一口气了解银行游戏规则 中美银行体系 - YouTube
一口气了解美联储 | 全球权力最大的金融机构 - YouTube
【硬核】一口气了解外汇 | Everything You Need To Know About Foreign Exchange - YouTube
Global Reserve Currency
The Growing Revolt Against the US Dollar - YouTube
Wealth Inequality
This cartoon explains how the rich got rich and the poor got poor - Vox
Income-Inequality.info - explore income inequality data
Mapped: Minimum Wage Around the World
Is Inequality Inevitable? - Scientific American
Why do The Rich Get Richer? - by Philip Rosedale
Printing Money Doesn't Help - by Philip Rosedale
Transaction Tax Dividend - by Philip Rosedale
Credit Card
The Fresno Drop - 99% Invisible credit card history
Monetary policy
Monetary policy - Wikiwand
Quantitative easing - Wikiwand
Excess reserves - Wikiwand
Monetary Policy Definition | Investopedia
美國列人民幣為貨幣操縱國 人民幣破七真相〈蕭若元:蕭氏新聞台〉2019-08-06 - YouTube
- purchasing power parity
- interest rate parity
Money supply
货币是怎么产生的?国家要印多少钱?每个人都要了解的财富密码 - YouTube
Money supply - Wikiwand
M1 Definition | Investopedia
M2 Definition | Investopedia
M3 Definition | Investopedia
纸币被印出来之后是怎么进入市场流通的?How does cash come into circulation?【柴知道 ChaiKnows】【科普 Science】【冷知识 Trivia】 - YouTube
More Money Less Problems | Radiolab | WNYC Studios
National Debt
【硬核】一口气了解国债,这么一直借下去真的可以么? - YouTube
- 央行控制短期利率, 國債影響長期利率
- 量化寛鬆: 央行印鈔買國債
- money printing causes inflation
【硬核】一口气了解错综复杂的欧债危机 - YouTube
【深度解读】一段视频,看透希腊债务危机! - YouTube
Interest rate/Inflation
关于利率,你需要知道的那些事儿 - YouTube
一口气了解通货膨胀 | 硬核 - YouTube
- demand pull
also includes government's stimulus - cost push
not causing GDP growth - money supply
Ars Technica
Bitcoin: inside the encrypted, peer-to-peer digital currency | Ars Technica
Behold Arscoin, our own custom cryptocurrency! | Ars Technica
Digging for cryptocurrency: The newbie’s guide to mining altcoins | Ars Technica
IRS: Bitcoin is property, like a stock or bond, and not a currency | Ars Technica
Andresen on BitCoin and Virtual Currency | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
Gavin Andresen on the Present and Future of Bitcoin | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
Nathaniel Popper on Bitcoin and Digital Gold | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty