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November 2, 2023
October 16, 2018

DIY Perks - YouTube
Stuff Made Here - YouTube
Stuff Made Here 2 - YouTube
PeterSripol - YouTube
Plasma Channel - YouTube
OLMMvideo - YouTube
Xyla Foxlin - YouTube
Hacksmith Industries - YouTube
How To Make Everything - YouTube
Sine Tech - YouTubeHedgehog 刺蝟幫 - YouTube
小芊枫 XiaoQianFeng - YouTube
Owen 来造_Owen to create - YouTube
hksubwoofer - YouTube
大匠夫 MakerSoulHK - YouTube

17,342 pounds of tools to make... this? - YouTube

Things you can make from old, dead laptops - YouTube
Transforming dead earbuds into POWERFUL wireless speakers - YouTube
Old pinball machines are amazingly complex - YouTube pre-digital, electro-mechanical device

胡搞蝦搞 | 704 卡夫特 矽橡膠 使用 經驗 應用 分享 DIY - YouTube
三秒膠黏到手自救法 快乾有毒你怎麼還在用?【超認真少年】LOCTITE 401 SUPER GLUE - YouTube
木工鐵工塑膠都能黏 瞬間膠的 6 種特別使用方法【超認真少年】Loctite Superglue and Glue Accelerators - YouTube 401, 420, 454

Moldable Glue

Clay like when opened, rubber like after one day.

The World's First Mouldable Glue | Sugru
Sugru - YouTube

V-TIE - Home
V-tie® - Durable Silicone Moldable Glue – Fox Stark

塑鋼土, AB 土
Selleys 犀利牌
速快干型 AB 塑钢土专业修补防水填坑洞定造型高达模玩具汽车灯改装-淘宝网 ¥24 320g 2.5hr


Clay - Wikiwand
黏土 - Wikiwand

How To Identify Clay in Nature - YouTube
How To Make Clay At Home (It's Just Dirt) - YouTube
Tempering Pottery Clay - the Secret to Mixing Wild Clay - YouTube

3D Printing

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects
Thangs | Free 3D model community | Geometric Search
The World's #1 Magazine for the Digital Maker | All3DP
3D Models for Free -

首頁 - 印核工廠 In Here.
The 3D Print General - YouTube
MSC 製樂喵 - YouTube
Vector 3D - YouTube

gcode viewer - online gcode viewer and analyzer in your browser!

【硬件科普】什么是 3D 打印,3D 打印有哪些种类,优劣分别是什么? - YouTube
『3D 列印小潔堂』 - YouTube
Introduction to 3D Printing - YouTube

3D Printer Calibration Method I Can't Live Without - YouTube
[3D 列印 EP07]每個月都會發生幾次? 堵料? 出料不順終結者 教你輕鬆讓 3D 列印機乖的像小貓(上集/初心者篇) - YouTube
[3D 列印 EP09]出料不順上乘心法(下集) 如何將回抽、喉管兩大列印參數難題化敵為友? 你不可不知的 3D 列印知識。Say goodbye to under extrusion - YouTube
7 Tips to Improve Surface Quality of Your 3D Prints - YouTube
Cooling: use active cooling fan (especially PLA), longer layer timeout

光固化神级软件:Tango 超细自动加支撑教程!轻松实现 3D 打印各种手办模型! - YouTube

PETG filament is harder

【買前必睇】香港人買 3D 打印機攻略! Ender 3 Pro/ i3 Mega-s / Prusa i3 mk3 3D 列印機評講介紹 - YouTube FDM, stepping motor + platform
【漫威御用 3D 列印機開箱】夢幻光固化 3D 列印機 formlabs Form3 台灣首發開箱! - YouTube SLA
Owen 来造 | 全网最全 FDM vs. 光固化 3D 打印必看 - YouTube
【千元 3D 列印機真的能用嗎?】初學者的福音?超高CP?!結果完全出乎預料!Phrozen Sonic Mini 專業開箱 - YouTube DLP

[超級簡單]3D 打印入門教程 1-3D 打印機選購,開箱調試及打印第一件 3D 模型 - YouTube
[超级简单]3D 打印入门教程 2-3D 模型制作及获取方法介绍及切片软件 Cura 的基本使用方法 - YouTube

《解密 3D 打印机》第一集 万能制造机 | CCTV 纪录 - YouTube
《解密 3D 打印机》第二集 魔盒的秘密 | CCTV 纪录 - YouTube
《解密 3D 打印机》第三集 打印未来 | CCTV 纪录 - YouTube

IBM/MicroscoPy: An open-source, motorized, and modular microscope built using LEGO bricks, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and 3D printing.

The Material Science of Metal 3D Printing - YouTube

Power Loss Recovery Might Make 3D-Printed Blobs | Hackaday
This GCode Post-Processor Squeezes Lines Into Arcs | Hackaday

Crystal Radio

Low frequency waveforms are modulated with higher frequency carrier wave to reduce the size of antennae
FM 和 AM 是啥意思?收音机是咋收到音乐的?李永乐老师讲广播信号传输 - YouTube

How a Crystal Radio Works - YouTube
Crystal Radios - YouTube
深入理解收音机的原理!极其简单!小孩也能看懂!矿石收音机的工作原理 - YouTube
AM Radio Transmitter – bitluni's lab

矿石收音机(一)原理及制作 - YouTube
矿石收音机(二)制作要点及注意事项 - YouTube
调幅(AM)发射机,用二极管实现幅度调制 - YouTube

Radio Hacks | Hackaday
FM Radio From Scratch Using An Arduino | Hackaday
FM 101 And Transmitter Build With Afroman | Hackaday


BB-8 Droid from Star Wars (v2) - Homemade/DIY
BB-8 Droid - YouTube

電磁砲 Coil Gun

【Fun 科學】超‧電磁砲(噴飛的硬幣) - YouTube
DIY 電磁砲!原來這種科學射擊裝置是這麼容易製作的嗎!?【胡思亂搞】 - YouTube
真・電磁槍!胡子終於做出會被關切的電磁射擊裝置了嗎?【胡思亂搞】 - YouTube

LED Christmas tree

I wired my tree with 500 LED lights and calculated their 3D coordinates. - YouTube
I run untested, viewer-submitted code on my 500-LED christmas tree. - YouTube

2021, 3D coordinate fix, GIFT, simulation
My 500-LED xmas tree got into Harvard. - YouTube
GSD6338/XmasTree: Computational Xmas Tree lights!
MPTree - Matt Parker's Tree Emulator
Xmas Tree Lights App


【千元有找!教你做小太陽!】跟胡子一起做人工小太陽迷你版!製程大公開@胡子 Huzi - YouTube


How to Make a Bench Power Supply From An Old ATX PSU
DIY - Lab Bench Power Supply - YouTube
Part 2 - DIY Lab Bench Power Supply - YouTube
ATX Bench Power Supply - Convert a Computer Power Supply - YouTube
DIY - Lab Bench Power Supply - YouTube
DIY Mini Lab Bench Power Supply (With Switchable DC and AC Input) - YouTube
ATX PC - DON' T THROW THAT AWAY!!! here is a BIG idea - YouTube

Ultimate Battery Backup Hack/Mod. - YouTube
How to Make the Ultimate 18650 Power Bank with Infinitely Expandable Capacity - YouTube
胡搞蝦搞 | 電池玩具 改裝成 3.7v 鋰電池 充電方式 節省購買電池費用 環保又省錢 DIY - YouTube

Building a portable power station (1200w, USB-C and MORE!) - YouTube

DIY Electromagnetism

Homopolar DC Motor: 4 Steps
The Simple DC Motor: 5 Steps
How to Build a Motor
Super Simple Unipole Motor
Easy DIY Homopolar Motor: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
Super Simple DC Motor - YouTube

Electric Motor G13: 9 Steps
DC Motor Brushed Style: 5 Steps (with Pictures)
Easy FAST DC MOTOR: 4 Steps

DIY Electromagnetism - YouTube
DIY Loudspeaker (round neodymium magnet) - YouTube

Reusing Laptop Screen

Build a DIY screen out of recycled parts for cheap - YouTube
舊筆電別丟!簡單兩步驟變身螢幕顯示器!筆電螢幕再利用 - YouTube
【Fun 科技】只要 300 元!手把手教你 DIY 4K 便携显示器!学生党福利!垃圾佬大胜利! - YouTube


Beginner Guide // How To Build FPV Drone 2019 - YouTube
Drone Theory - YouTube
How To Make Drone With Hand-made Radio Control. DIY Drone - YouTube