GraphQL – freeCodeCamp
GraphQL Overview - Getting Started with GraphQL & Node.js
React with GraphQL for Architecting Apps - The New Stack
GitHub Dumps REST Calls for Facebook's GraphQL - The New Stack
GitHub GraphQL API v4 | GitHub Developer Guide
The Changelog #255: Why Is GraphQL So Cool? with Johannes Schickling | Changelog
"GraphQL is the bacon that'll make everything better" (JS Party #134) |> News and podcasts for developers |> Changelog
GraphQL Summit 2017 - YouTube - YouTube
From REST To GraphQL - YouTube
Zero To GraphQL In 30 Minutes - YouTube
GraphQL in the age of REST APIs – Chute Engineering – Medium
5 reasons you shouldn’t be using GraphQL – LogRocket
...And GraphQL for all? A few things to think about before blindly dumping REST for GraphQL | API Handyman
GraphQL for All? A Few Things to Think about before Blindly Dumping REST for GraphQL
Does GraphQL replace REST API ? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
GraphQL and REST | Secret Weblog
Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL
I Am Done With Graph QL After 6 Years - YouTube
GraphQL Hard Truths - YouTube GraphQL frontend not using Relay is inferior as Relay does a lot of query optimization and caching; however Relay is difficult to setup
GraphQL Specification Versions
GraphQL October2021
GraphQL June2018
GraphQL October2016
Learn more about the GraphQL SDL — Schema Definition Language
OpenCRUD Used by Prisma and Postgraphile
DBML generator for Prisma
notiz-dev/prisma-dbml-generator: Prisma DBML Generator
In the Wild
GitHub GraphQL API - GitHub Docs
graphql/swapi-graphql: A GraphQL schema and server wrapping SWAPI.
GraphQL Analytics API · Cloudflare Analytics API docs
Public GraphQL APIs | graphql-apis
We’re open sourcing GROQ: A query language for JSON documents
How Queries Work - GROQ
The Best (GraphQL) API is One You Write | CSS-Tricks
The Guild
Prisma Hands The Guild the Maintenance of the GraphQL CLI
Welcome | GraphQL Tools
Introduction | GraphQL Tools
GraphQL Code Generator · Generate code from your GraphQL schema with a single function call ❗!important, supports various clients
What is GraphQL Code Generator? | GraphQL Code Generator
Optimizing Queries with the GraphQL Code Generator - The Guild - Medium
GraphQL Mesh | GraphQL Mesh
Urigo/graphql-mesh: GraphQL Mesh — Query anything, run anywhere
GraphQL Mesh - Query anything, run anywhere - The Guild Blog
Introduction to GraphQL Config | GraphQL Config
kamilkisiela/graphql-config: One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
resolver is to return the largest set of data to GraphQL middleware
the middleware is responsible for filtering according to the actual GraphQL request
notrab/fakerql: Hosted faker GraphQL endpoint for frontend developers
GraphQL Server Basics: GraphQL Schemas, TypeDefs & Resolvers | Prisma
GraphQL Server Basics: The Network Layer | Prisma
GraphQL Server Basics: Demystifying the info
Argument in Resolvers
GraphQL Server Design @ Medium – Medium Engineering
3 Methods to Resolve GraphQL Endpoints
How to GraphQL in Java | Okta Developer
3 part series on GraphQL - server and client - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Learn how YOU can build a Serverless GraphQL API on top of a Microservice architecture, part I - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Sangria - Scala GraphQL Implementation
sofa · Create a fully RESTful and configurable API gateway from a GraphQL API
Urigo/SOFA: The best way to create REST APIs - Generate RESTful APIs from your GraphQL Server
GraphQL Mesh | GraphQL Mesh
What is GraphQL Shield? - GraphQL Shield authorization
Welcome | GraphQL Scalars define custom types
Introduction to GraphQL Config | GraphQL Config
NextJS + GraphQL Blueprint: Professional Grade Setup - YouTube no database
jherr/next-gql-dogs: next-gql-dogs code for the NextJS + GraphQL + Typescript Blueprint video
supabase/pg_graphql: GraphQL support for PostgreSQL
nrc/graphql: A Rust GraphQL server framework
Building Powerful GraphQL Servers with Rust - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
iwilsonq/rust-graphql-example: The accompanying project for a tutorial. Uses Rust, Juniper GraphQL Server + Actix, and Diesel ORM.
code in GraphQL, generates REST API
WunderGraph: The Next Generation API Developer Platform - WunderGraph
Rethinking GraphQL with Wundergraph - YouTube
Solving the N+1 Problem for GraphQL through Batching
Query optimization | Prisma Docs
How Prisma Solves the N+1 Problem in GraphQL Resolvers - Tim Suchanek @ Prisma Day 2020 - YouTube
graphql/dataloader: DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching. batch requests and cache results
DataLoader – Source code walkthrough - YouTube
GraphQL performance issues & an easy solution - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Parser for GraphQL queries
Getting Started With GraphQL.js | GraphQL
graphql/graphql-js: A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
graphql/express-graphql: Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express.
Running an Express GraphQL Server | GraphQL.js Tutorial
Using GraphQL with MongoDB - Compose Articles
Your First GraphQL Server — Medium
Wiring up a GraphQL server with Node and Express – Hacker Noon
Creating a GraphQL Server with Node.js and MongoDB
mickhansen/graphql-sequelize: GraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
conorhastings/routeql: backend agnostic, graphql style colocation of data requests in React GraphQL -> REST mapper on client side
Apollo Server
Introduction to Apollo Server - Apollo Server - Apollo GraphQL Docs
Choosing an Apollo Server package - Apollo GraphQL Docs
apollographql/apollo-server: 🌍 Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more.
const server = new ApolloServer({
introspection: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",
GraphQL Server Tutorial with Apollo Server and Express - RWieruch ❗!important, with auth
Creating a GraphQL server with NodeJS – Crowdbotics – Medium
Automated TypeScript typing with GraphQL & Apollo - ITNEXT
Introducing Json GraphQL Server
graphql, apollo-server-hapi
How to set-up a powerful API with Nodejs, GraphQL, MongoDB, Hapi, and Swagger
How to finish setting up your powerful API with Nodejs, GraphQL, MongoDB, Hapi, and Swagger (Part…
Introducing the Apollo GraphQL data stack — Building Apollo — Medium
Tutorial: How to build a GraphQL server — Building Apollo — Medium
GraphQL + TypeScript | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
GraphQL + TypeScript - Resolvers | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
GraphQL + TypeScript - CLI Plugin | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework generates @Field
Nestjs-query | Nestjs-query
Assemblers | Nestjs-query
Mercurius over fastify
mercurius-js/mercurius: Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify
created by Prisma in the v2 split
originally a schema building library, now a full fledged GraphQL API framework
GraphQL Nexus · Declarative, Code-First GraphQL Schemas for JavaScript/TypeScript
How GraphQL Nexus can help you create better APIs - LogRocket Blog
prisma-examples/typescript/graphql-hapi at latest · prisma/prisma-examples
nexus/examples at main · graphql-nexus/nexus
Ariadne · Python GraphQL Schema-first
Integrate GraphQL into Python using Ariadne - LogRocket Blog
Using GraphQL with Python – A Complete Guide - Apollo GraphQL Blog
How to Build a GraphQL Server with Deno
Strawberry + FastAPI
A Python library for GraphQL | 🍓 Strawberry GraphQL
Using GraphQL with Strawberry, FastAPI, and Next.js - LogRocket Blog
GraphQL in Python 🍓 - YouTube
Ariadne · Python GraphQL Schema-first
mirumee/ariadne: Python library for implementing GraphQL servers using schema-first approach.
Combining schemas
To Federate or Stitch a GraphQL gateway, revisited - Vox Product Blog
The what, when, why, and how of federated GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
Improving microservice architecture with GraphQL API gateways - LogRocket Blog
When to use multiple endpoints in GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
Implementing a single GraphQL across multiple data sources | CSS-Tricks
Namespacing for GraphQL: Conflict-Free merging of any number of APIs - WunderGraph
Introduction to Apollo Federation - Federation - Apollo GraphQL Docs
apollographql/federation: 🌐 Build and scale a single data graph across multiple services with Apollo's federation gateway.
Moving from Schema Stitching to Federation: How Expedia improved performance - Apollo GraphQL Blog
How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation | Netflix TechBlog
Scaling Netflix's API via GraphQL Federation (#2) | Netflix TechBlog
OpenAPI-to-GraphQL – IBM Developer
Wrapping REST APIs in GraphQL with OpenAPI-to-GraphQL - YouTube
Hello, OpenAPI-to-GraphQL 1.0.0 | IBM Research Blog
IBM/openapi-to-graphql: Translate APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) into GraphQL
GraphQL Modules
GraphQL Modules · Enterprise grade tooling for your graphql server
GraphQL Modules — Feature based GraphQL Modules at scale GraphQL Modules is a set of extra libraries, structures and guidelines around the amazing Apollo Server 2.0.
GraphQL Modules tutorial: How to modularize GraphQL schema - LogRocket Blog
Graphile (formerly PostGraphQL)
Graphile | Powerful, Extensible and Performant GraphQL APIs Rapidly
graphile/postgraphile: Execute one command (or mount one Node.js middleware) and get an instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database!
Rapid API development tutorial with Docker + PostgreSQL + Postgraphile ❗!important
PostGraphQL: PostgreSQL meets GraphQL
graphql-js/graphene-sequelize: Graphene Sequelize integration ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and MSSQL
Graphene Python is built upon GraphQL-core, which is a Python port of GraphQL.js
Testing GraphQL API in python - Data Driven Investor - Medium
Using GraphQL or REST, that is the question | Seasoned & Agile ❗!important, Python, async, PostgreSQL, GraphQL-core-next
Tartiflette GraphQL Python Engine · GraphQL Server implementation built with Python 3.6+
Hasura GraphQL Engine
Instant GraphQL APIs on your data | Built-in Authz & Caching
hasura/graphql-engine: Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
Working with schemaless data using GraphQL on Postgres
graph-gophers/graphql-go: GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use
Future-Proofing Backend Services with GraphQL, PostgreSQL and Docker (Part 1)
Future-Proofing Backend Services with GraphQL, PostgreSQL and Docker (Part 2)
99designs/gqlgen: go generate based graphql server library
gqlgen: Build a faster GraphQL server - LogRocket Blog
Serverless GraphQL - part deux - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
From zero to a serverless GraphQL endpoint in a flash - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Serverless GraphQL - the third - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
NickyMeuleman/serverless-graphql: Serverless GraphQL endpoint
Sample Stacks
TrillCyborg/fullstack: React/ApolloGraphQL/Node/Mongo demo written in Typescript
How to set up a powerful API with GraphQL, Koa, and MongoDB — deploying to production
Rim-k/family-tree-kotlin-springboot-neo4j-graphql: A demo project to show how to build a simple a Spring Boot app using Kotlin, GraphQL and Neo4j database
PizzaQL by a 16 yrs-old
pizzaql/pizzaql: Modern OSS Order Management System for Pizza Restaurants
edwardcdev/apollobank: A full stack GraphQL banking application using React, Node & TypeScript.
Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL — Part I - By
Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL — Part II - By
Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL — Part III - By
Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL — Part IV: Tracking URL clicks - By
Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL — Part V: User Authentication - By
Make CRUD simple with Node, GraphQL, and React - LogRocket Blog
Take Spring Boot, GraphQL and gRPC micro-services. Solve the N+1 query issue with DataLoader
GraphQL DataLoader in Spring Boot — singleton or request scoped?
React State Management In a GraphQL Era - Kitze - YouTube
GraphQL with React - Apollo vs Relay overview | GraphQL Blog
GraphQL Code Generator | GraphQL Code Generator for different environments
graphql-editor/graphql-zeus: GraphQL client and GraphQL code generator with GraphQL autocomplete library generation ⚡⚡⚡ for browser,nodejs and react native
Introduction | GraphQL CLI
Urigo/graphql-cli: 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
nearform/graphql-hooks: 🎣 Minimal hooks-first GraphQL client
hasura/graphqurl: curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client.
Python GraphQL client requests example using gql - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Client-Supplied Custom Sorting Using GraphQL – ITNEXT
Graphical Editor/Client
GraphQL Visual Editor
GraphQL Editor - Visual Tool for GraphQL. Learn GraphQL, mock, deploy
graphql-editor/graphql-editor: 📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE. Draw GraphQL schemas using visual 🔷 nodes and explore GraphQL API with beautiful UI. Even 🐒 can do that!
GraphQL Editor - The Journey from Initial Release to Version 5.0
graphql-editor/graphql-zeus: Autocomplete client library with strong GraphQL typed queries ⚡⚡⚡
Web-based GraphQL IDEs for the win: How & Why Playground & GraphiQL are joining forces | GraphQL
Announcing: Playground 🤝 GraphiQL, Retiring Playground · Issue #1143 · graphql/graphql-playground
graphql/graphiql: GraphiQL & the GraphQL LSP Reference Ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools.
graphql/graphql-playground: 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration) uses components of GraphiQL under the hood, more powerful; built-in Apollo Server 2; deprecated 2020-04
Announcing: Playground 🤝 GraphiQL, Retiring Playground · Issue #1143 · graphql/graphql-playground
GraphQL playground: Warning "
graphql-playground/packages/graphql-playground-middleware-hapi at main · graphql/graphql-playground
Complete guide to GraphQL Playground - LogRocket Blog
GraphiQL Online
GraphiQL | Apps | Electron
Overview | urql Documentation
FormidableLabs/urql: Universal React Query Library
Exploring urql from an Apollo perspective - LogRocket Blog
Persisted queries · Issue #196 · FormidableLabs/urql
Why I (finally) switched to urql from Apollo Client - LogRocket Blog
- good doc
- simple URL + query cache
React Query
React Query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
GraphQL | React Query | TanStack
Relay (Modern)
Learn Relay ❗!important
Exploring Relay Modern – Apollo GraphQL
Relay Modern: Simpler, faster, more extensible | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code re-release in 2017-04
Relay Modern - Lee Byron aka @leeb at @ReactEurope 2017 - YouTube
Migrating to Relay Modern (Relay 2) - YouTube
Re-introducing Relay - YouTube
Relay Modern with Lee Byron and Joe Savona | Software Engineering Daily
Apollo Client
Introduction - Client (React) - Apollo GraphQL Docs normalized cache
Composable networking for GraphQL - Apollo Link - Apollo GraphQL Docs
Concepts Overview - Apollo Link - Apollo GraphQL Docs
apollographql/apollo-client: A fully-featured caching GraphQL client for any server or UI framework
apollographql/react-apollo: React integration for Apollo Client
Learn Apollo | Hands-on GraphQL Tutorial
GraphQL in React for noobs 👶🏽 – codeburst
Getting started with React + GraphQL - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Vue 2 and GraphQL CRUD Web App
Apollo Client Deep Dive (Ben Newman) - YouTube
Apollo Client and Last Modified - codeburst
Apollo Client and Throttling (Paging) - codeburst
Apollo Client with Arbitrary GraphQL Schemas: Part 1
Apollo Client with Arbitrary GraphQL Schemas: Part 2
GraphQL On The Front-End (React And Apollo) — Smashing Magazine
graphql-tools | GraphQL Tools
apollo-client/packages/apollo-boost at master · apollographql/apollo-client project generator
apollographql/apollo-tooling: ✏️ Tooling for development and production Apollo workflows CLI client
Apollo Client Developer Tools
How to Rock the Party with Apollo GraphQL Cache 🎉🎈 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
apollo-client/packages/apollo-cache-inmemory at master · apollographql/apollo-client
Move Over Redux: Apollo-Client as a State Management Solution
Why Apollo: Advantages, Disadvantages & Alternatives - RWieruch
import React from "react";
import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost";
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
export function App() {
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: "",
return <ApolloProvider client={client}></ApolloProvider>;
Relay Legacy
React.js Conf 2015 - Data fetching for React applications at Facebook - YouTube
Relay for Visually Minded People
React Data Fetching with Relay
A cartoon guide to Facebook’s Relay, part 1 — Code Cartoons — Medium
A cartoon guide to Facebook’s Relay, part 2 — Code Cartoons — Medium
A cartoon guide to Facebook’s Relay, part 3 — Code Cartoons — Medium
A cartoon guide to Facebook’s Relay, part 4 — Code Cartoons — Medium
gyzerok/adrenaline = react + redux + relay client
node-auth0/examples/relay-api at master · auth0/node-auth0
mhart/simple-relay-starter: A very simple starter for React Relay using Browserify browserify
relayjs/relay-starter-kit - JavaScript webpack
Read Me | Vulcan Docs The full-stack React+GraphQL framework
Installing VulcanJS From Scratch - YouTube
Nexflix has a similar framework:
Falcor: One Model Everywhere
Getting Started With Falcor
What is Netflix Falcor (FalcorJS) and why you should care. | ReactJS
Resources related to Netflix Falcor (FalcorJS) and ReactJS (books, examples & tutorials) | ReactJS
The Future of Web Development - React, Falcor, and ES6 | Widen Engineering
Simpler model, easier to understand; good enough for CRUD operations