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January 9, 2025
January 19, 2021

Server Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, app framework

Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
Next.js Learn
The Next.js Handbook

The Story of Next.js - YouTube
Next.js Conf 2021 - YouTube
Next.js Conf 2020 - YouTube

Create Next App | Next.js
next.js/examples at master · vercel/next.js

yarn create next-app --ts  # recommended
npx create-next-app --example api-routes --use-npm

npx dev
npx build && npx start  # local deployment with app server
npx build && npx export -o build/ # static HTML (SSG) without need of app server

Next.js in 100 Seconds // Plus Full Beginner's Tutorial - YouTube
Next.js Architecture for Common Solutions | Chris Hannaby - YouTube
Next.js Tutorials - YouTube Colby Fayock
Next.js 101: What Features You Should Know About
Next.js from the Ground Up - Jamstack Explorers
Next.js Crash Course for Beginners 2021 - Learn NextJS from Scratch in this 100% Free Tutorial! - YouTube
Tag Archive nextjs
How To Build Backends-for-Frontends in NextJS | JavaScript in Plain English

Next step after Node.js: Framework for 'universal' JavaScript apps | InfoWorld
We migrated to Next.js to serve our home page 7.5× faster
Building CRUD Apps with NextJs FaunaDB
How To Maintain A Large Next.js Application — Smashing Magazine
Hacker News client with Chakra UI and Next.js - LogRocket Blog
JAMstack Origins: A deep dive into the architecture with Next.js | by LiftOff LLC | Medium

Next.js vs Gatsby vs create-react-app
How to install Next.js
Linking two pages in Next.js using Link
Dynamic content in Next.js with the router

Next.js Trash Course - Part 1/3 - DEV Community
Next.js Trash Course - Part 2/3 - DEV Community
Next.js Trash Course - Part 3/3 - DEV Community

How to Start ReactJS Development Fast: 3 Solid Tools and Best Practices - Codica
Best practices to increase the speed for Next.js apps - Stack Overflow Blog

How to Integrate MongoDB Into Your Next.js App
How NextJS REALLY Works - YouTube
5 Reasons I Use Next.js Over Plain React - YouTube 2021-01
Next.js Crash Course - YouTube 2021-01
Why I don't use React-Query and tRPC anymore - YouTube Server Components and Server Action

Best practices to increase the speed for Next.js apps - Stack Overflow Blog


OpenNext self-host Next.js using serverless

NextJS Is Hard To Self Host - YouTube


Why I Won't Use Next.js | Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds
Why I'm Using Next.js | Lee Robinson

Next.js 15

Next.js 15 | Next.js

Next.js 15 Breakdown (Everything You Need To Know) - YouTube
This magic hack makes Next.js possible - YouTube

Next.js 13

released 2022-10

Next.js 13… this changes everything - YouTube
Next.js 13 - The Basics - YouTube
Next.js 13 Fundamentals - YouTube
Learn Next.js 13 With This One Project - YouTube 29:42
NextJS 13 Tutorial: Create a Static Blog from Markdown Files - YouTube 53 minutes

shadcn-ui/taxonomy: An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.

Next.js App Router: Routing, Data Fetching, Caching - YouTube
Data fetching is by default on server side. But you can use cache (next field) to control its behavior.

NextJS 13 & Why it's complicated - YouTube

Server-side data fetching in Next.js 12 vs. 13 - YouTube
How To Fix NextJS 13's N+1 Problem - YouTube

Next.js 13.1 Explained! - YouTube
Using Fonts in Next.js (Google Fonts, Local Fonts, Tailwind CSS) - YouTube

Building a bidding system with NextJS 🚀 - DEV Community with new features

Building Blog

Data Fetching: Incremental Static Regeneration | Next.js
Incremental Static Regeneration with Next.js - LogRocket Blog

javascript - Next.JS links do not work after exporting static HTML - Stack Overflow

Blog - Markdown/MDX with Next.js | Next.js
How I Built my Blog using MDX, Next.js, and React compares MDX loaders
How to Build Your Own Blog with Next.js and MDX 2022-04, compares MDX loaders
Create a Next.js and MDX blog - LogRocket Blog 2022-03, @mdx-js/loader (Webpack)

Building Better Next.js Static Sites with MDX and Contentlayer 2022-02, contentlayer (mdx-bundler (esbuild))
MDX with Next.js: The Easiest Way to Build a Static Content Site - YouTube 2022-03, contentlayer
Creating a Markdown Blog Powered by Next.js in Under an Hour 2022-01, Tailwind, fs.readdirSync()
Build a Static Next.js Markdown Blog with Typescript, MDX, and Tailwind CSS | Engineering Education (EngEd) Program | Section 2021-12

hashicorp/next-mdx-remote: Load mdx content from anywhere through getStaticProps in next.js replaces next-mdx-enhanced


Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator
How I built my second brain using Next.JS - DEV Community


Building Your Application: Routing | Next.js
Routing: Dynamic Routes | Next.js
Routing: Linking and Navigating | Next.js

Rendering: Automatic Static Optimization | Next.js
Data Fetching: getStaticPaths | Next.js
Functions: getStaticProps | Next.js

Data Fetching in Next.js
What do you know about pre-rendering, SSG,& getStaticProps in Next.js? – TecForFun
How to use getStaticPaths on dynamic routes in Next.js – TecForFun
NextJS / React SSR: 21 Universal Data Fetching Patterns & Best Practices - WunderGraph

API Routes

Routing: API Routes | Next.js

How to use Next.js API Routes? | refine
Next.js API Routes—What You Need To Know

jellydn/next-swagger-doc: This package reads your JSDoc-annotated source code on NextJS API route and generates an OpenAPI (Swagger) specification.
Create Swagger document on NEXT.JS | by LAI TOCA | Medium

App Router (Next 13)

opt-in new folder structure in /app

Blog - Layouts RFC | Next.js

NextJS 13 - First Look at the /app Folder & Complete Demo - YouTube
Next.js 13 - Layouts and Pages Explained in 20 mins or so - YouTube
Next.js App Router: Routing, Data Fetching, Caching - YouTube
Are React Server Components Really Slower? - YouTube
Next.js App Router REVIEW (Six Months In Prod) - YouTube
10 common mistakes with the Next.js App Router - YouTube - React Server Components, Next.js App Router and examples
Working with the app directory in Next.js 13 - LogRocket Blog
Building Your Application: Routing | Next.js
Blog - Next.js 13.4 | Next.js App Router, customize app layout in _app.tsx, customize initial page load in_document.js (with Next's HTML components)

What are my thoughts on next.js app router vs pages router - YouTube

Is Next.js App Router SLOW? Performance Deep Dive - YouTube

Server Actions

replaces API Routes
magic that generate RPC code to backend

Data Fetching: Server Actions | Next.js

Type safe Server Actions in your Next.js (App Router) project | next-safe-action
TheEdoRan/next-safe-action: Type safe and validated Server Actions in your Next.js (App Router) project.

Next.js Server Actions... 5 awesome things you can do - YouTube
Server Actions: NextJS 13.4's Best New Feature - YouTube
I Fixed Next.js Server Actions - YouTube

React + Servers = Confusion - YouTube server actions behaves differently when included in a Server Component vs exported as a function called on Client


next.config.js Options: rewrites | Next.js
To use rewrites you can use the rewrites key in next.config.js

Equivalent to http-proxy-middleware's src/setupProxy.js



Routing: Authenticating | Next.js


NextAuth.js the easiest authentication for Next.js
Adding email authentication to NextAuth.js

With Iron Session

next.js/examples/with-supertokens at main · vercel/next.js


amannn/next-intl: A minimal, but complete solution for managing translations, date, time and number formatting in Next.js apps. 🌐

i18next/next-i18next: The easiest way to translate your NextJs apps.
Static HTML Export with i18n compatibility in Next.js
I18n with React and i18next | DigitalOcean
Internationalization In Next.js 13 With React Server Components — Smashing Magazine


Optimizing: Images | Next.js
Components: | Next.js

This new and improved image component requires less client-side JavaScript and simplifies how you style images:

State management

State Management In Next.js — Smashing Magazine
reactjs - Nextjs and Context API - Stack Overflow

Refresh props from getServerSideProps in Next.js, mutate server props refresh data with router.replace(router.asPath) for SSR pages

getServerSideProps is WEIRD - YouTube


Making Websites With Next.js And Strapi - Youtube

Radix Themes: Awesome New Components For NextJS - YouTube
jherr/radix-pokemon: Pokemon Deck Builder using Radix Themes, NextJS, Sqlite and AuthKit

T3 App

Create T3 App Next.js + Prisma + trpc
T3 Stack Tutorial - FROM 0 TO PROD FOR $0 (Next.js, tRPC, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma & More) - YouTube 3 hours
Full Stack Dev Just Got WAY Better 👀 - YouTube 2022-12,tRPC v10 is a major change, with codemod migration
The T3 Stack - How We Built It - YouTube 2022-07
My Stack Is Changing - YouTube - start on the right stack
Building a MODERN Full Stack App for FREE w/ NextJS 12, Typescript, Prisma and more - T3 Stack - YouTube
I PORTED MY APP TO SOLIDJS IN 2 HOURS - No more NextJS??! - YouTube repo vite + trpc + Solid.js + tailwind
Flaws of the T3 Stack - YouTube
Build Your First Application With the T3 Stack: NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind & tRPC for Beginners! - YouTube
How tRPC really works - YouTube
The BEST Stack For Your Next Project - YouTube
We Fixed Mobile Dev - YouTube

A deep dive into T3-Turbo and Clerk - YouTube
clerkinc/t3-turbo-and-clerk: A t3 Turbo starter with Clerk as the auth provider.


build on top of Next.js, with Prisma powered backend
deploy with Flightcontrol

aws#Service Helper

Blitz.js - The Missing Fullstack Toolkit for Next.js
blitz-js/blitz: ⚡️ The Missing Fullstack Toolkit for Next.js

Get Started with Blitz
Why use Blitz instead of Next.js?

Introduction to Blitz.js. Yet another framework on the block. It… | by Chidume Nnamdi 🔥💻🎵🎮 | Bits and Pieces
Intro to Blitz.js: A full-stack framework for Next.js | InfoWorld
Getting Started with Blitz.js |
Intro to Blitz.js: A full-stack framework for Next.js | InfoWorld


Build Your MVP 10x Faster with this Next.js Full Stack Tool: Kirimase - YouTube
Next.js + Kirimase - Adding A New Feature (Code Along) - YouTube


Choosing the best Next.js hosting platform - LogRocket Blog
How to deploy a Next.js app to production

How To Get Started With Fastify and Next.js using a TypeScript Custom Server - YouTube
fastify/fastify-nextjs: React server side rendering support for Fastify with Next

Next.js FastAPI Starter – Vercel


Building Your Application: Deploying | Next.js
Deploy a Full Stack Next.js App to Vercel - Better Dev


Next.js on Netlify | Netlify Docs
netlify/next-runtime: The Next.js Runtime allows Next.js to run on Netlify with zero configuration

How to set up a headless e-commerce site with Next.js and the Shopify Storefront API

How to Use Next.js Middleware on Netlify with Edge Functions
Rewrite HTML and transform page props in Next.js @netlify/next
Netlify Edge Functions: Serverless Compute Powered by Deno

GitHub Pages

next.js/examples/github-pages at canary · vercel/next.js · GitHub

Static HTML

Deploying: Static Exports | Next.js
next export is deprecated and replaced with "output": "export" since 13.3
All components in App Router are Server Components by default, add "use client" to opt-in to Client Components for data fetching at runtime

Deploying: Static Exports | Next.js
Unsupported Feature

Speed up your Next.js (React) app with this neat trick - YouTube pure HTML+CSS

  1. Add {trailingSlash: true} so all pages will use {page}/index.html link
  2. use rewrite (not applicable if you don't have control to web server)

javascript - Next.JS links do not work after exporting static HTML - Stack Overflow
Exporting a NextJS app with correct static page routes on the server

export const config = {
  unstable_runtimeJS: false,


next.js/examples/with-docker at canary · vercel/next.js

next.config.js Options: Automatically Copying Traced Files | Next.js use standalone folder since 12.1

Server Side Rendering

SSR vs SSG in Next.js – tutorial for CTOs and devs