see learning on theory, especially learning#Speed Reading => Speed Learning
Massive open online course - Wikiwand
No Excuse List
Class Central • #1 Search Engine for Free Online Courses & MOOCs
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10 YouTube channel you need to subscribe. - DEV Community
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MIT OpenCourseWare - YouTube
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Distance Learning Courses and Adult Education - The Open University
OpenLearn from The Open University - YouTube
Learn to Code — For Free — Coding Courses for Busy People - YouTube long form courses
Learn to Code - for Free | Codecademy
edX | Build new skills. Advance your career. | edX
Learn the Latest Tech Skills; Advance Your Career | Udacity some free courses
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Cognitive Class
Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers some free courses
OpenLearning: Teach and learn online for free
Data Science Courses in Python, R, SQL, and more | DataCamp
HKMOOC Homepage - FlackBox
Welcome to ! Video library for presentations and meetups
Free online courses from Harvard to learn how to code - Business Insider
Free Online Courses from upGrad
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Library - SitePoint Premium - SitePoint Premium I've some courses and books here
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Academind - YouTube web tech
Coding Tech - YouTube web tech
edureka! - YouTube
Fireship - YouTube mostly frontend, 100s intros, sarcastic
Beyond Fireship - YouTube
JavaScript Mastery - YouTube
Kevin Powell - YouTube CSS power god
The Coding Train - YouTube Processing, p5.js, algorithms
The Net Ninja - YouTube mostly frontend
Traversy Media - YouTube mostly web tech
Web Dev Simplified - YouTube mostly web tech
Hussein Nasser - YouTube backend technologies, many on databases
The Backend Engineering Show - YouTube Blog backend dev
Tech Primers - YouTube enterprise application
VideoLectures.NET - VideoLectures.NET
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
eHow | eHow
British Museum
Collection | British Museum
數位典藏系統 Digital Collection System
Screen vs Paper
There's Just Something About Paper | Note to Self | WNYC Studios
Slow reading on paper
Skim reading online
Biliterate brain
We who learn to read before the web have slow reading skill that can be relearn, how about our children?
Khan Courses
Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) | Khan Academy
MIT+K12 | Khan Academy
NASA | Khan Academy
NOVA Labs | Khan Academy
Big History Project | Khan Academy
American Museum of Natural History | Khan Academy
California Academy of Sciences | Khan Academy
The British Museum | Khan Academy
Asian Art Museum | Khan Academy
NodeSchool list of workshops
Educational Youtube Channels
Animagraffs - YouTube "How it works" in 3D rendering
Arvin Ash - YouTube science, explainers
AsapSCIENCE - YouTube animated explainers
Be Smart - YouTube sciency
Branch Education - YouTube "How it works" in 3D rendering
BRIGHT SIDE - YouTube explainers
CGP Grey - YouTube trivia on all sorts of things
Cheddar - YouTube Cheddar explainers, NYC Revealed
Chemistorian - YouTube chemistry, history
Clint Explains - YouTube explainers, sciency
Cleo Abram - YouTube explainers, HUGE if true stories
Cogito - YouTube animated history and culture
ColdFusion - YouTube explainers
Computerphile - YouTube computer
Confreaks - YouTube tech conferences
CrashCourse - YouTube animated explainers
Creative Construction Channel - YouTube engineering, experiments
Dom Burgess - YouTube explainers
Domain of Science - YouTube sciency
Dr Ben Miles - YouTube sciency
engineerguy - YouTube engineering
fern - YouTube mini documentaries
Fire of Learning - YouTube history
Freethink - YouTube explainers
Future Proof - YouTube brands and products
Integza - YouTube sciency, experiments
Interesting Engineering - YouTube engineering
Jared Owen - YouTube "How it works" in 3D rendering
Jeremy Fielding - YouTube "How it works", engineering
Kathy Loves Physics & History - YouTube sciency, history
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - YouTube
Kuvina Saydaki - YouTube math and algorithms
Lesics - YouTube "How it works" in 3D rendering
LEMMiNO - YouTube mini documentaries
Looking Glass Universe - YouTube animated quantum mechanics
MinuteEarth - YouTube sciency, animated explainers
minutephysics - YouTube animated physics
NileBlue - YouTube sciency, experiments
Numberphile - YouTube math
Objectivity - YouTube science artifacts
Periodic Videos - YouTube chemistry
Physics Girl - YouTube physics
Practical Engineering - YouTube engineering, experiments
Primal Space - YouTube sciency, space science
Primer - YouTube evolution
Professor Dave Explains - YouTube sciency, deep dives on various disciplines
Quanta Magazine - YouTube sciency
Real Engineering - YouTube engineering
Real Science - YouTube sciency, Insane Biology
RealLifeLore - YouTube explainers
Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube sciency, explainers
saVRee - YouTube "How it works" in 3D rendering
Science ABC - YouTube animated explainers
SciShow - YouTube sciency
SideQuest - YouTube animated history
Sixty Symbols - YouTube physics and astronomy
SmarterEveryDay - YouTube sciency, engineering, experiments
Steve Mould - YouTube sciency
The Efficient Engineer - YouTube engineering
The Engineering Mindset - YouTube explainers, electronics and engineering
The RSA - YouTube The Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, animated explainers
The School of Life - YouTube animated explainers
The Thought Emporium - YouTube sciency
Today I Found Out - YouTube explainers
Tom Scott - YouTube sciency
TREY the Explainer - YouTube explainers, history
Two Bit da Vinci - YouTube explainers
Undecided with Matt Ferrell - YouTube explainers, tech
Up and Atom - YouTube Physics and Maths
USENIX - YouTube tech conferences
Verge Science - YouTube sciency
Veritasium - YouTube sciency
Vsauce - YouTube sciency
Wendover Productions - YouTube explainers, Nebula founder
Zepherus - YouTube obscure historical/scientific things
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柴知道 ChaiKnows Official Channel - YouTube animated explainers
混乱博物馆 ChaosMuseum - YouTube explainers
瑞森老哥 Reason - YouTube animated explainers, short history
科学火箭叔 - YouTube sciency, but citation is poor
科學漫聊 - YouTube sciency
芳斯塔芙 - YouTube fun stuff, explainers
IC实验室 - YouTube consumerism, business
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TED - YouTube
TED-Ed - YouTube
TEDx Talks - YouTube
The Best Places to Watch Free Documentaries Online | MakeUseOf
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Films For Action: A Library for Changing the World
Watch Free Documentaries Online | Documentary Heaven
BBC Earth - YouTube
BBC Studios - YouTube
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PBS Infinite Series - YouTube
PBS Nova Documentary Channel - YouTube
PBS Space Time - YouTube
PBS Terra - YouTube
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Ancient Black Ops - YouTube
Banijay Documentaries - YouTube
Banijay History - YouTube
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Big Company - YouTube corporate history
Closer To Truth - YouTube
Cosmos, Consciousness & Meaning TV Series on PBS - Closer to Truth
Deep Dive - YouTube
Defunctland - YouTube (defuncted) theme park history
ElderFox Documentaries - YouTube
ENR - YouTube
Great Art Explained - YouTube
MagnatesMedia - YouTube mini documentaries, corporate history
Military History 2015 - YouTube
National Geographic - YouTube
Our History - YouTube
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Real Science - YouTube
Reel Truth Earth - Wildlife & Discovery - YouTube
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WarsofTheWorld - YouTube
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國家地理 National Geographic TW - YouTube
Johnny Harris - YouTube
PolyMatter - YouTube
Educational Documentaries | Netflix - YouTube
Netflix Our Planet | Full episodes | WWF collaboration - YouTube make "documentaries" of fake science
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BBC. The Story of Maths. The Language of the Universe - YouTube
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