Knot - Wikiwand
List of knot terminology - Wikiwand
Bight (knot) - Wikiwand a curved section of rope, for slipped knot
How strong is your knot? | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
capture the standing end:
pass the standing end (usually with livestock) around a static object (usually a tree truck or a pole) through the knot to keep the standing end in-place
List of knots - Wikiwand
This guy is amazing. - YouTube
Overhand knot - Wikiwand twist bight 180° (single loop) and pass the end through
Figure-eight knot - Wikiwand twist bight 360° (double loop) and pass the end through
Slip knot - Wikiwand easy to untie knot, vs slipped knot
Siberian hitch - how to tie one, for absolute beginners - YouTube "slipped figure-eight with a captured standing end"
結繩 @ 好攝的男人 :: 痞客邦 ::
消防救援繩結打法,值得收藏 - 每日頭條
普魯士抓結(Prusik Knot)/手抓結: 易向上, 不易向下
【一日一结】法式抓结(French prusik)即自锁抓结(Auto Block)
繩結七 : 抓繩結 (Friction Hitch) @ 好攝的男人 :: 痞客邦 ::
Math of Knots
What is a Knot? - Numberphile - YouTube
Prime Knots - Numberphile - YouTube
Colouring Knots - Numberphile - YouTube
How Knots Help Us Understand the World - YouTube
How The Most Useless Branch of Math Could Save Your Life - YouTube
Introduction to Knots & Invariants - YouTube
Primes and Knots - Akshay Venkatesh - YouTube
Untangling the beautiful math of KNOTS - YouTube