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JavaScript Pipeline

January 9, 2025
December 21, 2015

Bundling and transpiling is a solved problem in 2023. We went from writing build scripts in Grunt, Gulp, Browserify, Webpack, Rollup, Snowpack to turnkey solutions and templates projects today.

Understanding JavaScript Modules: Bundling & Transpiling
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs – Node.js Collection – Medium
These tools will help you write clean code

Prepack · Partial evaluator for JavaScript AOT optimization at build time

The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust

Code Refactoring

facebook/jscodeshift: A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
cpojer/js-codemod: Codemod scripts to transform code to next generation JS
facebook/codemod: Codemod is a tool/library to assist you with large-scale codebase refactors that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention. Codemod was developed at Facebook and released as open source.

A Codemod Survival Guide |
Codemods: A Quick and Easy Way to Automate Code Refactoring — SitePoint
Refactoring With Codemods and jscodeshift | Toptal
Effective JavaScript Codemods – Christoph Pojer – Medium
reactjs/react-codemod: React codemod scripts

Christoph Pojer: Evolving Complex Systems Incrementally | JSConf EU 2015 - YouTube
Master the Art of the AST & Take Control of Your JS (English) - YouTube


Comparing the New Generation of Build Tools | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks 2022-01
Modular JavaScript: A Beginners Guide to SystemJS & jspm
21 Javascript Bundlers 🚀 | Hacker Noon

Modular JavaScript: A Beginners Guide to SystemJS & jspm

pkg.module · rollup/rollup Wiki instruct bundlers to use ES2015 modules

Bundle size

Reduce Your bundle.js File Size By Doing This One Thing
samccone/coverage-ext: Generate code coverage for any webpage

BundlePhobia ❘ cost of adding a npm package
danvk/source-map-explorer: Analyze and debug space usage through source maps
LironEr/bundlemon: Monitor your bundle size


browserslist/browserslist: 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env


Bundle for Browser

ESM bundles are also useful for Deno and modern browser


Skypack: search millions of open source JavaScript packages ESM
ESM>CDN allows aliasing, ESM
jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for JS and open source good for Asia, CJS, ESM
Hosted Libraries | Google Developers
cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers CloudFlare
Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network Assets | Microsoft Learn
Official CDN of Bootstrap and Font Awesome · BootstrapCDN MaxCDN

mikeal/brrp: ESM bundle npm modules for browsers and nodejs

All-in-one dev server

Modern build chain should support

Create React App is dead
Vite and Next.js replaced it with more features

Introduction · Neutrino
Modern JavaScript Apps with Neutrino

insin/nwb: A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)

Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework GitHub

microsite/ at main · natemoo-re/microsite using Snowpack, Preact

Introduction – TSDX 😴inactive
jaredpalmer/tsdx: Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development Rollup

fwilkerson/microenvi: Bundle, serve, and hot reload with one command microbundle


Gen 0Gen 1Gen 2


esbuild - An extremely fast JavaScript bundler built with Go, used in Snowpack
esbuild - Next-generation JavaScript bundler | refine
tsup Bundle your TypeScript library with no config, powered by esbuild


WMR: Tiny all-in-one development tool for modern web apps.
preactjs/wmr: 👩‍🚀 The tiny all-in-one development tool for modern web apps.

The Preact Team Releases WMR to Simplify Modern Web App Development



Turborepo TypeScript monorepo, used Turbopack
vercel/turborepo: The High-performance Build System for JavaScript & TypeScript Codebases

What is Turborepo and Why Should You Care? | refine

Using Zig in our incremental Turborepo migration from Go to Rust – Vercel
From Go To RUST: The story of Turborepo - YouTube

Finishing Turborepo's migration from Go to Rust – Vercel
Was Porting To Rust A Mistake? - YouTube


caches source files and dependencies during build, good for large project, built with Rust




rollup.js guide
rollup/awesome: ⚡️ Delightful Rollup Plugins, Packages, and Resources

rollup/plugins: 🍣 The one-stop shop for official Rollup plugins

rollup/rollup-starter-app: Bare-bones example of how to create an application using Rollup
rollup/rollup-starter-lib: Bare-bones example of how to create a library using Rollup

Webpack and Rollup: the same but different – webpack – Medium


rolldown/rolldown: Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript with Rollup-compatible API.

Rolldown is here, can it save Vite? - YouTube history of bundlers


Farm Documentation | Farm
farm-fe/farm: Extremely fast Vite-compatible web build tool written in Rust


web-infra-dev/rspack: The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️


Kuto, a reverse JS bundler
samthor/kuto: Faster updates for big JS projects

wtf is this? Bundlers keep getting weirder… - YouTube


📦 Parcel
parcel-bundler/awesome-parcel: 🔗 A curated list of awesome Parcel resources, libraries, tools and boilerplates

Everything You Need To Know About Parcel: The Blazing Fast Web App Bundler 🚀
Parcel vs webpack - Jakob Lind

Using Parcel as a Bundler for React Applications | CSS-Tricks
Parcel.js — Easy JavaScript Bundling | by Christopher Shaffer | Better Programming

Parcel bundler: Like Webpack but effortless | InfoWorld
Parcel bundler: Testing Parcel’s asset support | InfoWorld
Parcel bundler: Production builds and best practices | InfoWorld


Rome Toolchain
Deep dive into Rome: Linting, compiling, and bundling - LogRocket Blog


swc with Rust




developit/microbundle: 📦 Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
Zero-Config Monorepo for a React Component Library in 2019

JReinhold/mdx-deck-live-code: A component for mdx-deck to live code in your slides. 🤯
philipp-spiess/react-recomponent: 🥫 Reason-style reducer components for React using ES6 classes.

Uses convention in package.json to specify output:

"main": "./dist/foo.umd.js", // legacy UMD output (for Node & CDN use)
"exports": "./dist/foo.modern.js", // modern ES2017 output
"module": "./dist/foo.module.js", // legacy ES Modules output (for bundlers)
"source": "src/foo.js",         // custom entry module (same as 1st arg to microbundle)
"types": "dist/foo.d.ts",       // TypeScript typings


FuseBox - Blazing fast js bundler/loader with super powers
fuse-box/fuse-box: A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API


Packem – A precompiled JavaScript module bundler
packem/packem: 📦⚡ A precompiled JavaScript module bundler

Introducing Packem: a super fast experimental bundler written in Rust