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Ancient Near East History

January 9, 2025
January 23, 2020

Ancient Near East - Wikiwand
古代文明漫谈·近东文明的起源——补充篇 - YouTube
Introduction to the Ancient Near East (article) | Khan Academy
Ancient Near East – Smarthistory


Modern Iraq


Ancient Middle East: Cradle of Civilization | - HISTORY
Beginnings - 600 BCE | World history | Arts and humanities | Khan Academy

Mesopotamia - Wikiwand
美索不达米亚 - Wikiwand
History of Mesopotamia - Wikiwand
美索不达米亚历史 - Wikiwand
Mesopotamia - HISTORY
Mesopotamia literally means "land between rivers", Tigris and Euphrates.
河中地区 - Wikiwand

古代文明漫谈·近东文明的起源(上)——苏美尔文明的源头 - YouTube
近东文明的发展(一):早王朝时期的苏美尔 - YouTube
近东文明的发展(二):上美索不达米亚与阿卡德时代 - YouTube 上下城, 上城為老城區

Mesopotamian Civilizations - YouTube Kings and Generals

6500- 3700B.C. Ubaid period - Wikiwand City: Eridu
4000-3100B.C Uruk period - Wikiwand City: Kish, Uruk, Ur
2900-2350B.C Sumerian Early Dynastic Period, city states; iconic king Gilgamesh; each city houses one god; overlaps with Old Kingdom in Egypt when the Great Pyramids were built
2350-2100B.C. Akkadian Empire
古提人 (Middle Mesopotamia)
1900-1800B.C. Babylonia
1800-1700B.C. Babylonian dynasty
1500-1400B.C. Hittites
678-549B.C. Median

Assyrian Territory overlaps with Northern Akkadian Empire, first to unify Upper and Lower Mesopotamia
East of Anatolia Plateau, West of Iranian Plan, North of Mesopotamia
Early Period (2500 BC-2025 BC) Assur, Nineveh
Old Assyrian Empire (2025 BC - 1378 BC)
Middle Assyrian Empire (1392 BC - 934 BC) Neo-Assyrian Empire (911 BC - 609 BC)

Mesopotamia and the Bronze age - YouTube Epimetheus

波斯帝國全集,波斯合集,波斯帝國歷史,古伊朗歷史,波斯薩珊王朝,波斯歷史,波斯簡史,波斯國王,居魯士,大流士,亞洲歷史,亞歷山大大帝,波斯史,波斯如何滅亡的,波斯帝國如何建立的 - YouTube
拜占庭歷史全集,合集,拜占庭帝國歷史,東羅馬帝國歷史,歐洲簡史,拜占庭皇帝,拜占庭王朝,東羅馬皇帝,拜占庭簡史,東羅馬簡史,歐洲史,拜占庭帝國怎麽滅亡的,東羅馬帝國滅亡,拜占庭女皇,歐洲女皇 - YouTube

Gilgamesh - Wikiwand character in Epic Poem, great King in Early Dynastic Period
Ancient Hero - Gilgamesh - LibGuides at The Westport Library


Sumer - Wikiwand
The Sumerian Files - Anunnaki History - YouTube
Ancient Sumerian Origins of Mankind Documentary - Mesopotamia Riddles That Thwart Academics - YouTube

Cuneiform - Wikiwand writings with wedges on clay, appears around 4000B.C.
Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel - YouTube
Irving Finkel Teaches Us Cuneiform - YouTube
The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC) - YouTube

史前古文明 3-蘇美爾 - YouTube 自說自話的總裁
蘇美王表,一塊石頭揭秘人類誕生的真相 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
蘇美爾王表中吉爾伽美什(Gilgamesh)前王的都是神, 他之後的都是人
【震撼】最詳盡的阿努納奇的傳説,人類誕生的真正原因,蜥蜴人是怎么来的,莉莉丝究竟是谁 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
【補個大坑】阿努納奇第二期,神話中不能說的造人目的,吉爾伽美什的故事,漢莫拉比法典中“以眼還眼”“以牙還牙”的真正含義 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
人類的起源:遠古外星人來地球挖黃金,創造人類當苦力?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube 西琴 地球編年史 The Complete Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin
《地球编年史》 - YouTube


Babylon - Wikiwand
Babylonia - Wikiwand
Babylon - World History Encyclopedia

Babylon the great (2,000 years of Mesopotamian history explained in ten minutes) - YouTube Hittites, Sea People, Assyrian
Babylon: What Happened To The Ancient City? - HistoryExtra


Hittites - Wikiwand


Assyria - Wikiwand
Assyria - World History Encyclopedia


Medes - Wikiwand 678-549B.C. conquered by Persian Cyrus the Great
米底王国 - Wikiwand
File:Pre-Achaemenid Era.gif - Wikipedia Median, Persia


Anatolia - Wikiwand Asia Minor, Modern Turkey
Ancient Anatolians - Wikiwand

Hittites - Wikiwand
The Hittites - World History Encyclopedia

The Hittites and Ancient Anatolia (article) | Khan Academy
Beginnings - 600 BCE | World history | Arts and humanities | Khan Academy


Huns - Wikiwand
Attila - Wikiwand

匈人 - Wikiwand
阿提拉 - Wikiwand

Huns - World History Encyclopedia
Attila the Hun - World History Encyclopedia
Huns Timeline - World History Encyclopedia

漢朝的手下敗將是否真的侵略過歐洲?中亞曾經最強悍民族,竟然差點滅亡羅馬帝國! - YouTube 匈人 != 匈奴
350 年匈人吞并了阿蘭王國, 374 年隨匈王阿提拉西征, 到達了西歐; 1221 年被蒙古打敗