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January 9, 2025
December 11, 2015

air purifier benefits | AccuWeather

WHY WHITE 為什麼醫學 - YouTube
Medicine & Biology - YouTube

The Insane Engineering of MRI Machines - YouTube

Immune System

Could You Ever Be Immune To Every Germ? Your Immune System, Explained - YouTube

Sources - The Immune System Explained

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE - YouTube 2021, revisited
You Are Immune Against Every Disease - YouTube
The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection - YouTube 2014
Tiny Bombs in your Blood - The Complement System - YouTube Part II
Fever Feels Horrible, but is Actually Awesome! - YouTube Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive: 9780593241318: Dettmer, Philipp: 圖書

Crash Course
Immune System, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #45 - YouTube
Immune System, Part 2: Crash Course A&P #46 - YouTube
Immune System, Part 3: Crash Course A&P #47 - YouTube

120 万一针的抗癌神药为啥这么贵?免疫疗法 CAR-T 能治好所有癌症吗? - YouTube 免疫系統

My Thymus, Myself Trains T-Cell

工作細胞 - 動畫線上看
工作細胞第二季 - 動畫線上看


Why This Shrimp Might Kill You - Allergies Explained - YouTube
過敏性鼻炎:又是一年鼻炎季,全球 7 億人的痛苦,究竟怎麼破……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube allergy


Pathogen - Wikiwand
Microorganisms that causes sickness: Bacteria, Virus, Fungus (foot), parasites (Eukaryote, like Plasmodium that causes Malaria)

妈咪说 MommyTalk
人为什么会得病?微生物的发现过程 - YouTube


it is still not sure which come first, Bacteria or Viruses
but the scientists estimates the former

Baltimore classification - Wikiwand
How are Viruses Classified? - YouTube also on other pathogens

Retroviruses replicate in a backwards manner, It will insert itself into DNA/RNA and passes on to the next generation. It is estimated ~5% human DNA are Retrovirus.

Viruses: Molecular Hijackers - YouTube
VIRUSES Explained In 9 Images - YouTube
This Virus Shouldn't Exist (But it Does) - YouTube
Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus - YouTube
Humans vs. Viruses - YouTube TED-Ed
【鬼谷闲谈】病毒:生于三界之外 不灭六道之中 - YouTube
Why the world needs viruses to function - BBC Future

病毒,進化 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
被囚禁的病毒,曾是人類最恐怖的噩夢,為什麼不徹底滅絕它?但願永遠不要再復活……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube 免疫系統, 天花
“冠状病毒”是什么?武汉新型肺炎病毒是如何使人生病的? - YouTube
惡魔的種子,一定要被禁止……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube Anthrax 炭疽
埃博拉/伊波拉:人類的詛咒,你的身體如何對抗它,它到底有多恐怖……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
病毒中的教父:1997 年被從北極凍土中挖出來,原來它如此的陰險……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube H?N1 流感

妈咪说 MommyTalk
病毒是如何发现的?细菌和病毒有什么区别? - YouTube
动物病毒为什么大多是正二十面体结构?病毒都有哪些种类? - YouTube


How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome - YouTube

抗生素是什么原理?How does antibiotic work?【柴知道 ChaiKnows】【科普 Science】【冷知识 Trivia】 - YouTube
The Antibiotic Apocalypse Explained - YouTube

细菌对人类有什么作用?为什么要勤洗手、戴口罩? - YouTube

妈咪说 MommyTalk
人为什么会得病?微生物的发现过程 - YouTube
如何防止酒变酸?什么是巴氏灭菌法? - YouTube

鼠疫是如何传染的?黑死病从未远离人类! - YouTube Genus Yesrina (buonic plague)
【鬼谷闲谈】火带来的超级病菌? - YouTube Mycobacterium tuberculosis 肺結核菌, infects Macrophage 巨噬細胞
死神的病菌:《國際衛生條例》因它而生,號稱死神的鐮刀,但突然被人類發現軟肋,所以,面對病菌,我們該如何壓制它們的軟肋?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube Cholera 霍亂

為什麼全世界的檸檬都讀 Lemon?這背後有一個刻在 8 號染色體上的上古故事……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube 維他命 C

Bacteriophage - Wikiwand
噬菌體 - Wikiwand
The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth – The Bacteriophage - YouTube
38 億年前的納米機器人:曾被雪藏 100 年的發現,未來將是拯救人類的超級武器……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
人類與細菌的戰爭,噬菌體病毒進化理論,病毒也能為人類所用嗎,噬菌體取代抗生素會成為可能嗎| 填坑老高【病毒,進化】| 老高填坑團| 007 期 - YouTube

Prion 朊病毒
神的禁令,寫在人類的 20 號染色體上,神究竟禁止人類做什麼?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
【鬼谷闲谈】朊病毒:脑中的不灭幽灵 - YouTube


Americapox: The Missing Plague - YouTube
新冠疫情:影響人類歷史進程的五次疫疾大流行 - BBC News 中文
疫苗:大規模接種如何擊敗幾大致命傳染病 - BBC 英伦网
沒有疫苗下 ▶ 歷史上幾次疾病大流行 都是怎麼結束的 - YouTube

Spanish Influenza

Spanish flu: 100 years on - BBC Future
The flu that transformed the 20th Century - BBC Future

H1N1 swine flu

Episode 124: The “Spanish” Influenza of 1918-1920

This epidemic actually starts in Taxas, US.


A Brief History of Human Challenge Trials | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
Early smallpox vaccine is tested - HISTORY

9 分鐘搞懂疫苗原理和歷史|新冠病毒和疫苗的攻防戰 究竟誰會勝出? 為什麼我們需要疫苗?WHY WHITE 壞壞科普小教室 - YouTube
9 分鐘搞懂新冠肺炎疫苗的設計策略和原理? |為什麼選擇核酸疫苗?|一支疫苗是如何誕生的?|WHY WHITE 壞壞科普小教室 - YouTube

Traditional vaccine will have left over egg protein or methanol which may cause allergies

打之前你該知道的事 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube

The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk? - YouTube
Measles Explained — Vaccinate or Not? - YouTube
The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival - YouTube

疫苗研發的必需品,誕生於 4.5 億年前,血液含有神秘物質的海洋動物——鱟!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
新冠疫苗:藍色鱟血能起大作用嗎 - BBC News 中文

Exhuming bodies is creepy, grotesque — and happens all the time - Vox


Why Blue Whales Don't Get Cancer - Peto's Paradox - YouTube hypercancer
為什麼鯨魚不得癌症 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube

被封印的巨人,就在人類的 17 號染色體上,人類是否能打開這把基因鎖……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube gene LIF6 in elephants, CAR-T (training Killer T cells externally)
120万一针的抗癌神药为啥这么贵?免疫疗法CAR-T能治好所有癌症吗? - YouTube
Your Body Killed Cancer 5 Minutes Ago - YouTube
Everything We've Learned About Cancer | Compilation - YouTube

1000萬可以救血癌,你相信嗎?CAR-T 細胞療法用自己的T細胞來抵抗癌症! - YouTube CAR-T for liquid tumor (非實體腫瘤) originally for heterogeneous cells and low oxygen environment in solid tumor (實體腫瘤)
癌細胞最怕的免疫療法有了新突破,對抗實體腫瘤癌症通過臨床一期!另外新CAR-T技術真的能成功抗癌嗎? - YouTube TCR-T, use CRISPR modified T cell which contains TCR that targets protein fragments on cancer cells in solid tumor
抗癌免疫新藥花費300萬,真的能讓「免疫系統重開機」攻破癌細胞嗎? ft.癌症問康健 - YouTube immune checkpoint inhibitor, inhibits the immune checkpoint on cancer cells
癌症有疫苗了!? 莫德納、BNT等大廠重大突破,mRNA疫苗真的能攻克癌症? ft.癌症問康健 - YouTube
以毒攻毒!抗癌的未來寄託在「細菌」上?細菌為什麼能消滅癌細胞? feat.【研之有物】 - YouTube
對腫瘤最終兵器!癌症療法新選擇,基改溶瘤病毒為何備受期待? - YouTube oncolytic virotherapy