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January 9, 2025
March 12, 2024

A high performance, open source universal RPC framework

grpc -
Guides | gRPC
grpc/ at master · grpc/grpc

grpc Org
gRPC - Wikiwand
A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.

gRPC vs REST: Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them in API design | Google Cloud Blog
When to use gRPC vs GraphQL - Stack Overflow Blog
Take a REST with HTTP-2, Protobufs, and Swaggerquay
Google's gRPC: A Lean and Mean Communication Protocol for Microservices - The New Stack
Heres why you should use gRPC for everything » André Snede Kock
Build simple gRPC server with Go. What is grpc | by Anar | Jan, 2022 | Towards Dev

gRPC Crash Course - Modes, Examples, Pros & Cons and more - YouTube 2020-02 Node.js
When RESTful architecture isn't enough... - YouTube 2023-11
Intro to gRPC: A Modern Toolkit for Microservice Communication - YouTube 2017-05
Introduction to gRPC: A general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first (M.Atamel, R.Tsang) - YouTube 2017-06

Exploring The gRPC Framework for Building Microservices | Nordic APIs |
Effectively communicate between Microservices – ITNEXT TL;DR: Use gRPC
Tensorflow serving: REST vs gRPC – Avidan Eran – Medium REST is faster for small data payload

gRPC Ecosystem
Introducing gRPC Support with NGINX 1.13.10 - NGINX

hyperium/tonic: A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support. Rust
gRPC in Easy Samples for C#, JavaScript and Python - CodeProject
Tonic makes gRPC in Rust stupidly simple - YouTube


grpc vulnerabilities | Snyk < 1.24.4

Hacking into gRPC-Web | by Mohammad Amin Nasiri | InfoSec Write-ups

gRPC Security Series: Part 1. Introduction to gRPC | by IBM PTC Security | Medium
gRPC Security Series: Part 2. gRPC Security Tools | by IBM PTC Security | Medium
gRPC Security Series: Part 3. Security Vulnerabilities in gRPC | by IBM PTC Security | Medium
gRPC Security Series: Part 4. Security Best Practices | by IBM PTC Security | Medium

Tips and tricks

bradleyjkemp/grpc-tools: A suite of gRPC debugging tools. Like Fiddler/Charles but for gRPC.
rmedvedev/grpcdump: Tool for capture and parse grpc traffic
d-ulyanov/grpc-sniffer: Prototype - sniffer for GRPC traffic without proto generation

Using gRPC in Production -- connection keepalive | Meng Xuan Xia
Enabling connection keepalive? · Issue #154 · grpc/grpc-node
How to test keepalive options? · Issue #706 · grpc/grpc-node


Moving k8s communication to gRPC
Load-balancing a gRPC service using Docker


grpc/grpc-web: gRPC for Web Clients
gRPC-Web: Moving past REST+JSON towards type-safe Web APIs - Improbable
gRPC-Web is going GA - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
gRPC-Web for .NET now available | ASP.NET Blog
Microsoft Releases gRPC-Web for .NET

gRPC-Gateway | gRPC-Gateway Documentation Website
grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec
An all-in-one guide to gRPC-Gateway - LogRocket Blog

How to use gRPC-web with React
Ditching REST with gRPC-web and Envoy - The Startup - Medium


Go | gRPC
grpc/grpc-go: The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
grpc package - -

Implementing gRPC service in Golang – Kurio Toolbox
[Tutorial, Part 1] How to develop Go gRPC microservice with HTTP/REST endpoint, middleware…
[Tutorial, Part 2] How to develop Go gRPC microservice with HTTP/REST endpoint, middleware…
[Tutorial, Part 3] How to develop Go gRPC microservice with HTTP/REST endpoint, middleware…

Python and Go : Part I - gRPC
Python and Go : Part II - Extending Python With Go
Python and Go : Part III - Packaging Python Code
Python and Go : Part IV - Using Python in Memory


Python | gRPC
Welcome to gRPC Python’s documentation! — gRPC Python documentation

Implementing gRPC server using Python - Towards Data Science
Python Microservices With gRPC – Real Python


Node | gRPC
grpc/grpc-node: gRPC for Node.js
Documentation Namespace: grpc

grpc/examples/node · grpc/grpc
badsyntax/grpc-js-typescript: Generate gRPC TypeScript definitions for use with gRPC (@grpc/grpc-js).

carlessistare/grpc-promise: GRPC promisify module for all Request/Response types: standard and stream
nicolaspearson/grpc.boom: A gRPC implementation of the awesome Boom library to help create gRPC-friendly error objects

Building gRPC Service Server Note CRUD API with node.js


C# | gRPC
grpc/grpc-dotnet: gRPC for .NET
Namespace Grpc.Core | gRPC for .NET

The future of gRPC in C# belongs to grpc-dotnet | gRPC
Introduction to gRPC on .NET | Microsoft Docs
Create a .NET Core gRPC client and server in ASP.NET Core | Microsoft Docs


hyperium/tonic: A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.