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Node.js settings

January 9, 2025
December 11, 2014

Using nvm

creationix/nvm: Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
jorgebucaran/ Node.js version manager lovingly made for Fish.
nvm-sh/nvm: Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
How to install and manage Node.js, sudo free, with NVM

curl -o- | bash
# nvm installer will load nvm in your shell profile

# use git repo
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
# you have to source nvm in your shell proflie
# echo ". ~/.nvm/" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.nvm/

Installing/updating Node.js

nvm ls # list local installed versions
nvm ls-remote # list remote versions

NODE_CURRENT=$(nvm current)
NODE_VERSION=v15  # new desired version
nvm install latest
# proper nvm
nvm alias default latest
nvm reinstall-packages ${NODE_CURRENT}
set --universal nvm_default_version (nvm current)

# add global module to NODE_PATH for require() to pick them up
NODE_PATH=$(npm root -g)

You have to reinstall all your global modules after update.
See Node modules or use nvm reinstall-packages <prev-version>.

Using Volta

Volta - The Hassle-Free JavaScript Tool Manager
Introducing Volta - it manages your Node.js versions so you don't have to -- newline

Using fnm

Schniz/fnm: 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust

Using distro's package manager

This is the recommended way to install Node.js for daemons.


An abbreviated history of JavaScript package managers
Understanding differences between npm, yarn and pnpm
Yarn determinism | Yarn Blog


Compare Yarn Performance | Yarn

Installing Node Packages with Yarn - How To - Cloud9 Community
Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code
Yarn vs npm - The State of Node.js Package Managers | @RisingStack

To Yarn and Back (to npm) Again | Mixmax Engineering Blog

Plug'n'Play | Yarn - Package Manager
PnP Overview | Yarn
Getting rid of node_modules with Yarn Plug’n’Play
Yarn Plug’n’Play – Thomas Reggi – Medium


Entropic - we federate packages
entropic-dev/entropic: 🦝 a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript 🦝 🦝 🦝


pnpm · Fast, disk space efficient package manager

Why I Switched From NPM/Yarn to PNPM And Why You Should Too! - YouTube
Life After Yarn - YouTube
Why should we use pnpm? by @ZoltanKochan
Flat node_modules is not the only way – pnpm – Medium
Why we switched from Yarn to pnpm - Data Orchestration for Composable Commerce


npm is included in node since v0.6.3

The Ultimate Guide to Configuring NPM
npm Documentation
npm help 7 config
npm help npmrc

The npm Blog — Next Generation Package Management
npm Commands and Features You Should Know ←

sindresorhus/awesome-npm: Awesome npm resources and tips

Behind GFW

npm config set registry

Disabling progress

Disabling progress with npm set progress=false yields faster npm install.
Faster npm

Project homepage

Use home to visit the homepage of a project hosted on NPM.

npm home nomnom
npm home lodash

npmrc without sudo

for system installs, not needed for nvm

guides/ at main · sindresorhus/guides · GitHub
03 - Fixing npm permissions | npm Documentation

Add this to ~/.npmrc:

prefix = ${HOME}/.npm-packages

Then add this to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=${HOME}/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH


npm/npx: npm package executor included in npm@5.2+
suarasaur/awesome-npx: 🌟 packages and resources that work really well with zkat/npx 🕶

Introducing npx: an npm package runner – Kat Marchán – Medium
How to use npx: the npm package runner
What is NPX?

Node modules

How to Solve the Global npm Module Dependency Problem

sverweij/dependency-cruiser: Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.

module-alias - npm

node-gyp and Python 3

node-gyp does not supports Python 3, use these on system with Python 3 as default:

latest nvm supports command nvm reinstall-packages <old-version> to assist upgrade

Global modules:

# dev tools
npm install -g nesh nodemon
# project tools
npm install -g npm-check npm-remote-ls yarn
npx create-react-app fixpack
# linters
#  eslint-plugin-react
npm install -g jsonlint htmlhint prettier
# debug
npm install -g bench-rest node-inspector
# generators
# ionic yuidocjs
# npm install -g cordova
# doc tools
npm install -g bootprint bootprint-openapi dredd gitbook-cli raml1-doc ramlo
npm install -g doctoc markdown-tools
# data utils
npm install -g get-hrefs jq.node json pipeable-js yamljs
# servers
npm install -g serve fancy-server hotel json-server live-server
# bin
npm install -g rfc
# log tools
npm install -g bunyan logcat tap-spec faucet
# license tools
npm install -g license-generator license-sniffer license-spelunker

~/.script/ modules:

cd ~/.script
# lib modules
npm install chalk chance commander ip jsop nomnom lodash request
# automation
npm install cheerio revenant

# with package.json
npm install

List globally installed modules

To get a list for installing in another machine (or migration between Node version)

npm ls --location=global --depth 0
# OR
\ls $(npm root --location=global)

# shell independent
npm ls --location=global --depth 0 | grep -P '(?<= ).*(?=@)' -o | grep -v npm | tr '\n' ' ' && echo
# home
@google/clasp bunyan csslint fancy-server faucet fixpack github-commits-since-tag-cli htmlhint json jsonlint json-server licenseify live-server markdown-tools nodemon npm-check pipeable-js prettier pxt refine-manhuaren yarn

@google/clasp fixpack json-server licenseify nodemon prettier yarn

# work
@google/clasp @leesei/imgmini bun corepack depcheck fixpack httpbin.js json-server licenseify nodemon prettier serve ts-node typescript yarn

npm fails

Try clearing npm cache with:

npm cache clean

Hope that helps.

when all else fails, clear you cache

Dispute Resolution | npm Docs
NPM Typosquatting. NPM (Node Package Manager) is… | by Shane Fast | BACIC | Medium

The Great npm Garbage Patch Tea protocol
The crypto scam that almost ruined npm forever - YouTube

Running Node alongside web servers

guides/ at master · sindresorhus/guides


Papa Parse - Powerful CSV Parser for JavaScript
natergj/excel4node: Node module to allow for easy Excel file creation

bitinn/node-fetch: A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js Node.js supports this in v18.0.0

Voca: The JavaScript string library
panzerdp/voca: The ultimate JavaScript string library

alexreardon/memoize-one: A memoization library which only remembers the latest invocation


vercel/pkg: Package your Node.js project into an executable

Introduction to snapshot flags in Node.js v18.8.0 - LogRocket Blog


Unambiguous characters for token, good for OTP
Charset (base 30): "13456789ACDEFGHJKLMNPQRTUVWXYZ"

nanoid: Docs, Tutorials, Reviews | Openbase
Nano ID CC
ai/nanoid: A tiny (108 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript
CyberAP/nanoid-dictionary: Predefined character sets to use with nanoid

chilts/node-coupon-code: Implementation of Perl's Algorithm::CouponCode for NodeJS

hirespace/token-gen: Generate unique human readable codes (e.g. vouchers, referrals, passwords, keys)

mcollina/hyperid: Uber-fast unique id generation, for Node.js and the browser
nwoltman/node-uid-generator: Generates cryptographically strong pseudo-random UIDs with custom size and base-encoding

lukeed/hexoid: A tiny (190B) and extremely fast utility to generate random IDs of fixed length
lukeed/uuid: A tiny (~230B)and fast UUID (V4) generator for Node and the browser

short-uuid: Docs, Tutorials, Reviews | Openbase


CLI argument parser

I need an option parser that auto generates the help page.

util.parseArgs() | Node.js Documentation added v18.3.0, v16.17.0

import { parseArgs } from "node:util";
const { options, positionals } = parseArgs({
  options: {
    verbose: {
      type: "boolean",
      short: "v",
  allowPositionals: true,
console.log(options, positionals);
if (positionals.length === 0) {
  console.error("missing input");

lukeed/sade: Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶 built on mri
tj/commander.js: node.js command-line interfaces made easy
nodeca/argparse: CLI arguments parser for node.js. JS port of python's argparse module.
sindresorhus/meow: CLI app helper
hapijs/bossy: Command line options parser
leo/args: Minimal toolkit for building CLIs 😴inactive, built on mri
lukeed/mri: Quickly scan for CLI flags and arguments 😴inactive
75lb/command-line-args: A mature, feature-complete library to parse command-line options. 😴inactive

yargs/yargs: yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist. Docs
Yargs cheatsheet
I found yargs option are too complicated

scottcorgan/nash: Craft command-line masterpieces in Node.js 😴inactive
minimistjs/minimist: parse argument options naive, no help page
harthur-nomnom DEPRECATED
substack-node-optimist DEPRECATED, succeeded by yargs

CLI wrapper

google/zx: A tool for writing better scripts
JS-DevTools/ez-spawn: Simple, consistent, cross-platform process spawning
sindresorhus/execa: Process execution for humans
sindresorhus/dargs: Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments Reverse minimist
steelbrain/node-ssh: SSH2 with Promises

config files/env

davidtheclark/cosmiconfig: Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, or CommonJS module
AdrieanKhisbe/configue: Configue All the Things.js
Env from T3
lorenwest/node-config: Node.js Application Configuration
indexzero-nconf load and merge config files
zeke/local-env: Load your .env file into process.env

af/envalid: Environment variable validation for Node.js
dominictarr/rc: The non-configurable configuration loader for lazy people.
MoOx/rc-loader: Runtime configuration loader that supports YAML, JSON or JS.


12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium ❗!important
Build CLIs with an open framework using Node.js | oclif
Open Sourcing oclif, the CLI Framework that Powers Our CLIs | Heroku
CLI Flags in Practice + How to Make Your Own CLI Command with oclif | Heroku
Open CLI Framework: Create Command Line Tools Your Users Love - YouTube

weidagang-line-parser-js configuration over implementation
Omelette by f generates event from given command and you only have to implement the handlers
dscape-frameless event framework for CLI app
vdemedes-sushi Express for CLI


These allows you to build a sub-shell or yeoman-like app.

scottcorgan/nash: Craft command-line masterpieces in Node.js
scottcorgan/nash-usage: Help/usage display plugin for Nash command line masterpieces
tj/nshell: scriptable command-line shell written with node.js
enquirer/enquirer: Intuitive, plugin-based prompt system for node.js. Much faster alternative to Inquirer, with all the same prompt types and more.
SBoudrias/Inquirer.js: A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
anseki/readline-sync: Synchronous Readline for interactively running to have a conversation with the user via a console(TTY).

dthree-vorpal create REPL

Terminal interface

The equivalent of ncurses in Linux.

chjj/blessed: A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
substack/node-charm: ansi control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors
substack/terminal-menu: retro ansi terminal menus for serious 80s technicolor business

blessed derivative with markup support:
yaronn/wopr: A simple markup language for creating rich terminal reports, presentations and infographics
yaronn/blessed-contrib: Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript
Yomguithereal/react-blessed: A react renderer for blessed.

madbence-node-drawille draw unicode braille characters

node-js-libs/cli: Rapidly build command line apps

vadimdemedes/pastel: 🎨 Framework for effortlessly building Ink apps
vadimdemedes/ink: 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
Building rich command-line interfaces with Ink and React
Creating CLIs with Ink, React and a bit of magic
Add interactivity to your CLIs with React - LogRocket Blog

Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)
patorjk/figlet.js: A FIG Driver written in JavaScript which aims to fully implement the FIGfont spec.

Home - voici.js data rendering



sindresorhus/ora: Elegant terminal spinner
visionmedia/node-progress: Flexible ascii progress bar for nodejs
inikulin/elegant-status: Create elegant task status for CLI.
SamVerschueren/listr: Terminal task list


chalk/chalk: 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
jorgebucaran/clorox: Node.js library for colorizing text using ANSI escape sequences.
lukeed/kleur: The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~!
Marak/colors.js use chalk instead

danielb2-purdy.js colored object inspect



Comparing Node.js logging tools - LogRocket Blog 2021
NodeJS logging made right. Logging on steroids with CLS and Proxy | by Andrey Goncharov | ITNEXT 2019

trentm/node-bunyan 😴inactive
Bunyan JSON Logs with Fluentd and Graylog – The JS Blog

rvagg/bole based on idea of bunyan generally, simple yet flexible API

npm/npmlog: The logger that npm uses npm's logger


nuxt/consola: 🐨 Elegant Console Logger
klauscfhq/signale: 👋 Hackable console logger fancy
debug-js/debug: A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers support DEBUG in env to toggle log
expressjs/morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for node.js 😴inactive, express's logger


Pino - Super fast, all natural JSON logger for Node.js
pinojs/pino: 🌲 super fast, all natural json logger

feugy/pino-roll: A Pino transport that automatically rolls your log files

A Complete Guide to Pino Logging in Node.js | Better Stack Community
PINO - The fastest Node.js logger for production - NearForm 2016

File system


isaacs/node-glob: glob functionality for node.js
Understanding the glob pattern in Node.js - LogRocket Blog

mrmlnc/fast-glob: It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.js

JS-DevTools/readdir-enhanced: fs.readdir() with filter, recursion, absolute paths, promises, streams, and more!
JS-DevTools/file-path-filter: Filters file paths using globs, regular expressions, or custom criteria

micromatch/micromatch: Highly optimized wildcard and glob matching library. Faster, drop-in replacement to minimatch and multimatch. Used by square, webpack, babel core, yarn, jest, taro, bulma, browser-sync, documentation.js, stylelint, nyc, ava, and many others! Please follow micromatch's author:
isaacs/minimatch: a glob matcher in javascript

sindresorhus/multimatch: Extends minimatch.match() with support for multiple patterns 😴inactive
sindresorhus/globby: User-friendly glob matching

file system watcher

gajus/turbowatch: Extremely fast file change detector and task orchestrator for Node.js.
paulmillr/chokidar: Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
lukeed/watchlist: Recursively watch a list of directories & run a command on any file system changes 😴inactive
Conduitry/cheap-watch: If it works, why use something else? 😴inactive
Qard/onchange: Use glob patterns to watch file sets and run a command when anything is added, changed or deleted. 😴inactive

remy/nodemon: Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development chokidar and minimatch
open-cli-tools/chokidar-cli: Fast cross-platform cli utility to watch file system changes

nodemon diagram.plantuml -x \"plantuml\"
nodemon diagram.png -x \"xdg-open\"
nodemon.js -e ts --exec tsc
nodemon --watch 'src/**/*.ts' --exec node --inspect -r ts-node/register src/server.ts

nodemon.json to monitor more file types:

{ "ext": "html,css,js,cjs,mjs,json,pug" }


sql#ORM (or not)

I tried 8 different Postgres ORMs - YouTube
Top 11 Node.js ORMs, Query Builders & Database Libraries in 2021
The best TypeScript ORMs - LogRocket Blog
Which JavaScript ORM should you be using in 2018?
From TypeORM to LoopBack: A Retrospective – Hacker Noon

Schniz/cuery: A composable SQL query builder using template literals

Knex.js - A SQL Query Builder for Javascript
Bookshelf.js built on Knex
Objection.js built on Knex

Kysely | Kysely inspred by Knex, model typing
kysely-org/kysely: A type-safe typescript SQL query builder

MikroORM: TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. | MikroORM

typeorm/typeorm: ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
Setting up a basic TypeORM starter
TypeORM: Object-relational mapping with Node.js - LogRocket Blog

PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript — PlanetScale Documentation
planetscale/database-js: A Fetch API-compatible PlanetScale database driver fixes Prisma's slow cold start problem
Let's Talk About Database Performance - YouTube


Sequelize | The Node.js / io.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and MSSQL


Model Querying - Basics | Sequelize
Mastering Pagination in Sequelize | by Mehmed Ali Çalışkan | Hexaworks-Papers | Medium and complex queries, two-step querying process

Drizzel ORM

DrizzleORM - next gen TypeScript ORM
drizzle-team/drizzle-orm: TypeScript ORM for SQL Prisma alternative, less toolchain reliance

I Have A New Favorite Database Tool - YouTube
Drizzle ORM First impressions - migrations, relations, queries! - YouTube
This Drizzle ORM feature is a game changer! - YouTube
Drizzle ORM in 100 Seconds - YouTube