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Nintendo Switch

September 29, 2023
January 9, 2018

Switch Archives | NintendoSoup
つくってみよう! キャッピーのペーパークラフト | トピックス | Nintendo
任天堂 Nintendo Switch |香港 01

Nintendo Switch 支援| Nintendo
Nintendo - Customer Service
Nintendo Switch | Nintendo Support
Troubleshooting Nintendo Switch: The Ultimate Guide | iMore
How to Troubleshoot Common Nintendo Switch Problems

NS / Nintendo Switch 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特

任天堂 Switch 秘技:15 分鐘自改 Joy-con 圖標顏色|香港 01 |科技玩物|


Nintendo Account
Online Mii Maker on Scratch on Scratch
Mii Library

Nintendo Account

Enable Browser

Change DNS to SwitchGru
Connect to Network

Video playback is blocked since 3.0.0

Access Hidden Web Browser On Nintendo Switch - YouTube
Switch Web Browser on 4.1.0 - YouTube

[Tutorial] Access Youtube via Charles Proxy on Switch (with working video playback) | - The Independent Video Game Community


Switch Game Search – Switcher

Nintendo Switch ソフト | My Nintendo Store(マイニンテンドーストア)
Switch Games - Nintendo Game Store
Switch 遊戲 分類及價格 - 香港格價網
Nintendo Switch™ Games
directbuyhk SWITCH Games
2000Fun 商城 香港人既遊戲店
Nintendo Switch 遊戲 - 2000Fun 商城 香港人既遊戲店
Switch PS5 PS4 XBox 電玩主機, 配件, 遊戲全球購 - 買 GAME2
SWITCH 游戲 - directbuyhk
HKQ Gamers - Home
Game_Box - 香港格價網 屯門青山坊 cheap and mail delivery
Dreamstore - 香港格價網 灣仔東方 188
SweetyMagic 觀塘駱駝漆 2 期 3 樓 Mon-Sun 12-8pm
More-Mall-Game - Home

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller 價錢、規格及用家意見 - 香港格價網 ssp $410

9 of the Best Multiplayer Games for Nintendo Switch - YouTube
Stumpt - YouTube
All the free games for Nintendo Switch | iMore

Examining why Switch games cost more than their PC counterparts | Ars Technica
Here's Why Nintendo Switch Games Cost More Than Those For Other Consoles - Nintendo Life
Why Nintendo Games Almost Never Go on Sale - YouTube

Games (eShop)

Nintendo Switch ソフトウェア| Nintendo eShop JP
Switch Games - Nintendo Game Store eShop US
Nintendo eShop Argentina (ARS -> HKD)
Nintendo's official website for South Africa eShop South Africa (ZAR -> HKD)
(MXN -> HKD)

限時優惠,自選兩款指定遊戲,「任天堂遊戲兌換券」期間限定發售 | 任天堂(香港)有限公司網站
以優惠價格下載 2 款遊戲「任天堂遊戲兌換券」|任天堂 valid till 2022 年 7 月 3 日 19 點 11 分

Games on sale – Nintendo Switch eShop – Hong Kong Dollar
Deku Deals - Nintendo Switch price tracking and wishlist notifications
Sales eShop US
キャンペーン・セール情報| Nintendo eShop JP sales

All prices – Nintendo Switch eShop – Hong Kong Dollar
eShop Checker

Nintendo Account Country/region of residence
Nintendo Switch 避稅買 Game 慳返筆!Nintendo Switch 避稅買 Game 慳返筆! - PCM

主要遊戲列表 Switch Game List❤️CCGames 會員制服務 ❤️, Video Gaming, Video Games, Nintendo on Carousell $650 membership

官方得獎認證商店 良心小店最高評價's items for sale on Carousell ~$40
Game Corner 鑽石商店 Kanice's items for sale on Carousell ~$50

网购超值 Nintendo Wii U/3DS eShop Prepaid Card (JP)| SEA Gamer Mall
日服任天堂預付卡_HOGAME 遊戲幣專賣店 ( 網站域名:WWW.HOGAME.HK ) 賣金幣.賣點卡.遊戲代練.遊戲產品包.港台金幣.港台點卡遊戲交易網

Games (2nd hand)

Carousell - Nintendo
有關 《switch》的搜尋結果 - 香港格價網
搜尋 switch 產品資料 -
switch/3ds 香港二手交易坊

Games (wishlist)

Switch Games (wishlist) - HackMD


【天穗之咲稻姬】最强种田指南,手把手教你轻松种出全 9999 完美稻米 - YouTube

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night beginner’s guide - Polygon

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Pokémon Legends: Arceus | Official Website | Pokémon
首頁 | 《寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯》官方網站

Pokemon Legends Arceus Tips & Tricks | Austin John Plays - YouTube
Pokemon Legends Arceus Guides | PhillyBeatzU - YouTube
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯攻略! - YouTube YG tech
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 - YouTube 薩爾達達人 Zeldadaren
Early Game Tips For a New Play-through of Pokemon Legends Arceus - YouTube
20 PRO Tips for Early Game in Pokemon Legends Arceus - YouTube
Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Pokemon Legends Arceus (Tips & Tricks) - YouTube

《宝可梦阿尔宙斯》图文攻略 主、支线任务图文流程攻略_主线-在未知的土地-游民星空

寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 攻略匯集 (1/31 更新) | 娛樂計程車
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 刷級與越級捕獲首領技巧 | 娛樂計程車
【寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯】最速無腦賺錢大法!告別辛辛苦苦滿圖找王! - YouTube

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Walkthrough, Tips And Hints - Nintendo Life
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Complete Guide & Walkthrough

《宝可梦阿尔宙斯》宝可梦获取方法汇总 神兽在哪抓_图片版(适用手机端)-游民星空
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 強力寶可夢捕獲推薦 | 娛樂計程車
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 最強又實用的前 10 名寶可夢 | 必抓寶可夢排行榜 誰又是你心目中最佳的寶可夢呢? - YouTube

寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 | 必看收服技巧,輕鬆獲得頭目寶可夢 - YouTube
10 Ways To Catch Any Alpha Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus - YouTube

《宝可梦阿尔宙斯》洗翠图鉴 全宝可梦分布与数据一览_目录与使用方法-游民星空
《宝可梦阿尔宙斯》全宝可梦获取位置一览 稀有宝可梦获取方法-游民星空
《宝可梦传说阿尔宙斯》各区域头目及鬼火位置-游民星空 thumbnails
《宝可梦传说阿尔宙斯》头目宝可梦刷新点标注-游民星空 large thumbnails
寶可夢傳說 阿爾宙斯 全區域寶可夢分佈圖 | 娛樂計程車 thumbnails

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100%「時空歪曲」形成規律全詳解!稀有道具&限定寶可夢查詢方式!《傳說:阿爾宙斯》攻略 🔍!【Finn TV】 - YouTube
Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Space-time Distortions

New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap Gameplay - YouTube
5 Secret Photo Interactions You NEED To Get! New Pokemon Snap Request Guide - YouTube
How To Get Hidden Pokemon Interactions In New Pokemon Snap - YouTube
Every SECRET Shot & Interaction In Florio Nature Park Night! New Pokemon Snap Requests Guide - YouTube
Best 4 STAR Photos and SECRETS in New Pokémon Snap DLC! - YouTube

New Pokemon Snap Wiki Guide - IGN

Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem 聖火降魔錄 系列 - YouTube

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

教練!我想當老師!!《火焰之紋章:風花雪月 Fire Emblem: Three Houses》鑒賞【就知道玩遊戲68】 - YouTube

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Kirby And The Forgotten Land Guide - Walkthrough, Tips And Hints - Nintendo Life

Kirby And The Forgotten Land Codes: Full List Of Kirby Present Codes - Nintendo Life

全 36 種複製能力出招表與使用心得【星之卡比 探索發現】星のカービィ ディスカバリー Kirby and the Forgotten Land - YouTube

Dragon Quest

ドラゴンクエスト Encyclopedia
Dragon Quest Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Dragon Quest Series Retrospective - YouTube

Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest XI - Wikiwand
Dragon Quest XI - FrontierNav

Dragon Quest XI: The Kotaku Review - YouTube
Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition: The Kotaku Review (S) - YouTube
Is Dragon Quest XI S "DEFINITIVELY" Perfect for Nintendo Switch? - YouTube
你真的懂 DQ 么?《勇者斗恶龙 11》到底怎么能卖那么多?【GAMKER 鉴赏】 - YouTube

DRAGON QUEST XI 攻略:勇者鬥惡龍 11 陳年復活咒文 強勁主角開局|香港 01 |科技玩物|
【攻略】勇者鬥惡龍 XI 追尋逝去的時光 攻略彙集 | 蝦米攻略網
11 Tips For Dragon Quest XI - YouTube
11 things I wish I'd known before starting Dragon Quest 11 | PC Gamer

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Wiki | Ethereal Games

Dragon Quest XI Wiki Guide - IGN
Magic Key Doors - Dragon Quest XI Wiki Guide - IGN
Recipe Books - Dragon Quest XI Wiki Guide - IGN

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Walkthrough and Guide - Neoseeker
Go Out and See the Open Sea - Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Walkthrough - Neoseeker islands map

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition - Tickington Guide - Nintendo Switch - By DarkAncient2 - GameFAQs
Tickington - Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Walkthrough - Neoseeker

Dragon Quest Builders

Dragon Quest Builders 2: Dragon Ball Animal Crossing?! - YouTube

DQB 2 - How to make the most efficient Crop Fields - YouTube
DQB2 Building Techniques - Shelf Block - YouTube
Every known Room Recipe | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
How to make the PERFECT Crop Fields | Most efficient! | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube

BenXC - YouTube
Newcomer & Pro Tips & Tricks | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Tablet Targets - YouTube
35 Tips & Tricks for Newcomers & Pros! Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
18 THINGS DQB2 DOESN'T TELL YOU | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
Dragon Quest Builders 2 - 12 more helpful Tips & Tricks - YouTube
Building Techniques - Shelf Block | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
Every known Room Recipe | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube
ALL Room Combinations | Tips & Tricks for Rooms | Dragon Quest Builders 2 - YouTube

Plotz Model Selection

Octopath Traveller

Octopath Traveler: The Battle System - YouTube
Octopath Traveler Q&A - 45 of YOUR Questions Answered! - YouTube
Octopath Traveler: The 10 Best Support Skills, Ranked

Astral Chain

我已經不想魔女啦!《異界鎖鏈 Astral Chain》鑒賞【就知道玩遊戲72】 - YouTube

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Karts In Mario Kart - YouTube

My Search For The Best Kart In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Builder 1.0
Luigi_Fan2's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Stat Chart - Google Sheets
The best Mario Kart character according to data science

Either I'm Paranoid Or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's AI Is Cheating

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch) - amiibo-compatible game - amiibo life - The Unofficial amiibo Database

Super Mario Odyssey

【Super Mario Odyssey 中文攻略專區】取月心得!必學跳躍技巧!|香港 01
搜尋結果:Super Mario Odyssey 攻略|香港 01
《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》不可不知的實用小知識與彩蛋 - YouTube
【攻略】公主 15 個隱藏地點《Super Mario Odyssey》(正式攻略在 10:35 後) Eli 同老婆合作打機 - YouTube
Super Mario Odyssey guide, walkthrough and tips: A complete guide to Mario's huge Switch adventure • Page 1 •
Super Mario Odyssey guide - Polygon

【MARIO ODYSSEY】攻略專區 – Hobbi Game

Super Mario Odyssey Any% Speedrun in 1:04:20 (World Record - Feb 1st, 2018) - YouTube
Super Mario Odyssey: Any% Speedrun in 1:10:22 / スーパーマリオオデッセイ - YouTube

How to Do Crazy Tech Jumps & Moves in Super Mario Odyssey
The Brilliance of Mario's Movement in Super Mario Odyssey. - YouTube

Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) - amiibo-compatible game - amiibo life - The Unofficial amiibo Database

Horizontal Jump

Vertical Jump

18 Crazy, Incredible Super Mario Odyssey Jumps & Stunts | MarioMegaJump Compilation
24 Seriously Crazy Stunts in Super Mario Odyssey | MarioMegaJump Compilation 2
23 Insane Mario Moves in Super Mario Odyssey | MarioMegaJump Compilation 3

Understanding Mario Odyssey's Multiple Endings - YouTube 4 ending depending on the number of Power Moons you get
Super Mario Odyssey - All Bowser Reactions to Mario's Costumes - YouTube
Super Mario Odyssey - All Costumes & Hats - YouTube

Hint Art

Hint Art Locations and Solutions - Super Mario Odyssey Wiki Guide - IGN
Hint Art - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

精靈寶可夢 Let's Go

全新裝置「精靈球 Plus」|遊戲| The official Pokémon Website in Taiwan
How to use the Poké Ball Plus with Pokémon: Let’s Go! and Pokémon Go - Polygon
How to Pair Poké Ball Plus With Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo
How to transfer from Pokémon Go to Pokémon Let’s Go - Polygon

Pokémon Let's Go walkthrough and guide to your quest through Kanto •
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Tips & Tricks | Austin John Plays - YouTube
How to Catch Articuno, Zapdos, & Moltres in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - YouTube
How to Easy EASY EXP in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - YouTube Chansey, 2nd floor of Cerulean Cave (Mewtwo's cave)

《精靈寶可夢 Lets Go!皮卡丘》 - YouTube 密瓜君

Shiny Pokémon - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
How to get EASY SHINY POKEMON in Lets Go Pikachu & Eevee - EASY Shiny Hunting Guide - YouTube
Updated Shiny Combo Odds in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - YouTube

Conditions for breaking catch combo:

1-10 combo: standard, 1/4096 shiny
11-20 combos: 2 Max IVs, 1/1024 shiny
21-30 combos: 3 Max IVs, 1/512 shiny
31+ combos: 4 Max IVs, 1/341.3 s shiny

Luigi Mansion 3

Luigi's Mansion 3 - IGN

Tips and tricks for Luigi's Mansion 3 | iMore
Luigi's Mansion 3 Tips and Tricks - IGN
Luigi's Mansion 3 - 20 Easter Eggs & Secrets! - YouTube

【LUIGI'S MANSION 3】路易吉洋樓 3 攻略:免卡關主線流程(上)
【LUIGI'S MANSION 3】路易吉洋樓 3 攻略 免卡關主線流程(下)
Luigi's Mansion 3 Guide and Walkthrough - IGN
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Boss Walkthroughs And Strategies - Guide - Nintendo Life
Luigi's Mansion 3 - All Bosses + Secret Boss (2 Player Co-Op) - YouTube
Luigi's Mansion 3 - All Bosses (No Damage) - YouTube
Here's how to beat every boss in Luigi's Mansion 3 | iMore

Luigi's Mansion 3 guide - Polygon
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Gem Locations And Gem Maps For Every Floor - Guide - Nintendo Life
Luigi's Mansion 3 Guide: Gem Locations for Every Floor - IGN

【LUIGI'S MANSION 3】路易吉洋樓 3 攻略 害羞幽靈攻略法
Luigi's Mansion 3 - How To Catch Boos And Where To Find Them - Guide - Nintendo Life
Luigi's Mansion 3 how to catch and beat Boo - YouTube
Luigi's Mansion 3 - All Boo Locations + Reward - YouTube

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Character Guide - YouTube
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Boss Guide - YouTube

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - YouTube ZaclScottGames, commentary
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 100% Walkthrough - YouTube packattack04082
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong Adventure DLC - YouTube packattack04082
Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle (+ Donkey Kong Adventure) 100% Walkthrough - YouTube Cappy Games

逆転裁判/Ace Attorney

CAPCOM:逆転裁判シリーズ 公式サイト
逆轉裁判系列 - Wikiwand
逆轉裁判 - Komica wiki
Ace Attorney Wiki | Fandom

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

The History of Ace Attorney - 20th Anniversary Retrospective | ChrisB Crisps - YouTube
The Ace Attorney Iceberg Explained - YouTube

逆轉裁判登場人物一覽 - Komica wiki
逆轉裁判系列角色列表 - Wikiwand

用一句話形容「逆轉裁判」,沒看過這麼精彩的法庭推理秀!最強律師 VS 最強女鬼!【動漫茶館】 - YouTube
華麗的逆轉(上)成步堂接班人?御劍第一次辯護就上手!【逆轉裁判 3】 - YouTube
華麗的逆轉(下)案情翻轉再翻轉,最神之章!華麗的大結局!【逆轉裁判 3】 - YouTube
Steam 上萬好評的推理神作!50 分鐘一次看到華麗的逆轉最大高潮【逆轉裁判 3 精華】 - YouTube

My Nintendo

My Nintendo
My Nintendo rewards program

You can collect gold point from the packaged app you bought.

Gold and silver points can be used to redeem games discounts and in game items.


Technical Specs - Nintendo Switch™ Official Site - System hardware, console specs
Nintendo Switch Teardown - Take apart - Inside Review - YouTube
Why are there No Good NINTENDO SWITCH DOCKS? - YouTube

Nintendo Switch : 10 Things you might NOT know - PART 1 (2018) - YouTube
Nintendo Switch : 12 Things you might NOT know - PART 2 (2018) - YouTube
10 Nintendo Switch Tips & Tricks You Probably Didn't Know - YouTube

Switch dock uses Mobility DisplayPort to HDMI converter
Nintendo Switch Teardown - iFixit
Mobility DisplayPort (MyDP) - definition -
Nintendo Switch’s dumb dock gets beaten by hyper-portable Nyko option - Ars Technica OpenForum
Switch 'Boost Mode' Analysis: Is Nintendo Overclocking Switch Hardware? - YouTube different profiles for portable mode

Choosing Your Switch Charger: Challenging Misinformation About Charging Nintendo’s Latest Console

First gen Switch:
Tegra X1 T210 (4x ARM Cortex-A57 @1GHz)
Maxwell GPU @384/768MHz
4GB LPDDR4/LPDDR4X (OLED version) @1600Mhz

Switch's next Tegra X1 looks set to deliver more performance and longer battery life •
Old vs New Switch: What Nintendo didn't tell you - YouTube
Tegra X1? T214/T210N01

The Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con drift problem, explained - The Verge


PSA If your Switch can't find your 5GHz WIFI SSID, check the control channel on your router : NintendoSwitch use channel < 149
The Nintendo Switch Console Cannot Find Your Wireless Network | Nintendo Support supports WEP, WPA-PSK(AES), and WPA2-PSK(AES)

Hacking Switch

The Ultimate Noob Guide for Hacking your Nintendo Switch — Homebrew Guide documentation
What Can You Do With a Jailbroken Nintendo Switch in 2019? - YouTube

CTCaer/hekate: hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader

把 Switch 改造成 PC,玩 Steam 大作??? - YouTube - Console Security - Switch
fail0verflow :: ShofEL2, a Tegra X1 and Nintendo Switch exploit

【科技杂谈 40】英伟达超神助攻!SWITCH 破解界的诸神之战(上) - YouTube
【科技杂谈 41】黑客组织惊现无间道?SWITCH 破解界的诸神之战(下) - YouTube

Hackers seem close to publicly unlocking the Nintendo Switch | Ars Technica
Turning the Nintendo Switch into Android’s best gaming hardware – Ars Technica

portable dock

包邮 JYS 正品 任天堂 switch 自制底座 NS DOCK 散热底座 改装 便携-淘宝网
Portable Replacement Dock Case for Nintendo Switch (only the case) - YouTube
Portable Replacement Dock Case for Nintendo SwitchOnly the case 2 - YouTube

3rd party PCB
【三代升級】取代 Switch 底座! GAME'NIR 轉接充電頭 DOCK CHARGER
GENKI Dock - 把 Switch TV 模式輕鬆放進你的口袋裡 (少量現貨) – UNWIRE STORE
Multifunctional Dock for Switch 一體化出電視+充電轉換器。香港插頭  內置火牛

酷威 COOV SH500 - 产品 - 酷威
酷威 SH350 任天堂 Switch TV 电视底座 SH500 HDMI TYPE-C 转换器-淘宝网
酷威 COOV SH500 Switch 底座 簡評 - 電玩 - Post76 影音玩樂網
COOV SH500 操作視頻 - YouTube

  1. connect power and HDMI cable to dock
  2. power on dock
  3. insert Switch to dock

To use as USB adapter and charging stand:

  1. connect power cable to dock (no HDMI cable)
  2. power on dock
  3. insert Switch to dock

Joycon drift

How To Fix Your Joycon Drift Permanently! - YouTube
Nintendo Switch: How to Fix Joy-Con Drift - YouTube

Battery Replacement

Nintendo Switch Battery Replacement - tutorial - YouTube
Nintendo Switch Battery Replacement-How To! - YouTube


NTAG215 tags
write once only
the tag lasts 10000 read
write with Android with NFC or 3DS

  1. Get Card UID
  2. Get Amiibo dump
  3. Decoding, editing, and encoding the dump


Amiibo Bins - Google Drive

amiibo life - The Unofficial amiibo Database no longer provides dump
Character Lineup - amiibo by Nintendo
AmiiboAPI - A RESTful API for Amiibo

AcK77/AmiiBomb-uino: Amiibo Cloning with Arduino Windows app for flashing tag
socram8888/amiitool: Reverse-engineered amiibo cryptography dump tool
PyAmiibo — PyAmiibo documentation

DIY amiibo cards | - The Independent Video Game Community
Making Amiibo NTAG215s | - The Independent Video Game Community
[HOWTO] The easy guide to making your own Amiibo clones using NTAG215 NFC stickers and an Android phone w/NFC : Amiibomb
【軟體教學】教你自製動物森友會 amiibo 卡片 | 任天堂 Nintendo amiibo 備份教學 - 嚴選好咪呀
The Beginner’s Guide to Tagmo and Powersaves for Amiibo – The Amiibo Doctor

FAST, CHEAP, and EASY - How to make Amiibos! - YouTube
How To Get Free Amiibos On Nintendo Switch - YouTube

Create amiibo clones with Arduino – Kostia Plays
Companion script to simplify amiibo cloning with arduino – Kostia Plays
konstantin-kelemen/arduino-amiibo-tools: Arduino sketches to play with amiibo

Keys Use this to Encrypt your custom Amiibo NTag - Google Search

key_retail.bin = cat unfixed-info.bin locked-secret.bin > key_retail.bin

1D 16 4B 37 5B 72 A5 57 28 B9 1D 64 B6 A3 C2 05 75 6E 66 69 78 65 64 20 69 6E 66 6F 73 00 00 0E DB 4B 9E 3F 45 27 8F 39 7E FF 9B 4F B9 93 00 00 04 49 17 DC 76 B4 96 40 D6 F8 39 39 96 0F AE D4 EF 39 2F AA B2 14 28 AA 21 FB 54 E5 45 05 47 66 7F 75 2D 28 73 A2 00 17 FE F8 5C 05 75 90 4B 6D 6C 6F 63 6B 65 64 20 73 65 63 72 65 74 00 00 10 FD C8 A0 76 94 B8 9E 4C 47 D3 7D E8 CE 5C 74 C1 04 49 17 DC 76 B4 96 40 D6 F8 39 39 96 0F AE D4 EF 39 2F AA B2 14 28 AA 21 FB 54 E5 45 05 47 66

unfixed-info.bin (data key)

1D 16 4B 37 5B 72 A5 57 28 B9 1D 64 B6 A3 C2 05 75 6E 66 69 78 65 64 20 69 6E 66 6F 73 00 00 0E DB 4B 9E 3F 45 27 8F 39 7E FF 9B 4F B9 93 00 00 04 49 17 DC 76 B4 96 40 D6 F8 39 39 96 0F AE D4 EF 39 2F AA B2 14 28 AA 21 FB 54 E5 45 05 47 66

locked-secret.bin (tag key)

7F 75 2D 28 73 A2 00 17 FE F8 5C 05 75 90 4B 6D 6C 6F 63 6B 65 64 20 73 65 63 72 65 74 00 00 10 FD C8 A0 76 94 B8 9E 4C 47 D3 7D E8 CE 5C 74 C1 04 49 17 DC 76 B4 96 40 D6 F8 39 39 96 0F AE D4 EF 39 2F AA B2 14 28 AA 21 FB 54 E5 45 05 47 66



谷粒 Kingkong Controller
Gamesir T4