Augmented reality - Wikiwand
Virtual reality - Wikiwand
Mixed reality - Wikiwand
Extended reality - Wikiwand
The Largest Unsolved Problem in VR. - YouTube
Create WebVR
WebXR includes AR, obsoletes WebVR spec
WebXR Device API - Web APIs | MDN
WebXR Viewer
The future of the web is immersive (Google I/O '18) - YouTube
immersive-web/webxr: Repository for the WebXR Device API Specification.
immersive-web/webxr-polyfill: Use the WebXR Device API today, providing fallbacks to native WebVR 1.1 and Cardboard
mozilla/webxr-polyfill: A polyfill and example code for building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications using WebXR.
Mozilla Mixed Reality | Home originally Mozilla VR
【亦】唠唠 VR·AR·MR:智能手机之后会是? - YouTube
未来已来!VR/AR/MR/XR 相关话题列表 - YouTube AK‘s Tech Studio
VR vs. AR vs. MR: What Is Each One Good for? - ExtremeTech
Virtual Reality Basics - Tom's Hardware
How to differentiate between virtual and augmented reality
How AR and VR will change enterprise mobility | Computerworld
20 人戴上 VR 眼鏡實測,在「元宇宙」裡工作一周有多困難? | T 客邦
OpenXR Overview - The Khronos Group Inc
Introducing: Monado
Augmenting Your Reality - TechStuff (podcast)
The Road to VR
I Tried VR and It Was Just OK
Google Data Center 360° Tour - YouTube
TojiCode: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive review
AltDevBlog » Latency Mitigation Strategies ❗!important
networking - Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen? - Super User
Virtual Reality Oasis - YouTube
ThrillSeeker - YouTube
eVRydayVR - YouTube
Ben Plays VR - YouTube
Sensor fusion and motion prediction | Boris Smus
Clever VR Tricks: A 60fps VR Experience On An Old Phone With Tessellation And Vertex Displacement
extra matrix transform after rendering with the latest position/orientation of the headset
Are we ditching keypads for good in AR/VR? - UX Collective
Real VR has to be like this:
Testing The BEST VR GUNS Ever Made! - YouTube
Guns in VR - YouTube
Wave Engine The graphics development engine for business and industry - WAVE cross platform engine for business and industry
[Guest Post] Introducing WaveEngine 3.1 based on .NET 5 | .NET Blog
obsoleted by WebXR
Stereoscopic Rendering in WebVR ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Google VR for everyone | Google Developers
12 Exciting WebVR Demos and Experiments - Tutorialzine
Virtual reality comes to the web
Supermedium | Building VR
React 360 · Create amazing 360 experiences
360 Photos and Videos · React 360
React 360 by Example: Part 1 - codeburst
React 360 by Example: Part 2 - codeburst
React 360 by Example: Part 3 - codeburst
React 360 by Example: Part 4 - codeburst
Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best
Babylon.js Documentation
Babylon.js 5.0: Beyond The Stars - Part 1 - Windows Developer Blog
Babylon.js 5.0: News Tools - Part 2 - Windows Developer Blog
Build a Web VR game with JavaScript using the BabylonJS Framework - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
TojiCode: Bringing VR to Chrome
TojiCode: Moving towards WebVR 1.0
Marzipano - a 360° viewer for the modern web
What is Marzipano? Here is a Complete Guide | Tiiny Host Blog
Create WebAR
Augmented reality for the web | Google Developers
Augmented Reality on the Web in 2019 | SitePen
WebXR Experiments: AR and VR made for the web
Case study: Moving a Three.js-based WebXR app off-main-thread —
hiukim/mind-ar-js: Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
WebXR - Samples
WebAR Playground - Create Augmented Reality in a Few Clicks with AR.js AR.js
8 Web AR examples where brands offered a memorable immersive experience
Augmented Reality On Web | Web AR Solutions | WOWSOME
JINI, powered by 8th Wall Web
JSARToolKit5 examples
argon.js Samples
A-Frame – Make WebVR
AR.js - Augmented Reality for the Web | AR.js uses artoolkit
, supports Three.js and A-Frame backend
AR.js - YouTube
Creating Augmented Reality with AR.js and A-Frame – A-Frame
Augmented Reality With HTML5: What Can Mobile Web Browsers Do?
Building an Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt with A-Frame and AR.js | Women Who Code
AR.js: A Guide To Developing An Augmented Reality Web App | 3 SIDED CUBE
nicolocarpignoli/GeoAR.js: A lightweight library for Web Location-based Augmented Reality.
Location Based (GPS) Augmented Reality on the Web - Chialab Open Source - Medium
ARjs – Medium
Nicolò Carpignoli – Medium author of AR.js, provides some usage and design tips
AR.js — The Simplest Way to get Cross-Browser Augmented Reality on the Web
How to deliver AR on the web only with a QR Code - Nicolò Carpignoli - Medium
AR.js Supports Tango on A-Frame too! - ARjs - Medium markerless tracking
How to handle click events on AR.js - The Startup - Medium
10 tips to enhance your AR.js app. - Chialab Open Source - Medium
google-ar/ A helper three.js library for building AR web experiences that run in WebARonARKit and WebARonARCore not active, not stable, requires Android O+
argon.js not active, requires specific browser
ARToolKit.js | jsartoolkit5 (non-official?)
artoolkitX fork of artoolkit
, actively maintained
google-ar/WebARonARCore: An experimental Chromium modification in the form of an app for Android that lets developers build Augmented Reality (AR) experiences using web technologies on top of Google's ARCore.
Augmented reality for the web | Google Developers
hiukim/mind-ar-js: Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
Creating Augmented Reality with AR.js and A-Frame – A-Frame marker types
Barcode (matrix) marker:
Marker generator
Barcode marker generator - ARToolworks
Pattern (picture) marker:
AR.js Marker Training
AR For Everyone: Building cross platform AR (ARCore/ARKit) Apps with React Native and ViroReact
Build Augmented Reality Applications With React-Native
jhen0409/rn-webrtc-arkit-integration: Capturing ARKit scene (Like react-native-arkit
) into WebRTC video stream
react-native-ar/react-native-arkit: React Native binding for iOS ARKit
pritasam/react-native-arcore: Android ARCore in react native
Headmount Display Headsets
科幻电影里的高科技眼镜来了 - YouTube 1:06:47, history and prediction
- 全能型
- 內容消費型 (usually birdbath)
- 功能細分型 (usually wave guide, much lighter)
AR 眼镜到什么程度了?为什么最近广告这么多? - YouTube
Many Chinese company release these products in 2022, but they are not actually AR
- Rokid
- NReal
- Thin Red Line
【时代玩家 Timagic】避坑!三款入门 AR 眼镜横评 Nreal Air、雷鸟 Air 和 Rokid Air#AR 眼镜 - YouTube
AR 眼鏡時代來臨?超强觀感,超級便携!|雷鳥 Air 1S 體驗|大狸子切切裡 - YouTube
nreal air 真实体验,对线恰饭视频 - YouTube
Nreal 会不会是 AR 领域下一个大疆「SIGNOW」 - YouTube
Nreal air 深度解析:『巨幕体验』有点扯,但说显示可不弱 - YouTube
足够小巧,不够强大-Nreal air AR 眼镜【值不值得买第 578 期】 - YouTube
我終於可以躺著打游戲啦!深度體驗 Nreal Air AR 眼鏡|大狸子切切裡 - YouTube
The Ultimate Steam Deck Accessory - YouTube
1 Month with the Nreal Air AR Glasses - 130" OLED Screen on your FACE! 😎 - YouTube
Nreal Air - Steam Deck's best friend! - YouTube
RayNeo 雷鳥
隨地躺平神器,Switch最佳伴侶 — 雷鳥Air2智能眼鏡 ︳RayNeo Air2 - YouTube
Third Gen Headsets
Apple Vision Pro
Vision Pro 实机 深度技术分析 - YouTube
Vision Pro 和 Quest 3有什么不一样? 什么时候会有廉价版? - YouTube
手机马上被淘汰?彻底了解 Vision Pro - YouTube
【何同学】很牛,但没用丨苹果Vision Pro深度体验 - YouTube
Using Apple Vision Pro: What It’s Actually Like! - YouTube
Oculus Quest 3
Integrated spacial 3Dof processor
XREAL - Building Augmented Reality for Everyone
XREAL One 體驗:這回全給你縫完了!AR眼鏡完全體!一鍵賽博!|大狸子切切裡 - YouTube
「花生」当我尝试把手机戴在头上,发现XREAL One是真的牛 - YouTube
Second Gen Headsets
Second gen have better displays and lens
Meta's display chief names 10 features for a perfect VR headset
Oculus Quest vs Rift S vs Valve Index - YouTube
Should You Buy The Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift S Or Oculus Go? - YouTube
「走」进虚拟的现实 - YouTube 萬向跑步機
未来已来 没体验过这个 别说你懂 VR - YouTube Facebook Workrooms
价格从 9.9 到几万元,凭票入场的 VR 元宇宙到底是什么体验? - YouTube
VR Game in 2022: Is it Good yet? What kind of experience can VR achieve today?| Pico Neo3 review - YouTube
Oculus Quest
Smartphone grade hardware, no PC required
Inside-out position detection, SLAM, 6 DoF, hardware IPD
Supports PCVR with USB C or Wifi (unofficial)
I was WRONG - Oculus Quest Review - YouTube
Oculus Quest review: a great system with a frustrating compromise - The Verge
【爱否评测】Oculus Quest VR 让我们离「刀剑神域」「头号玩家」还有多远? - YouTube
Oculus Quest 2
Inside-out position detection, SLAM, 6 DoF, hardware IPD
cheaper then Quest 1; must bind to Facebook account
Supports PCVR with USB C or Wifi (unofficial)
該入坑了!現在最值得買的 VR 設備 Oculus Quest 2 上手評測 - YouTube
Oculus Quest 2 中文深度测评! - YouTube
Okay Mark… the Quest 2 is a GREAT value… - YouTube
Oculus Rift S
software IPD
Tethered PCVR headset
Oculus Rift S: VR Headset for VR Ready PCs | Oculus
I'm really sorry I didn't review this sooner... - Oculus Rift S Review - YouTube
Oculus Rift S review: A swan song for first-generation VR - The Verge
Microsoft Hololens 2
Inside-out position detection
Eye tracking
AR 眼镜要替代手机?Hololens 2 深度评测【爱否测评】 - YouTube
Pico 3
acquired by ByteDance
Neo 3
Snapdragon 865 XR2 (same config as Oculus Quest 2)
Pico 4
Samsung 玄龙 MR
全部 HMD-三星玄龙 MR-玄龙 MR-玄龙 MR+-三星玄龙 MR 官网 | 三星电子 中国
目前最强虚拟现实设备之一 —— 三星玄龙 MR+评测 | Hi 科技
2021 HTC Vive
Find the right high-end VR system for you | VIVE Canada
HTC Vive Focus 3 及 Vive Pro 2 登場,均以 5K 及 120 度視野定下 VR 新標準
HTC Vive Focus 3, targets Oculus Quest 2
Vive Pro 2, links to PC
VIVE Cosmos Features | VIVE™ Eye tracking
HP Reverb G2
HP Reverb G2 VR Headset | HP® Official Site
SteamVR on PSVR Tutorial - YouTube
PlayStation VR HACKED for Steam - The Know Game News - YouTube
花 4000 元买个吃灰玩具?索尼 PS VR2 上手 - YouTube
索尼 PS VR2 體驗!次世代的 VR 遊戲,觀感超震撼,還可以用眼睛選按鈕!|大狸子切切裡 - YouTube
【VR 横评】一站式攻略!4 款主流 VR 头盔到底怎么选? - YouTube
Apple Vision Pro
「Vision Pro 硬核分析」第一期:扒掉苹果的底裤!从技术角度全面解读苹果 AR 眼镜 Vision Pro - YouTube
手机马上被淘汰?彻底了解 Vision Pro - YouTube
理念如此業餘的Vision Pro真的是出自蘋果的產品?【Gamker】 - YouTube
First Gen Headsets
Usually inside-out position detection, 3 DoF
Microsoft HoloLens
HoloLens 版 Minecraft 實玩 Demo 展現出 VR 新世界 - UNWIRE.HK
Alex Kipman: A futuristic vision of the age of holograms | TED Talk |
Samsung Gear VR
Blog — Introducing the Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition
Partnered with Value to as the hardware for SteamVR platform.
Outside-in position detection
Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift: VR Headset for VR Ready PCs | Oculus
Developer Center — Home | Oculus
Best Practices | Oculus
benvanik/vr.js: NPAPI plugin to expose fun VR devices to Javascript.
Valve Index
Valve Index
Maybe VR isn't dead after all... - Valve Index Review - YouTube
Google Cardbard/Daydream
【亦】白菜价 VR!自制低成本 VR 方案,竟然很靠谱? - YouTube in 2021
Google Daydream - Wikiwand
Google’s “Daydream View” VR headset is smartphone-powered VR for $79 | Ars Technica
Gear VRs for everyone! Google turns Android into a VR-ready OS: Daydream | Ars Technica
Android 7.0 Nougat review—Do more on your gigantic smartphone | Ars Technica
How to Force Daydream VR Compatibility on Unsupported Android Devices
Google Cardboard - Wikiwand
Google Cardboard – Google VR
Experience augmented reality together with new updates to ARCore
Just a Line: The first cross-platform collaborative AR app (for doodling)
Intel RealSense
VR Content
vr videos for google cardboard - Google Search
vr for google cardboard - Google Search
Apps for Google Cardboard – Google VR
Cardboard - Android Apps on Google Play
Virtual Reality - Android Apps on Google Play
Featured Apps + Games - Android Apps on Google Play
YouTube VR - Apps on Google Play
Cardboard - Apps on Google Play
WITHIN - Apps on Google Play
Virtual Avatar
Customize your own Android Bot | Android
Mii Studio requires login
Online Mii Maker on Scratch on Scratch
Virtual Land
Welcome to Decentraland modified Bitcoin blockchain + DHT(BT) or IPFS
Decentraland Whitepaper
district0x Ethereum + Aragon + IPFS
district0x Updates
Decentraland Districts. Powering marketplaces for the metaverse | by Joe Urgo | district0x Updates
The Sandbox Game — User-Generated Crypto & Blockchain Games
Connect with Carmack - Facebook
【亦】元宇宙基石!苹果和英伟达又走到了一起 - YouTube
【亦】元宇宙是未来?不,已经在做了 - YouTube
歡迎來到 Engadget 元宇宙教室!
Engadget 元宇宙教室:元宇宙與 NFT 的微妙關係
The creator of Second Life has a lot to say about all these new 'metaverses' | PC Gamer