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Optical Illusion

January 9, 2025
June 20, 2019

Optical illusion - Wikiwand most (other than mirage) are actually vision illusions
海市蜃樓怎麼發生的?神經科學家解析各種「視錯覺」影片與圖像!|名人專業問答| GQ Taiwan - YouTube
你的大腦又在騙你!錯覺讓你看到水往上流、倒著轉的車輪 Why Your Brain Thinks This Water Is Spiralling |科普長知識| GQ Taiwan - YouTube
Can Illusions Teach Us How the Mind Works? - YouTube
How Do Optical Illusions Work?
Optical Illusions Drawings, Pictures, and Art | Ancient Illusion
Optical illusions show how we see | Beau Lotto - YouTube
25 Insane Optical Illusions That Will Leave You Dazed And Confused
Optical illusion sweeps the web – what colour are the spheres? - Daily Star
Incredible optical illusion tricks your brain into seeing a sinking boat – but you're completely wrong

The Illusion Only Some People Can See - YouTube

Akiyoshi Kitaoka

Color Constancy

Your perception of color depends on the lighting condition your brain think it is in. Because color of objects are actually affected by lightings, our brains try to compensate for that.

當年那條裙子到底什麼顏色?視覺錯覺如何產生? Why Your Brain Thinks These Strawberries Are Red |科普長知識| GQ Taiwan - YouTube
Asymmetries in blue–yellow color perception and in the color of ‘the dress’: Current Biology
Full Spectrum - 99% Invisible

Color Assimilation/Chromatic Adaptation

Color Assimilation Grid Illusion | Øyvind Kolås on Patreon
This Photo Is Black And White. Here's The Science That Makes Your Brain See Colour

My favorite optical illusion - YouTube
【FUN 科學】白色僧侶幻覺(你確定看到的都是真相嗎?) - YouTube

Apparent Motion

Wagon Wheel Illusion
The brain will treat a series of similar images in rapid succession as continuous motion.


How are holograms possible? | Optics puzzles 5 - YouTube