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Ancient Egypt History

January 9, 2025
October 9, 2015

Ancient Egypt - Wikiwand
Ancient Egypt - World History Encyclopedia
Egypt | British Museum
Ancient Egypt: Religion, Facts and Pyramids | - HISTORY
Ancient Egypt - Menu page

羅塞塔石碑上根本就沒有漢語,別被封面騙了!這下可以了吧 ⋯⋯ - YouTube

TICE ART 1010 Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Egyptian Art - YouTube
Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4 - YouTube
古埃及歷史|動畫科普|古埃及簡史|古埃及文明|古埃及法老|法老|拉美西斯二世|埃及艷后|極簡古埃及歷史|古埃及有多少個王朝|古埃及金字塔|金字塔|圖坦卡門|法老|古埃及怎麼滅亡的|古埃及托勒密王朝 - YouTube
埃及史合集,古埃及歷史全集,從第 0 王朝到托勒密時代,埃及史,埃及法老,圖特卡蒙,拉美西斯二世,奈菲爾提提,奈菲爾塔麗,埃及古王國時期,埃及中王國時期,埃及晚王國時期,古埃及通史,古埃及全部法老 - YouTube
Ancient Egypt - YouTube

Ancient Mediterranean: 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E. | Khan Academy
Beginnings - 600 BCE | World history | Arts and humanities | Khan Academy
Ancient Egypt & Sudan – Smarthistory
History Weeks Ancient Egypt Week - HistoryExtra
古代文明漫谈·近东文明的起源(下)——埃及王权的崛起 - YouTube

Upper Egypt: covering the Nile valley further south into Africa, civilization developed earlier and ruled Lower Egypt
Lower Egypt: covering the Nile Delta near the Mediterraneans
The Upper and Lower Egypt are ruled differently and sometimes ruled by separate regimes

c.4500 B.C. 巴達利文化, 平等社會
c.4000 B.C. 𣵀伽達文化一期, 社會分化
c.3500 B.C. 𣵀伽達文化二期
Early Civilization in Upper Egypt is influenced by Uruk in Mesopotamia.
c.3200 B.C. 𣵀伽達文化三期, 進入國家社會階段

Egypt civilization has 31 Dynasties
Egyptian Pharaohs Family Tree | Dynasties 1 to 31 - YouTube
Hieraconpolis 希拉孔波利斯 worships Horus, 𣵀伽達 worships Set
Scorpion King II was a great king of Hieraconpoli
But 提尼斯 united Egypt at the end as established the 1st Dynasty
Old Kingdom of Egypt - Wikiwand
The first two Dynasties have human sacrifices (殉葬)
2613-2181 B.C., Old Kingdom (3rd-6th Dynasty), The Great Pyramid of Khufu was built during 2589-2566 B.C., rise of power of local elites weakened the sovereignty of Pharaohs
7th-10th Dynasties are short lived and the Pharaohs probably lost control outside of Memphis, 9th and 10th Dynasties formed around Hieraconpolis.
Middle Kingdom of Egypt - Wikiwand
2040-1782 B.C., Middle Kingdom (11th-12th Dynasty) formed around Thebes in Upper Egypt and reunified Egypt. Nubia civilization also revived after being conquered by the First Kingdom. They were hired as mercenaries during the Middle Kingdom.
1650-1550B.C., 15th Dynasty (Hyksos) in the Lower Egypt was a foreign dynasty (Canaanites). Some belived this dynasty is comtemplary with Joseph in the Bible.
New Kingdom of Egypt - Wikiwand
1570-1069 B.C., New Kingdom (18th-20th Dynasty)
1300B.C. Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, 一神教興起
303-30 B.C., 31st Dynasty Ptolemaic Dynasty
Ptolemaic Dynasty Family Tree - YouTube

10 things you (probably) didn't know about ancient Egypt - HistoryExtra
Top 15 Interesting Facts About Ancient Egypt That You May Not Know | Ancient Origins
Love, Sex and Marriage in Ancient Egypt - HistoryExtra

Egyptian Hieroglyphs, 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄, 1072 symbols, Unicode Range: 13000-1342F (◕‿◕) SYMBL


History for GRANITE - YouTube
Updating the Great Pyramid Internal Ramp Theory - YouTube

Ancient Egyptian Pyramids - Map - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News
顛覆認知,金字塔最詳細合理的建造過程!不需要 10 萬奴隸,也並非外星技術!【紅桃 K 日記】 - YouTube
金字塔建造記錄出土?梅勒日記被稱為「21 世紀古埃及最重要發現」!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
Updating the Great Pyramid Internal Ramp Theory - YouTube
How Were the Pyramids Built? - YouTube

金字塔:年齡?用途?建造者?建造方法?不能說的秘密?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
金字塔的秘密,特斯拉知曉:1984年,一個工程師破解了所有的密碼,原來,那個全球無線輸電的構想並不玄幻……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


Ankh - Wikiwand
Crook and flail - Wikiwand


Akhenaten - Wikiwand
阿肯那頓 - Wikiwand
Father of Tutankhamun, Queen Nefertiti

Ra worship faded, Amun priests raised in power
Akhenaten make Aten, which is more of a natural god without image, the only god of Egypt
Akhenaten also moved the capital from Thebes 底比斯 north to 阿瑪納. With the help of his Bedouin 貝都因 (current Isreal) 舅舅 General Aye Akhenaten conficated the properties of Amun priests
However the army, lead by Ramesses, revolted and Akhenaten stepped down and restored Amun worship as part of the deal (hence Tutankhaten's name change to Tutankhamun)

Akhenaten === Moses
Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus |
外星人如何玩轉人類政治?竟也得靠娘家、靠老婆…… |自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
外星人如何走過人間這一生:霸道君王、宗教領袖、鋼鐵戰士……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube during Ramesses
DNA 完全不一样!被外星人改造的埃及法老? - YouTube


Tutankhamun - Wikiwand
圖坦卡蒙 - Wikiwand
The tomb, discovered in 1922, is the only one that has not been raided.

Tutankhamun London Exhibition | Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh
8 Facts About Tutankhamun, The 'Boy King' Of Ancient Egypt - HistoryExtra
Tutankhamun was originally named Tutankhaten, after god Aten. He then changed to worship Amun as part of his father's deal to cease the revolt, hence the name change.
Tutankhamun - The Golden King & The Great Pharaohs - YouTube

Tut-ankh: living incarnation...
Tutankh-aten 圖坦卡吞/圖坦卡頓: Aten
Tutankh-amun 圖坦卡蒙: Amun
Tutankh-amen 圖坦卡門: Ra is rebranded as Amen, the new God; Adopted by Jewish to end their prayer

Tutankhamun's Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt - YouTube
估值高達 10 兆美金,這件法老的寶藏相當於全球 GDP 的七分之一「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
埃及最奢華的圖坦卡蒙陵墓,背後竟有密室,密室主人是誰?藏着什麼大秘密?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
法老的詛咒の起源 |自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
打開八層金棺後,會發生什麼?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
法老的詛咒大揭秘:掘墓主謀為何不死?|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube 金主卡拉封伯爵家族的泰晤士報擁有圖坦卡蒙陵墓挖掘的獨家報道權, 其他媒體只能報道法老詛咒等花邊新聞

法老的詛咒無法被解開的真正原因 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube


Ramesses started the 10th Dynasty
Ramesses converted to worship Ra and dispelled Aten and Amun priests to end the religious power struggle.
His son Seti I took a conciliatory policy towards the Aten and Amun priests.

-messes/-mose: son of
Re-messes: son of Ra

Ramesses II

Ramesses II rules Egypt in 1290B.C.

Was Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II Really That Great? - HistoryExtra


Mummy - Wikiwand
Ancient Egyptian funerary practices - Wikiwand
Mummification (How an Ancient Egyptian Mummy was Made) - YouTube

Book of the Dead - Wikiwand
死者之書 - Wikiwand

Six Day War


Golan Heights: Israel's Legendary Tank Defence Against Syria | Greatest Tank Battles | War Stories - YouTube Syria and Egypt attacked Israel in 1973