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January 9, 2025
March 19, 2016

HashiCorp: Infrastructure enables innovation
Tutorials | HashiCorp Developer
Tao of HashiCorp | HashiCorp

HashiCorp adopts Business Source License 2023-08-10
HashiCorp Licensing FAQ

#180: Otto, Vagrant, and Automation with Mitchell Hashimoto - The Changelog




Packer by HashiCorp
Packer is a free and open source tool for creating golden images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

Tutorials | Packer | HashiCorp Developer
Documentation | Packer | HashiCorp Developer

Docker? VMs? EC2? Yes! With

Developing with Packer and Docker | Sam Thursfield's Blog
linux - Packer,Dockramp vs Dockerfile - Stack Overflow
Packer Build - Create and Build Packer Templates and Images for AWS
Why Docker made me love Packer | Home
Provision Infrastructure with Packer | Terraform - HashiCorp Learn
Docker and Packer playing nice: Part 1 | Home


Serf by HashiCorp
Serf is a decentralized solution for cluster membership, failure detection, and orchestration. Lightweight and highly available.

Internals - Serf by HashiCorp


Consul by HashiCorp
Service discovery and configuration made easy. Distributed, highly available, and datacenter-aware. Built upon Serf.

Underlying health checks are AP
States (KV store and discovery) are CP

Tutorials | Consul | HashiCorp Developer
Consul Documentation | Consul | HashiCorp Developer

Official Consul Docker Image - HashiCorp
Why is service discovery important? (And what is Consul?) - O'Reilly Media

Presentation: Service discovery in a microservice architecture | code 😴inactive
Service Discovery with Docker and Consul: part 1 |
Service Discovery with Docker and Consul: part 2 |
GrassInWind2019/gRPCwithConsul: Use gRPC + Consul to do service discovery and RPC. 😴inactive

Consul Template

Introducing Consul Template - HashiCorp
hashicorp/consul-template: Generic template rendering and notifications with Consul

Consul Connect (service mesh)

Service Mesh on Consul | Consul | HashiCorp Developer
Register your services to Consul | Consul | HashiCorp Developer


Consul is often used to power load balancing of containers.

progrium/embassy: Easy, distributed discovery and routing mesh for Docker powered by Consul 😴inactive

gliderlabs/registrator: Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters 😴inactive

Scalable Architecture DR CoN: Docker, Registrator, Consul, Consul Template and Nginx

Where are my containers? Dockerized service discovery with Consul – Development the way it should be
Automatic container registration with Consul and Registrator – Development the way it should be
Consul Template for transparent load balancing of containers – Development the way it should be


change of license from MPL to BUSL in 2023-08
caused OpenTofu fork

Terraform by HashiCorp
Build, Combine, and Launch Infrastructure
Understand Terraform (infra-as-code) in 5 minutes - Je suis un dev
Documentation | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer

Declarative: define desired state, not steps

Manage AWS Infrastracture as Code with Terraform - M.Labouardy
Manage AWS VPC as Infrastructure as Code with Terraform - M.Labouardy
Setup Docker Swarm on AWS using Ansible & Terraform
Why Terraform exceeds Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack, or CloudFormation - Level UpLevel Up
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform » ADMIN Magazine
Using Terraform To Manage Infrastructure Resources - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻


Vault by HashiCorp
A tool for managing secrets.

Tutorials | Vault | HashiCorp Developer

Managing Secrets with Vault and Consul |
HashiCorp Vault Operator Manages Kubernetes Secrets - The New Stack

Introduction to Vault • Seth Vargo - YouTube
The Changelog #239: Managing Secrets Using Vault with Seth Vargo | Changelog


A Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler

Nomad by HashiCorp
Nomad by HashiCorp
Documentation | Nomad | HashiCorp Developer

Is Nomad a better Kubernetes? - Chaordic
Conductor: Why We Migrated from Kubernetes to Nomad – The New Stack

robinovitch61/wander: A terminal app/TUI for HashiCorp Nomad
Wander | TUI for HashiCorp Nomad Clusters - YouTube


Otto by HashiCorp
The Successor to Vagrant - Otto by HashiCorp

Zero config development environment prepared by experts in the field.
Designed for production.

True OpenSource alternatives

OpenTofu Terraform alternative

OpenBao | OpenBao Vault alternative