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History Europe

January 9, 2025
September 12, 2016

Roman Empire - Wikiwand
History of the Roman Empire - Wikiwand

Roman Republic - World History Encyclopedia
Roman Empire - World History Encyclopedia
Roman Empire Timeline - World History Encyclopedia

Digital Map of the Roman Empire
Roman Empire: Timeline and Fall | - HISTORY

Roman History - YouTube Kings and Generals
Ancient Rome, classical world - YouTube Epimetheus
羅馬是怎麼建立的 古羅馬起源 古羅馬共和國 羅馬歷史 羅馬是誰建立的 羅馬帝國 屋大維 凱撒 安東尼 羅馬皇帝 羅馬簡史 古羅馬簡史 早期羅馬 動畫科普 趣味歷史 歐洲歷史 歐洲史 歐洲簡史 - YouTube
同是大一统王朝,为什么中国走向一统,但罗马帝国却四分五裂?20分钟讲透罗马帝国政治史 - YouTube

作者: Zannanza | 聚言時報 Polymer

7 Roman inventions: incredible feats of ancient technology | Live Science

Punic Wars

Punic Wars - World History Encyclopedia
First Punic War - World History Encyclopedia between Carthage and Rome between 264 and 241 BCE over Sicily
Second Punic War - World History Encyclopedia between Carthage and Rome between 218 and 201 BCE over Spain, Italy and North Africa
Third Punic War - World History Encyclopedia between Carthage and Rome between 149 and 146 BCE over Carthage

Republican Roman Soldiers of the Second Punic War - YouTube
Velites are skirmishers that adopts the git and run tactics. They wield javelin, wear light armor and probably a wolf skin cap. They act as the curtain for the heavy armies to get in formation.
Hastati (lit. spearman, but they don't wield spears), the second best troops, form the first line of the formation. They wield large oval shields and pila (sigular: pilum), wear some armors and helmets. Their job is to hit the enemy hard and wear them down.
Principes are the best of the troops. They charge after the Hastati to finish the job. They have better equipments than the Hastati.
Triarii are the third line of the formation (hence the name). They do have spears. They are the veterans as they are going to save the day if the enemies reached them. They have best equipments. They might be at the back to stop everyone from routing.
Equites are light cavalries. They tends to be the rich guys for they have to own and maintain their horse. Roman cavalries are not the best. They usually are used to lure enemy cavalries out of the battle.

No archers, slingers, heavies cavalries.

Manipal = 2 Centuries
A Legend (battalion) consists of 3 Manipals plus several other officers

How did the Romans swap units around mid-battle? - YouTube Manipal swap

Roman-Persian Wars

Roman–Persian Wars - Wikiwand 54 BCE – 628 CE

Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire

Byzantine Empire - Wikiwand after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century CE

羅馬千年榮光!「歐洲最強門神」拜占庭帝國的關鍵時刻|【歷史大調查】EP05 - YouTube
The Islamic Arabs stepped out of the Arabs peninsular around 630 CE when the Byzantine and Sassanid Empire were fighting each other. The Arabs took advantage of the situation and conquered the Sassanid Empire and the Byzantine Empire.
拜占庭末日之戰,最後的羅馬皇帝如何力挽狂瀾? |【英雄故事書】EP155 - YouTube