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Kerbal Space Program

January 9, 2025
October 22, 2019

Kerbal Space Program - Create and Manage Your Own Space Program

KSP 1.12 in 2021-06 is the final update

Kerbal Space Program - Wikiwand
Kerbal Space Program Wiki
The Kerbal Effect - YouTube
Can Kerbal Space Program Really Teach Rocket Science - YouTube
Astronaut Scott Kelly teaches orbital mechanics with Kerbal Space Program | Ars Technica - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program creator looks back on leaving it behind: 'The hardest thing I've had to do in my whole life' | PC Gamer

Tutorials - Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Career Mode Tutorial - YouTube
quill18 - The Complete Beginner's Guide to Kerbal Space Program (v1.3) - YouTube
Let's Play: Kerbal Space Program - 1.2 Career Mode! - YouTube
Forums - Kerbal Space Program Forums
KSP - Absolute Beginner's Guide - YouTube Mike Aben

Kerbal Space Program - YouTube official
Orb8Ter - YouTube
Mike Aben - YouTube
ShadowZone - YouTube
Kenson Kerman - YouTube

Scott Manley - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program Tutorials - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program Career Mode Tutorial - YouTube
Interstellar Quest - YouTube
Kerbal Air Races - YouTube
Reusable Kerbal Space Program - YouTube

Kerbal Space Program - YouTube
Let's Play: Kerbal Space Program - 1.2 Career Mode! - YouTube

Mark Thrimm - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - YouTube Stumpt Rik

Matt Lowne - YouTube
Into The Warp - a KSP Movie - YouTube
These KSP Visual Mods are ACTUALLY INSANE - YouTube

Kerbal Colonization - YouTube Rhadamant


7 BASIC TIPS & TRICKS to get better at building stuff in Kerbal Space Program (KSP Tutorial) - YouTube

Key bindings - Kerbal Space Program Wiki

Kerbal Space Program - Advanced Rocket Design Tutorial - YouTube
Kerbal Moon Landing Tutorial - v1.2.1 - YouTube

KSP - Mun Landing Tutorial with a Rover - YouTube

KSP - Let's Do The Math - YouTube


Kerbal Space Program - Advanced Rocket Design Tutorial - YouTube
KSP: Building the International Space Station in ONE Launch! - YouTube
KSP: Artificial Gravity Station around the Mun! - YouTube exploit to build ring station
KSP: Building a DUNA Space Station! - YouTube
KSP: The Self-Building UNFOLDING Surface Base! - YouTube
KSP: Recreating the VOSTOK and the VOSKHOD Soviet Space Programs! - YouTube

Kerbal Space station - YouTube
Mun Exploration - Kerbal Space Program - YouTube

Maneuver Node

Maneuver Node added in 1.7, Maneuver Creator App added in 1.12

ligh cyan: current orbit
yellow: target orbit
yellow dotted: predicted orbit
purple: sphere of inference, where maneuver can be added for sling-shot, fly-by or orbiting
Kerbal Space Program - Tutorial For Beginners - Interplanetary Transfers - YouTube

periapsis: highest speed, lowest orbit
apoapsis: lowest speed, highest orbit (most fuel efficient to change orbit)
inclination change is more efficient at lower speed

Kerbal Space Program - Tutorial For Beginners - Interplanetary Transfers - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - Interplanetary Transfer Tutorial Engineering Style - YouTube

Advanced Maneuver Mode in Kerbal Space Program 1.7 - YouTube

Transfer Window Planner by TriggerAu
Transfer Window Planner on SpaceDock
[1.7.x] Transfer Window Planner v1.7.1.0 (August 19) - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

KSP Mods - Maneuver Node Evolved - YouTube
Maneuver Node Evolved on SpaceDock

[1.8.x] Precise Maneuver editor - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Precise Node Continued on SpaceDock


also called "circularize"

Kerbal Space Program - Career Mode Guide For Beginners - Part 5 - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - Career Mode Guide For Beginners - Part 10 - YouTube Launch a Satellite Into a Specific Orbit

Oberth effect - Wikiwand firing rocket engine at high speed causes greater change in kinetic energy than when fired at low speed
Exploiting The Oberth Effect (again) in Kerbal Space Program - YouTube

How Gravity Assists Work - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - Using Gravity Assists To Save Fuel - YouTube
Visiting All Kerbal Planets Using Gravity Assists - Kerbal Space Program 1.7 - YouTube

Elliptical Orbit to SOI Edge
Low Orbit


Kerbal Space Program - Career Mode Guide For Beginners - Part 6 - YouTube

Orbit Insertion


[1.5.1, 1.3.1] Trajectories v2.2.1 (2018-04-28) : atmospheric predictions - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums stock trajectories does not account for atmospheric drag and planetary rotation
KSP Easy Mods Episode 8 - Trajectories - YouTube
KSP Mod Overview: Trajectories - YouTube


Kerbal Engineer Redux - Mods - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForge
[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28) - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums shows Delta-V maps
Releases · jrbudda/KerbalEngineer latest release
KSP Easy Mods Episode 11 - Kerbal Engineer Redux - YouTube
KSP Mod Overview: Kerbal Engineer Redux - YouTube

Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki Delta-V maps
[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7 - Tutorials - Kerbal Space Program Forums


Docking Port Alignment Indicator on SpaceDock
[1.8.1] Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5 - Updated 12/14/19) - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

KSP Easy Mods Episode 7 - Navball Docking Alignment Indicator & Docking Sounds - YouTube


CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) - v1.30.4 Hubble - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
User guide · KSP-CKAN/CKAN Wiki

[1.8.x-1.10.x] Module Manager 4.1.4 (July 7th 2020) - Locked inside edition - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
[1.3.0] Community Database of Module Manager Patches for Stock KSP - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Kerbal Space Program Tutorial - How To Install Mods - YouTube
KSP/GameData/ will be unioned to KSP/

SpaceDock > KSP
Mods - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForge
Steam Community :: Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program: BASIC MODDING! - YouTube
KSP Easy Mods - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program - Guide To The 10 Most Essential Mods & Add Ons - YouTube
The Best Mods For Kerbal Space Program - Part 2 - Presentation Improvements - YouTube
9 Kerbal Space Program Mods I Can't Live Without AND Duna Tutorial - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program Mods - YouTube
The Best Kerbal Space Program Mods | PC Gamer

Near Future Spaceprogram on SpaceDock collection

Tracking Station Evolved on SpaceDock
[1.9.x] Haystack ReContinued - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

[1.8.1-1.10.1] Realism Overhaul v13.1.1 [29 Jun 2021] - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums hard mode


Add-on Development - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Auto Pilot

kOS: Kerbal Operating System terminal, programming language
KSP-KOS/KSLib: The standard library and examples for the Kerboscript language

KSP Mod Overview: GravityTurn - YouTube automate take offs

MechJeb2 - Mods - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForge auto pilot, trajectory prediction (togglable)
Kerbal Space Program - Guide To MechJeb 2.0 - Apollo 人大卜卜 Style Mun Mission - YouTube

Pilot Assistant (useful for time wrap)



[1.9.x] ScienceAlert ReAlerted : Experiment availability, now with DMagic support - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

SCANsat on SpaceDock

DMagic Orbital Science on SpaceDock


KerbalX - KSP Craft Sharing Simplified
Crafts - Kerbal Space Program - Steam Workshop
Craft Kitchen - Kerbaltek

[1.11.x] Near Future Technologies (All1.11.x) - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Bluedog Design Bureau (BDB): USA historical parts.
Tantares: Russian historical parts.
Knes: European historical parts, plus many conceptual parts that never flew.
Near Future: this is a collection of mods, not just one. It adds a flexible set of parts that encourage your own unique designs. Also looks for other mods by the same author (Nertea) that have a similar integrated art style.

KSP Easy Mods Episode 14 - Kerbal Inventory System & Kerbal Attachment System - YouTube EVA construction added in 1.11
[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019 - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Kerbas-ad-astra/KronalVesselViewer: For capturing orthographic and offset views of spacecraft in KSP.
KSP Mods - Kronal Vessel Viewer - YouTube "schematic" view of your craft

Real Scale Boosters on SpaceDock
To be used with Real Solar System


KerbalX - Mission
Missions - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForge
Mission - Kerbal Space Program - Steam Workshop


[1.11.x] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (June 26) - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums Parts art, engine effects and new parts

RustyKrab's Visual Modpack on SpaceDock

[1.12.x] Parallax, A PBR Terrain Shader [1.3.0] - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
This KSP Graphics mod is GAME-CHANGING! - Parallax Mod Showcase - YouTube

[KSP1.12.x] RealPlume - Stock v4.0.8 & RealPlume v13.3.2 [25/JUN/2021] - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
[1.12.x] Waterfall - a framework for continuous, mesh-driven engine effects (July 3) - Add-on Development - Kerbal Space Program Forums

EVO | Extreme Visual Overhaul for RSS | Beta 0.3 "Mostly Stable" - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums

[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Enhancements [v1.4.1] [20 March 2019] - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Terrain [v2.2.0] [20 March 2019] - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums stock shader is improving since 1.8


dead as of 2024-07

"Doomed from the start" - KSP2 Development History FINALLY Revealed - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program 2 is dead. Now what? - YouTube
Kerbal Space Program 2 Was Murdered. - YouTube


Kerbal's End, Kitten Space Agency's Beginning - YouTube
Kitten Space Agency - December Update - YouTube

9 Things We Know About Kitten Space Agency (KSA) - New "KSP Killer" - YouTube
KSA Developer Reveals Future for Kerbal Space Program Successor - YouTube