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Growth Economy

January 9, 2025
April 17, 2016

Growth became the obstacle for prosperity

Why You Feel More Productive But the Economy Isn’t - Note to Self - WNYC
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus | IndieBound

Yes, the American Economy Is in a Funk — But Not for the Reasons You Think - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Industrial revolutions, four of them:

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. — Henry Ford

(PDF) The recognition of resource use through industrial development from a social perspective

Second Machine Age

Physical labour was replaced by machines with better strength in the First Machine Age. This displacement did created other job opportunities, hence the concept of creative destruction.
In the Second Machine Age, white collar labour will be replaced by cognitive computers. This time not much new job opportunities are created. Only creative works and personalized yet low paying works remains for human. The destructiveness outgrows the creation.

AI won't replace human. It will replace human not using AI.
AI 不會讓你失業,但會用 AI 的人會讓你失業

Humans Need Not Apply - YouTube
The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time - YouTube

Anthony Goldbloom: The jobs we'll lose to machines -- and the ones we won't | TED Talk |
Kevin Kelly: How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution | TED Talk |
Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it? | TED Talk |

The Great Decoupling of the US Economy

Automation, however, may take valuable skills away from human species as they are not used to doing the tasks manually anymore.

How Amazon Triggered a Robot Arms Race - Bloomberg warehouses robots

Children of the Magenta (Automation Paradox, pt. 1) | 99% Invisible
Johnnycab (Automation Paradox, pt. 2) | 99% Invisible
Freakonomics » How Safe Is Your Job? A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
This is Probably a Good Time to Say That I Don’t Believe Robots Will Eat All the Jobs … | Marc Andreessen

Are Self-driving Cars A Good Idea? - TechStuff (podcast)
Driverless Dilemma - Radiolab
The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars - Patrick Lin - YouTube
trolley problem, reaction vs decision


Race Against The Machine
The Second Machine Age
Car Hacker's Handbook