Cartography - Wikiwand
Pixel Map Generator | amCharts
How Maps Work | HowStuffWorks
How Maps Work | Stuff You Should Know: The Podcast
Why Every Map Has This Tiny Australian Town - YouTube "Baltimore phenomenon"
No Old Maps Actually Say 'Here Be Dragons' - The Atlantic
Here Be Dragons on Old Maps
沒有衛星 古人如何繪製地圖 不靠科技也能畫精準 - 歷史 - 網推
Earth geological and climatic history | Khan Academy
Australia's Weird Geographical Quirks - YouTube
Reacting to YOUR Obscure Geography Facts - YouTube
Vox Borders: Season 1 - YouTube
MAP MEN - YouTube
Map Pack - YouTube
Trap Street/Paper Towns
為什麼這世界上的所有地圖都.是.錯.的?什麼是「陷阱街道」? │ 莫名奇妙的台灣方吉路的故事 │ 鐵道事務所 - YouTube
Mini-Stories: Volume 2 - Page 2 of 4 - 99% Invisible
Old Maps
Old Maps Online
Geography and Map Reading Room (Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress)
World Map, Large HD Image World Map
HK Maps
Old Maps | Historic Maps | Antique Maps | Map Reproductions
BBC - Travel - The world’s oldest medieval map
File:Carta Marina.jpeg - Wikipedia
World’s FIRST Map of Ancient AFRICA Will Shock You - YouTube
English counties explained - YouTube Local Government Act 1972 redefined county, and continually being updated
Map projection - Wikiwand
List of map projections - Wikiwand
Why all world maps are wrong - YouTube
How the World Map Looks Wildly Different Than You Think - YouTube
Can You Make an Accurate Map? - YouTube
現在的地圖不準確!! 而且存在嚴重偏差!! 究竟問題出在那裡? (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
The Mathematics of our Universe - YouTube on curvature (specifically Gaussian curvature)
What are Map Projections? (And Why They Are Deceiving to the Human Eye) - GIS Geography
Map Distortion with Tissot's Indicatrix - GIS Geography
Your World Map is Hiding Something - Metrocosm
Projection Wizard
Map Projections on the Web – Petrichor Geoviz Studio
Comparing Map Projections -
Map Projection Transitions
Mercator Puzzle!
EPSG 4326 vs EPSG 3857 (projections, datums, coordinate systems, and more!) – Victory Formation
Why is the world map you know wrong? | Live Science
xkcd: Map Projections
The True Size Of ...
Welcome to GeoPy’s documentation! — GeoPy ocumentation
PROJ documentation
Supported map projections—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
50 Map Projections Types: A Visual Reference Guide [BIG LIST] - GIS Geography
Equal Area Projection Maps Advantages and Examples - GIS Geography
Cylindrical Projection: Mercator, Transverse Mercator and Miller - GIS Geography
Conic Projection: Lambert, Albers and Polyconic - GIS Geography
Azimuthal Projection: Orthographic, Stereographic and Gnomonic - GIS Geography
Using the Mercator map projection | Maphover Interactive World Maps
Map Projections Explained - YouTube ❗!important, projection functions, evaluation
A Strange Map Projection (Euler Spiral) - Numberphile - YouTube
Aesthetics (subjective)
Area preservation (regardless of shape)
Shape preservation (regardless of area)
conformal: angles are preserved, good for navigation -
Orientation preservation (direction)
ease of use and understand -
Mercator projection - Wikiwand
- x = a, y = ln(sec(a)+tan(b))
- similar to blowing up the earth inside a cylinder (central cylindrical), but expands towards the polars (applying the latitudinal movement bias to longitude)
- preserves direction and angle (constant true direction, conformal), good for navigation by following strict line of map, which is actually not the shortest distance
- preserves shapes, distorts distances and land areas (greater when the further away from equator)
- Web Mercator Tile Visibility / Jake Low / Observable
Gall-Peters projection
- preserves areas, distorts shape
Winkel tripel projection - Wikiwand
- compromise between area, distance and direction distortion (hence tripel, "triple" in German)
- adopted by National Geographic
- modification of Mercator
- corrects for some of the size distortion, but does a good job of retaining the correct shapes
Equal Earth 👍
- formulation looks complicated, but easy on computer
- equal area with less distortion
Equirectangular projection - Wikiwand
- x = long, y = lat
Goode homolosine projection - Wikiwand / articles
- "orange peel" projection
- based on Sinusoidal projection (x = acos(b), y = b), fixes the skewing by "interrupting" the map (and mixes with Mollweide Elliptical projection)
- reverse the latitudinal movement bias
- preserves size and distance
Robinson projection - Wikiwand
pseudo-conical Robinson projection -
Cahill 1909, Cahill-Keyes 1975
Naming of Continents
List of continent name etymologies - Wikiwand
Who Gets to Name Continents? | Stuff You Should Know: The Podcast
The Origin of the Names of the Continents
How Places Got Their Names - YouTube
How Did The Continents Get Their Names? - YouTube
How Did Each European Country Get Its Name - YouTube
How Did Each Asian Country Get Its Name? - YouTube
How Did Each American Country Get Its Name - YouTube
The Naming of America
How Did Each U.S. State Get Its Name? - YouTube
Facts About Pangaea
Putting 'Australia' on the map
History of longitude - Wikiwandlong
Longitude Act 1714 - Wikiwand
The Longitude Problem (Maritime History) - Podcast
古航海定位神器 - 六分儀!至今仍在使用!現代船舶備用的定位裝置 - YouTube
List of geocoding systems - Wikiwand
Latitude - Wikiwand
Horizontal lines specifying the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Ranging from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles.
Mariners measured the angle between the horizon and stars (e.g.: Polaris – The North Star) with instruments such as the astrolabe and the sextant.
Longitude - Wikiwand
Vertical lines (Meridians) specifying the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Ranging from 0° at the Prime meridian (Greenwich, England) to +180° eastward and −180° westward.
In October 1884, Prime meridian (Greenwich) was selected in Washington.
Since every hour the earth rotates 15°, mariners can estimate their longitude by comparing local time (probably noon) to a time at know longitude (Greenwich time) with chronometers.
Chronometer method, famously pioneered by John Harrison, became the preferred way to calculate longitude.
【Fun 科學】那個看見時間的男人(精密時間裝置的起源) - YouTube
New Systems
Gimlet Media | » #21 Postal Addresses
what3words | Addressing the world divides the world into 3m x 3m squares associated with 3 dictionary words
what3words - Wikiwand
The Official Web Site of the Natural Area Coding System NAC "hashes" the lat-long as strings
Digital Map
This cartographer’s deep dive into Google Maps is fascinating - The Verge
Google Maps’s Moat
Cartography Comparison: Google Maps & Apple Maps