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Moon Story

January 9, 2025
January 31, 2016

Here Are Five Myths About The Moon You Can Easily Disprove Yourself

Space Race to the Moon | Free Documentary - YouTube

人類不能再次登上月球的真正原因真是難以置信 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
人類不可以再次登月的真正原因,第二集 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
【月球第三部】人類無法再次登月的另一種可能 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube

美國為何 50 年間不登月,為何最近又高調宣佈重返月球?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
重返月球 1:2024 月球登陸有何不同? - YouTube
深挖:第二個登上月球的人,為什麼不敢對著《聖經》發誓?他糾結的一生,古怪的回答,難道一切都不是傳說?還有,無法穿越的輻射帶,不合理的照片,在美國重啟登月之際,我們再來聊聊這個故事……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube

Project Apollo

{% blockquote "John F. Kennedy" "Moon Speech" %}
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard
{% endblockquote %}

Apollo program - Wikiwand
To the Moon • Russ Olsen - YouTube
Apollo 11’s journey to the moon, annotated - YouTube
Project Apollo Archive’s albums | Flickr

What Made Apollo a Success? NASA document
SP-287: WHAT MADE APOLLO A SUCCESS?.  Introduction

On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 successfully sent Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the surface of the room.

Greatest Leap | Ars Technica Video Search Results

Why Apollo 10 Stopped Just 47,000 Feet From the Moon - The New York Times

How the Apollo Spacecraft works: Part 1 - YouTube
How the Apollo Spacecraft works: Part 2 - YouTube
How the Apollo Spacecraft works: Part 3 - YouTube
What's inside of the Lunar Module? - YouTube

Apollo 13 - Wikiwand
History - The Flight of Apollo 13
Short History Of...: Apollo 13 on Apple Podcasts
阿波羅 13 號:人類史上最不可思義的太空營救 - YouTube

Saturn V

Saturn V - Wikiwand

Saturn Launch Vehicle Digital Computer - Wikiwand
IBM Archives: Saturn guidance computer
How did NASA Steer the Saturn V?- Smarter Every Day 223 - YouTube
The Computer that Controlled the Saturn V (Behind the Scenes ft Linus Tech Tips) - Smarter Every Day - YouTube
The ACTUAL Computer from the Saturn V Rocket - ft. SmarterEveryDay - YouTube
I Asked An Actual Apollo Engineer to Explain the Saturn 5 Rocket - Smarter Every Day 280 - YouTube

LEGO® NASA Apollo Saturn V 21309 | Ideas | Buy online at the Official LEGO® Shop US

Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)

Apollo Guidance Computer - Wikiwand
first computer to use silicon-based integrated circuits
5 Engineering Facts About the Apollo Guidance Computer | Design News
Apollo Guidance Computer Restoration - YouTube CuriousMarc

The Real Story Behind the Apollo 11 Computer Error | WSJ - YouTube
Don Eyles Walks Us Through the Lunar Module Source Code | Hackaday
chrislgarry/Apollo-11: Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
Don Eyles shows his paper copy of the Lunar Module source code - YouTube - The Ultimate Apollo Guidance Computer Talk

Virtual AGC Home Page
virtualagc/virtualagc: Virtual Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) software
Online Apollo Guidance Computer Simulator

felipevb/ragc: Rust Apollo Guidance Computer


科馬洛夫撞向地球的最後一刻發生了什麼?神秘錄音曝光 慘烈而悲壯「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube

Project Artemis

Blue Origin | National Team Submits Moon Proposal to NASA
重返月球 1:2024 月球登陸有何不同? - YouTube

I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA... (But I said it anyway) - Smarter Every Day 293 - YouTube changes in Artemis and NASA's communication problems