18 image file compression tools tested | Creative Bloq
Comparison of all optimisation tools | ImageOptim-CLI
ImageOptim — better Save for Web macOS
ImageOptim alternatives for Windows and Linux
JamieMason/ImageOptim-CLI: Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
Trimage (lossless) image compressor advpng, jpegoptim, optipng and pngcrush
ImageOptim-inspired, with CLI, much slower and worse compression than @leesei/imgmini
Caesium - Image Compressor Windows, macOS
Antelope for Windows - Download Windows
BPG Image format H.265
A new image format for the Web | WebP | Google Developers
siiptuo/pio: Optimize images while maintaining the same perceived quality Rust
Image Compression with Golang - DEV Community Go, libvips
spatie/image-optimizer: Easily optimize images using PHP PHP, saving not prominent
toy/image_optim: Optimize images using multiple utilities Ruby
imager-io/imager: Automated image compression for efficiently distributing images on the web. Rust/Docker
unjs/ipx: High performance, secure and easy to use image proxy based on Sharp and libvips. web server
JPNG.svg (Transparent PNG with JPEG Compression)
The Problem with JPEG - Computerphile - YouTube
Comparison of JPEG Lossless Compression Tools - blarg.co.uk
mozilla/mozjpeg: Improved JPEG encoder.
Lepton image compression: saving 22% losslessly from images at 15MB/s | Dropbox Tech Blog
jpegoptim -P -p --all-progressive -s -m 90 --no-action <file>
A guide to PNG optimization
This Lossless PNG Optimization You're Probably Not Using Shrunk One File an Extra 39% - Zoompf Web Performance
pngquant — lossy PNG compressor fast, ~70%
PNGGauntlet Combines PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs
PNGOUT Tutorial very slow, ~85%
pngout pngout.png -k0 out.png
OptiPNG Home Page
optipng -preserve -strip all -simulate <file>
default compression is fair enough, ~0%
DeflOpt Program: Optimize Compressed Files
TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency use indexed (color palette)
PNGCRUSH very slow, ~10% to larger file ><
Advance Projects advpng
, uses zopflipng, larger file ><
High Performance SVGs | CSS-Tricks
svg/svgo: Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files
svg/svgo-gui: Node-WebKit based GUI for SVGO
SVGOMG - SVGO's Missing GUI with live feedback
SVGito - An SVG Optimizer — Sketch Master
Case Study: Optimizing SVG Text & Image Delivery with Inline SVG – Sara Soueidan, inclusive design engineer
Web Performance Calendar » Tips For Optimising SVG Delivery For The Web
imagemin provides prebuilt native binaries
imagemin not actively maintained, dependencies are old
imagemin/imagemin-cli: Minify images seamlessly
imagemin/imagemin: Minify images seamlessly
1000ch/gulp-image: Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task. uses imagemin
npm i -g imagemin-cli imagemin-mozjpeg imagemin-pngcrush imagemin-pngquant
imagemin --plugin=pngcrush --plugin=pngquant --plugin=mozjpeg --plugin=gifsicle --plugin=svgo "images/**" "outdir"
imgmini - npm gulp-image
contains all the binaries, provides intuitive reporting interface
[12:08:28] ✔ css-mctn_hdr_home.png -> before=130 kB after=45 kB reduced=84.8 kB (65.3%)
[12:08:29] ✔ css-mfrm_hdr_home.png -> before=181 kB after=62.1 kB reduced=119 kB (65.8%)
[12:08:36] ✔ frbg_eq22_23_home_s1_M.png -> before=720 kB after=232 kB reduced=488 kB (67.8%)
[12:08:42] ✔ frbg_eq22_23_home_s1_T.png -> before=900 kB after=262 kB reduced=638 kB (70.9%)
[12:08:42] ✔ frbg_eq22_23_home_s1_H.png -> before=900 kB after=262 kB reduced=638 kB (70.9%)
Asikur22/npm-imgmini: Image Minify with Gulp Image. CLI wrapper for gulp-image
npm i -g @leesei/imgmini
find <folder> -type f | xargs -P$(nproc) -- imgmini -s
// options for `gulp-image`
pngquant: true,
optipng: false,
zopflipng: true,
jpegRecompress: false,
mozjpeg: true,
guetzli: false,
gifsicle: true,
svgo: true,
concurrent: 10,
quiet: false, // defaults to false
wuwu8ku/imgminify: imgminify bundled binaries, custom wrapper
robinLiu1989/webpack-imgmini: a image compress use webpack
GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh: Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
Introducing libSquoosh
@squoosh/lib - npm
@squoosh/cli - npm
jamsinclair/jSquash: Browser & V8 Runtime focussed wasm bundles derived from the Squoosh App.
Image Optimization for Websites: Beautiful Pages That Load Quickly
CDN for Images: Optimize and Deliver Images Faster
Get started with Cloudinary Media Optimizer | Cloudinary
Compress an Image Automatically Without Losing Quality compression ratio
Automatically Reduce Image Size Without Losing Quality format
Match Device Pixel Ratio by Automatically Adapting Images resolution
Cloudinary for WordPress Plugin for Images and Video
Self host with Docker
darthsim/imgproxy - Docker Image | Docker Hub
imgproxy/imgproxy: Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
How To Serve Next-Generation Images With imgproxy Using Docker | DigitalOcean
Web Service
Compressor.io - optimize and compress JPEG photos and PNG images 10MB limit
Free Online Image Optimizer · Kraken.io 1MB limit
Online Image Сompressor ? limit
TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency 5MB limit, create indexed PNG, PNG only